Okay, when I said I would rather have snow than wind, Mr. Weatherman, I think you may have misunderstood me. In all my lamenting and complaining about the category 1 hurricane winds that you have sent in the last couple of months, I certainly didn't mean for you to do this. A little snow, a little coolness turning to cold gradually over time would have been nice. But this jump from record setting warm days in December and beginning of January to -27* C (-17*F), with a wind chill taking it to -37*C ( -35*F) , literally overnight has been a bit of shock, don't ya think? Sure I like the crunch of the snow under my boots. And I really don't mind shoveling or brushing the car off, but my patio doors with frost? On the INSIDE? Or the cars barely starting? Or icicles hanging from my nose and eyelashes? Not so much. Please see to this matter as soon as possible and find a wee bit of balance please?
Yours Sincerely,
burrr.... that looks cold!!
LOL! Hope the weatherman finds balance soon!
Ice on the inside?! Wow! Hope you're staying warm!
We've had no snow that has stayed on the ground yet. I'd like some - but not with those temperatures! Keep warm Susanne!
Yes, it's on the inside. Sigh. Our patio door sorely needs replacing.
We are crazy here in the Seattle area. We just aren't prepared for prolonged snow around here. OYE.
Hope you get some balance soon!
Ellen: I've been begging for snow. But I guess I forgot to specify about the temps.
Good gracious, Susanne! I hope you'll have some moderation soon.
I feel your pain Susanne! lol....we've had SUCH a mild winter (meaning temps above 20 F and NO SNOW) for most of the winter and then last week we had the bitter cold, no snow, then warmer temps with about 2 inches of our first snow and now rain, fog, and temps in the high 30s....it is so weird this year! but i must confess that i do NOT miss driving to the school in the snow....see you Friday for FFF
LOL. I knew as soon as I saw your blog title in my 'blog list' what you were writing about!
Well, at least it's going to 'warm up' to -20 by the end of the week.
I only hope the snow doesn't come with the 'warmer' temps.
WowEE! That is rather dramatic!
We are having some crazy weather here with excessive rain. Lots of flooding in our area. In fact, we're housing some of our friends right now for an indeterminate period of time until the waters recede away from their house! Crazy!
We normally see more snow than we have this past year here in WI. We have only had snow a couple of times this month (basically none last month to speak of). Kids are disappointed no snow days! Stay warm
I forward your post to the Belgian weatherman ! Since beginning of November until last week we had rain, or grey skies and temperatures from 6° to 11°C one storm which caused a lot of damages, last weekend - 3° for two days and sunshine and now we are back to 10° C and rain of course. I think he drinks too much !
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