Artist: Nancy Sexton
Laura from I'm An Organizing Junkie! asked what on earth a clothes horse was. Well it could be the horse above or it could be one of the things below.

But in my case it's a thing that's way more fun. I said I wished I was at the mall spending the Clothes Horse Pot Money. What it is is a group of ladies that I meet with once a month. There is 8 ladies in the group so we all made a committement to be part of the clothes horse for 8 months. When we meet we each bring $10.00 to put in the pot. (It can be any amount the group decides at the very beginning). Each month we do something different together. Whoever won the pot in December, for example, plans the activity for January. I won January so I get to plan next months activity. We'll chat more on that later. The person who won the pot gets that money to go out and buy herself some brand new clothes. And then usually we either wear it or bring it to show everyone. How fun is that?
We started this with a group of ladies at church as an outreach to friends, family, neighbors or co-workers. It is not a bible study or formal study of any kind. We just build relationships with each other and hopefully get opportunity to share Jesus and the love of God at some point.
Now about my winning. I need to plan the next activity. I need ideas. I'm almost panicking. Give me your best ideas. Fun and affordable.
What a great idea! And it only costs $10, and if you win, yippee! As for ideas, have you guys done a spa night? This time of year thats always a treat - manicures, facials, pedicures, with yummy appetizers? Maybe a fun girly movie. Just a suggestion.
That sounds like so much fun, I love the idea!! Thanks for explaining it to me.
How about a games night or a fondue party. Can't wait to hear about what you decide to do!!
Ooh, a game night is a lot of fun! We recently did a Monopoly game night and it was a big hit. Or how about bowling? Or a craft/scrapbook/sewing evening where everyone brings their current project to work on?
Then there's the chick flick movie idea. Or the coffee at Starbucks idea. Or geocaching.
Geocaching is like treasure hunting with a GPS. That would be the only thing about it - someone would need a GPS. There's a website Geocaching that gives the details. People hide a cache (various size box) and post the coordinates on the geocaching website. You then take the GPS and put the coordinates in and go hunting for the cache. Usually it's hidden in a wooded area, or a park, so it's good exercise and outside.
I say pull out your games and have a game night. Pictionary, Swap!, dominoes... You could do a potato bar as a meal. Cheap and easy and everyone could bring something for it.
Being that it is February, you could do a wedding picture night and have everyone bring a photo and have them tell something about their wedding day. (assuming that you all are married)
I'm debating whether I should show this picture to my daughter or not. She would absolutely love it but I'm afraid she might get ideas for the dog. Too Funny!!
As for the heart of your post. What a fun thing! I'll have to see if I can think of any ideas for you!
Wow, in all my year of women's ministries and groups, I've never heard of an idea quite like this one. It sounds really fun. I won't offer up suggestions because I read the ones already posted, and they can't be beat. You go, Girl.
Cranium! We're really crazy about "Whoonu" which is a very fun party game - everyone gets a change to be special and you can chat a lot while you play it. And I like the manicures idea - a lot of women are very private about their feet but eveyrone likes nice new nails.
Hey! My mother has that exact wooden clothes horse in her bathroom! Comes in handy at the farm for all her guests wet towels.
love the horse very pretty
sounds good to me :)
The previous commentors left great ideas. We like bunco, and our next get together we are going to make cards for Valentine's Day for those that are sick, but it sounds like yours is more of a party-type atmoshere where ours is more of a meeting. Can't wait to hear more about it!
I came to this post via your WFMW post. There are a lot of great ideas at the "Sweet Monday: site at http://sweetmonday.com/ The lady there began a similar group some time back, but I think it grew.
One thing one group I was in did was to get together for brunch on a Saturday morning, watch a Don Aslett video about cleaning (both informative and hilarious), then each lady wrote down a problem or question in regard to cleaning on a 3x5 card, and then we passed around the cards, and anyone who had an answer or idea for the question on a particular card jotted it down on that card.
I like the ideas already mentioned about a game night or having a lady from the church or even a lady that someone knows teach or demonstrate something in her area of expertise. We've had ladies do this with stamping, scrapbooking, and basic painting. One lady in our church makes home made soaps and a lot of ladies are interested in having her talk about that.
Something fun that we also used to do was to go bowling -- especially since none of us was very good at it. :) We had a lot of laughs. Then we went to a dessert place afterward.
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