Friday, March 14, 2025

Friday's Fave Five #829

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  We are looking for our blessings of the past week and being thankful so that we do not take them for granted.  In the happiest of times or the darkest of days, there is always blessings from God if we take some time to notice them.  Sometimes they are obvious and sometimes we have to get past the clutter to notice.  Weekly taking the intentional time to do that helps us to develop grateful hearts.  Please join us.  Guidelines are linked in the sidebar if you've never joined us before.

~ spring bird song ~  the last couple of days the birds have been singing their spring songs.  It so nice to hear them and it's an immediate mood lift.  The woodpeckers with their "laughing" song, the robins, and several others that I don't know to name, they all joined the chorus throughout the day.  It was heaven to my ears.

~ mud dried up ~  finally, finally the mud under my lawn has dried up. This makes me so happy because I don't have to deal with said mud on the boots and clothing of 6 kids on the daily.  

~ open windows ~ though it's been quite crisp temperature wise we have been able to open the windows for a short time each day.  So nice to have that fresh air coming into the house again.

~ relaxed Sunday ~ I really hate the time change both spring and fall.  It just takes my body so long to readjust.  I'm not a morning person to begin with and this just makes it that much harder for me to get going in my early morning wake ups.  So Sunday we decided to just let ourselves sleep in and spent a relaxing day.  I cooked a nice lunch, took the dog for a walk, read and had coffee and got my house tidied and cleaned.  It was a huge blessing to be able to do this knowing I was coming up to a week of kids out of sorts from the time change as well.

~ a great read ~ every once in awhile I hit upon a book that just hits right and becomes an all time favorite and this last weekend I closed the last page on one of those.  The Borrowed Life of Fredrick Fife by Anna Johnston just got me in all the feels.  I'll be reviewing it soon.  But highly recommend.  It's a blessing to read and to be able to have such easy access to so many great books at our libraries.

What are your 5 favorite blessings from the last week?

photo courtesy of


Wendy said...

Glad you had a relaxing day on Sunday after the time change. I hate losing that hour of sleep. Our clocks change at the end of this month but it already seems lighter for longer. We still have a lot of mud around the lake and we've had rain again this week so my wellies will still be in use. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Faith said...

ooh I love books and especially GOOD books. I'll get that on my list and look forward to reading your review. I'm not familiar with the title nor the author. I just completed Book of Lost Friends. So wonderful. I wanted to linger there but had to end. ...:)

I wish North America would just do away with the time changes. It was hard to get to church and then we had a 2 hour choir rehearsal afterwards!!
our mud season has begun but thankfully our yard isn't too bad. I'll find out next week how the trails are as i'm leading the first 2 hikes of the season next week! No mountain climbs yet though. They all still have some significant snow!
I had the windows open every day this week but one. It felt so good to air out the rooms!
I hope you have another relaxing weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

Wow, dealing with mud with six children--I'm so glad it has dried up and the weather has been nice enough to open windows. I agree about the time change. I used to wish they'd keep it one way or the other. But then I saw a chart about the effects of staying with one time or the other. Each has its problems. Sigh. That book looks interesting. I look forward to your review of it. Was it pretty clean?

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I love how you find the blessings in the everyday living of each week. So glad you enjoyed that book. I will have to look that one up. Maybe our library has it. I don't like the time change back and forth either. I think we should just pick a time (either Daylight Savings or Standard Time) and just leave it alone! I hope you have a good weekend with some time to relax. See you again soon!

Willow said...

I agree with you on not enjoying the time change. I'm glad you chose to rest and relax. Sometimes, you just have to do that.
No mud! I would be very thankful for that too.
Our weather has been warm and sunny. I know we are expecting storms over the weekend, but at least we know summer is coming, right?

nikkipolani said...

Yes, so sweet to hear the birds. Lovely that they are joining in the big spring push in your neck o' the woods.

Ugh. Daily mud? Glad that's over. Glad, too, that you found a way to start the time change to cope with all the things. Looking to your book review!