I was sitting here by the keyboard trying to think of something that worked for me that was worth posting. It's getting quite late on the Tuesday night and I need to be up really early tomorrow morning so I kept looking at the clock, getting fidgety. That's when it occured to me that what works for us is to put our clock ahead by 5 - 7 minutes. It actually has kept our family from being late. At first we had in our heads that it was ahead but now we don't even think of that anymore. My husband came up with the idea when we just couldn't seem to all get out the door on time. Our bedroom alarm is also set this way so it gives us that extra edge right off the bat when we get up. It's amazing what that "extra" little five minutes gives a person. A seemingly silly idea, but hey, it works for me!

Ha ha ha, my mother tried that for years, we always just subtracted the amount that she set it ahead and figured the real time ;). Glad it works for you tho ;).
As my boss says...'Whatever it takes'. Thanks for sharing. I played. Pam
Yes, it works. Your blog is beautiful!
Yes! I keep my car clock a few minutes ahead, as well as my alarm clock. Great tip!
We do this too! I hate being late and it is nearly impossible with our children. It definitely keeps us on track!! Thanks!
Great suggestion! I'm always running a bit behind, too.
Not a silly suggestion at all! If it works to keep you on time, then it's a tip to be shared to all.
We do this, too, probably because my mother always did!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your new look! Susie did a great job!
We do this too. Except my brain has figured out how to circumvent itself... don't ask me how I got that brilliant. But I'm still always running late.
I actually do this and it works great! :)
I just posted my first WFMW. Stop by and take a peek. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a 7-minutes ahead girl, too, or else I would be late for class and work every day!
We're with you on this one! We set all clocks, house, alarm and cars 15 minutes ahead. I don't know why but it does work. The fun part is when others are at our house and think they are late, especially kids that were to be home by a certain time. What relief they feel when we tell them the clocks are all off by 15 minutes. Do you keep extra money in your checking account too; money that you don't show in the register? My husband's family all does this as well as the clock game.
I'm with you on this one! I do that with my alarm clock! It really does work wonders!
I'm all for whatever gets folks where they need to be on time. My mother has always kept her clocks a little ahead and I think it works for her, too.
Very cute blog design! I just love green!
My man does that too
I told him when we had junior 8 months tomorrow that I needed to know the REAL time he was born though LOL
I'm glad to know this works for you. I've tried it, but what happens is I wind up doing math first thing in the morning - not exactly how I want to start my day!
I think it might work for me if I didn't know how far ahead the clocks were set and if they were all synchronized. Hmmm.
My daughter in law does this on her car clock. She told me she tends to forget its ahead and it helps her. Whatever it takes! Thanks for the visit to my site. Nice to hear from you. By the way, sequel to Pirates of Caribbean opens this Friday - bet you already knew that looking at your profile.
Scrolled down from your comment you left on my blog and found your site. Not sure how I missed it before? Thanks for visiting, and I will visit yours too. Thanks for the Happy 4th wishes!
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