Thirteen Ingrediants I Use. Lots.
1. Salt. It wouldn't be an ingrediant list without it.
2. Pepper. Got to be fresh ground.
3. Paprika. I'm Hungarian. What can I say.
4. Garlic. See explanation above.
5. Sour Cream. See explanation at #3.
6. Onions.
7. Cayenne Pepper. Like a bit of kick!
8. Tomatoes. Fresh, canned. Anywhich way. Love 'em.
9. Thyme
10. Basil
11. Chicken Oxo. Not sure why, but this seems to be on the grocery list lots!
12. Olive oil (have just "discovered" cooking with this
13. Cream of Mushroom soup
Stop with the BS already!!! (lol...brussel sprouts of course...what did you think I meant...I couldn't resist)
Please please tell me your kids don't eat brussel sprouts too! Ugg.
Oh my lands.. thers the BS again! Excuse me while I spit a couple of times.
And for the record, I don't think you have to be Hungarian to like 1-6. And in my opinion, the more onions and garlic, the better!
Laura, aren't you witty this A.M.
And yes, 2 of 3 of my kids absolutely love brussel sprouts and ask for it regularly. :v)
Mmmm...Brussels sprouts. With some of the ingredients on your list. Mmmmmm....
I LIKE brussel sprouts. In fact, I am coming over for dinner.
Oh, you don't know how much I use cream of mushroom soup in my recipes! :) I couldn't live without it!
And thank you so much for your sweet reply on my post...that touched me, Susanne. (And I read yours for the very same reason!)
Clever Thursday Thirteen list. :) Mine would be almost the same minus tomatoes for sure. I LOVE garlic.
I must say that was a unique TT! Ha! Mine is up. I agree with just about everything. I LOVE spices and would have to add steak and chicken Montreal or is it Monterey? spice. Let's just call it the M Spice shall we?
I also like Brussel Sprouts, with sour cream. Yum!
You have a great weekend!
OK, Everyone over to Susanne's for dinner tomorrow night, about 7:30 pm! I'll bring my favorite spice to put on veggies : a blend from McCormick's called "Vegetable Supreme." I was introduced to this by a gourmet friend. If you try this, you will love it, I guarantee it, or Susanne will give you a money-back. Ha. Seriously, it's very different blend, and almost has a buttery flavor. BTW, does paprika really have a flavor? I always thought it was sort of for decoration.
I saw one of your comments today, and I had to come over and see the little groundhog on your site. Too cute.
I like all these, too. What time is dinner?
OK, now you have to share THE recipe for brussel sprouts.
Wonderful and delicious list. I want to eat at your house too! Yum.
Very creative take on the Thursday 13 today Susanne.
Your list looks much like mine. So do you buy really good special paprika or just dollar store variety? I remember this was one spice my gram was never without.
Speaking of paprika, we had an intl. dinner at our church the other night and someone made Hungarian paprikash and I just loved it. Gotta make that here pretty soon. As soon as I go get some paprika (cuz I go through mine a lot too!)
I use those too, but in addition to your list, I use a lot of fresh lemon juice. I love this on fish and chicken along with a lot of those other ingrediants you listed! Have a great weekend and cook away! Tracy
Neat idea for a TT. I rarely use paprika, in fact growing up we only brought it out for deviled eggs. I definitely need to expand in the spice dept.
This was such a fun list to read. Very creative!
I just got some olive oil, I want to use it more as well. Post any tips!
Brussel sprouts are by far my very favorite vegetable. I could eat them every night and never get tired of them. Y'all don't know what you're missing. LOL
I discovered olive oil years ago - it's almost the only oil I ever use. I keep a bottle of it in a decanter right on my kitchen counter.
And I have a reputation regarding pepper. There's no such thing as too much, on anything. :-)
Wow, hot and spicey!!! I saw the Oxo cubes on your list, and I thought, "she must be in Canada." Yes, sure enough you are! (I grew up there, and now I live in the US.) I must add Oxo to my grocery list, thanks.
Please visit my TT here when you get the chance.
Great list, and many of those would be on mine as well. :)
You know, I've never had a brussel sprout. I'm planning on keeping it that way, LOL!
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