The Hidden Treasure Nominations are on until February 7th. These are unique in that we are to find that hidden gem, that well written post (not a blog in general but one post).

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A fun thing happening over at Shalee's Diner is a Cheap Date Fest. And no, that is not a place to pick up a cheap date. On February 6th, Shalee will be hosting "Fifty Cheap Dates" and will have up a Mr. Linky where you can link your post telling us some great ideas for inexpensive but fun & romantic dates with your hubby. So get your thinking cap on. There is a rule though. The date cannot be in a bookstore. So there ya go.
Updated to add this fun contest: 5 Minutes for Mom is in a contest mood so she's having a contest to win a beautiful little piece of jewelry from Ali's Originals. Go on over and check out how you can win!
Now with reminders out of the way, can I just say I am freaking out! Big. Time. And the reason? It's because I have misplaced my "Little Blog Book". No that is not mis- spelled. It's not my little black book, although it is black, but it's my blog book. You see, when I first started blogging I was so worried about having something to say each day that I kept a little book around to jot ideas and thoughts as they came to me to use for things to blog about. Soon it turned into a catch all little book that has everythng blog in it.
I've got ideas, different meme's I've found along the way, and my goodness, every question I ever asked Susie from Bluebird Blogs about my design and template and all her answers on how to do stuff is in there. And any other answers to questions on how to do things that you all have given me is in there. My usernames and passwords for all the different bloggy stuff and sites. You know, my blogging life.
So now, how
Oh no Susanne!
I'm sure it can't be too far and that you'll find it in no time!!
You have a great weekend too!
When I can't find something I need, sometime amongst all my searching it dawns on me to pray. I figure if God can find a way to lead his people out of the desert, he can lead me to my lost item. And yes, I'm praying about your blog book right now.
Thanks for getting the word out for the 50 Cheap Dates... Because really, I cannot head to B&N ONE MORE TIME! But that's just me...
I would have lost it before even writing anything in it in the first place.
It's going to turn up. I can feel it in my bones...or is that just my knee acting up again?
I'm with Shalee...more than once I've asked (begged) God to "make me smarter than I am" (a prayer I learned from Beth Moore)--and He does!
I'm having a heck of a time trying to find enough time to dig through archives for those hidden treasures. It's a good thing we have a few days for this - maybe I'll actually get this done over the weekend.
You'll find your little blog book. It can't have gone far.
I have a little black blog card file. I have an index card on every single person in my bloglines. Url's, email addresses, kids' names, pets' names, real addresses if I've received them. Now THAT'S OCD. But it really helps me keep track of everyone.
Thanks for all the reminders. I can't wait to see the results of the first round of voting in the Share the Love awards. I swear, I have never in my life seen so many nominations!
I will have to check out all these fun things. Thanks for always keeping us up to-date on what is happenning.
I pray you find your little book!
oh Susanne, I hope you find your blog book! I have one similiar, tho I never thought to jot down ideas in it, my notebook has all my passwords and user names for blogger, photobucket, you name it. It has blog addresses of bloggers I wanted to link to, before I knew how to cut and paste...and even questions to memes, again before I knew how to cut and paste! I lost mine a few days ago and was panicking!! But found it, whew!!
thanks for sharing what is going on in blogland, i knew of a few, but the last two were new to me.
have a great weekend,
I hope you find your little book Susanne! I'd be lost if that was me....I think that's a great idea to have one and I might have to try it.
Oh, my. Quite a sign of the times. Men used to lose their little black books. Now women are losing their blog books.
I have confidence you will find it.
Blessings, Susanne
Oh, hope you can find your book, I hate that sinking feeling of losing something like that....you will find it, it can't be too far away. :)
I hope you find your book! Thanks for the all the info!
I do hope you find that book soon, Susanne!! There's so much going on in the blogosphere these days (and Barb's organizational idea is a great one!).
What?? no dates in a bookstore??
My mom had a very irritating thing that she would say to me every time I lost something.
"Where did you leave it?"
If I knew where I left it, it wouldn't be lost!
BTW keep your eyes open for a library book (Gabrielle Roy's Children of the Heart) - that's what I can't find.
and no, I don't know where I left it...
Good luck finding your book. Get on here and tell us soon as you find it! (And we want to know where, of course.)
An idea book! That's so smart - although i'd lose mine, too. It will turn up, though, I'm certain.
My friend carries something she calls "The sacred notebook" because it contains so much valuable information. Valuable only to her, of course! Praying you'll find it!
Oh my. You actually WRITE stuff down, like, on PAPER? I never count on being able to find anything later unless there is a cyber copy of it someplace. Maybe when you find it (and you will...eventually!) you need to scan in the pages and email them to a friend (ahem) for "safe keeping!" =)
Oh Susanne - I do hope you find it. I have a little book wherein I keep a list of all the books I want to read, all the books I have read (because I have been known to come home from the book store with a book I just can't wait to read only to find it already sitting on my bookshelf) and authors I want to find. If I lost it I would be...well - lost.
Thanks so much for your encouraging comment. I really appreciate it.
Have a good weekend.
Oh Susanne! I know you'll find your blog book. Just remember to pray and ask God to point you in the right direction.
Thanks for stopping bye earlier!
I hope you are able to find your blog book soon. Good luck.
What a great idea! A little blog book! (That's a WFMW post if I ever saw one... which I guess you could jot as an idea in your book if you find it. LOL)
I am just reading this... did you find your lil book? I sure hope so!
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