With the fall schedule kicking into high gear and 3 children ages 11 - 16, our schedules are a huge mish-mash of papers and notes coming from school, church, youth group, and activity leaders. The amount of paperwork is daunting to say the least and ultra messy. This is what I do to try to keep out from under the overwhelming feeling of it all.
I buy those huge calendars with the very large squares. Sure there is no pretty pictures at the top but a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do! As soon as a note comes home I take it, read it thoroughly (that's a key, do not skim, you'll probably miss something). Then I use either fine line scripto felts in various colors or hi-liters in various colors. Each child has their own color, as does school, church, birthdays and myself. As soon as I read it, it is transfered to the calendar in the corresponding color. Then the paper either gets thrown away or if there is too much information on the note to transfer to the calendar, I make a star on the calendar notation and then place the paper in a file folder in my drawer. Then when the activity comes up and I see the star I know to go get more info from the note in the file. I can see days ahead from the star that something extra is going to be required.
This has worked great especially as all three kids have different activities going on. If it's a very detailed schedule of practice times and games where the team travels, such as my daughter's basketball, I keep that taped to the back of my kitchen door or in a cupboard because I need to see that almost on a daily basis. I no longer have a ton of papers on the kitchen counter, and I'm not running around at the last minute trying to find things that they are supposed to bring to the activity.
I'm going to need this wfmw idea as my kids are getting older. Already I feel that things come at me fast and furious, and I'm missing things I should be doing!
Thanks for the great idea, Susanne.
I've been holding on to the "pretty" calendars but next year I'm going to the big one. I can't write any smaller! I transfer everything to the calendar but somehow I have trouble throwing the papers away. You inspire me again!
I do this too - it's the only way I can stay organized!
Great idea! My kids are younger, so for now I use a dry erase calendar with 2 months at a time and each family member has their own color. It's the only way to stay sane!
YES!!! LOVE it!!!!!!!
Yep, great big empty calendars worked for me! Just another one of those small sacrifices made by moms. However, at 13, 17 and 20, we're back to picturesque ones now!
Oh. You're good. My organizational system isn't.
And tag!
How cool is that????
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