Having 3 kids sorta close together they went thru the preschool years together, then there were years where they were all in elementary together. Two of the three were quite artsy at that time and the third liked to be proud of his stuff too. They all wanted to display everything on the fridge where everyone could see it. Needless to say it always looked messy instead of displaying their hard work and artistic ability. We made a rule in the house that you were only allowed one picture each on the fridge. If you made something new and you wanted it there you had to remove the old one. You could keep any pic up as long as you wanted but only one was allowed up. Then they had a choice from there. It could go up in their rooms, go in their "keeper box" or put in the garbage. I always left that up to them.
It worked great for us. You could actually see their nice artwork and it taught them to make decisions about what they really thought was worthwhile to keep.
Keeping all the art clutter at bay is a challenge. I like your idea. I try to keep everything on the side of the fridge so the front looks less cluttered, at least. And then any overflow they can plaster all over the backs of their bedroom doors. Thanks for sharing!
So cute, I can't wait for my little guy to start making artwork ;).
That is an excellent idea, especially since there are so many things to view. I really like that you left the decision of what to do with it up to them.
This is a great idea, my kids overload the refrigerator with their drawings. Going to do this :)
Great idea--especially giving them the responsibility of choosing.
I have been contemplating this very thing. My fridge is covered in artwork....so much that you really cannot see what IS there!
I think I'll try this today!
Thats a great idea!! I think I will ahve to try that. I have even more stuff here with homeschooling and I hate to get rid of something that they really like.
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