Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday's Fave Five #826

Welcome to Friday and Friday's Fave Five.  Can't hardly believe we are into the second half of February already! But today is the day in our week we intentionally take a pause and look for our blessings from over the past week that  God has graciously given  into our lives.  Thanks so much to all of you for being a part of this wonderful community training ourselves to be intentional in noticing the good in our everyday and being thankful and grateful to God.   If you are new please feel free to join in!  

~ longer days ~ this past week I've really noticed that the days are longer.  This is so welcome after the winter where I wake up and am working for an hour already before the day starts to get lighter and it's dark before I even start supper.  Just knowing this brings more energy it seems.

~ sweet rose from one of the kids ~ one of the dayhome children gifted me a lovely rose on Valentine's day.  A week later it's still gorgeous.  This is a minor miracle at the Living to Tell house as I usually cannot keep cut roses going for more than a few days before they flop or start dropping petals.  This lovely has not dropped one single petal and has opened up beautifully.  

~ valentines dinner in~  we rarely go out for Valentine's anymore.  The crowds and the feeling of being rushed through is not a fave experience so we usually either do take out or I make a favorite dinner.  This year we got takeout from our favorite Indian restaurant.  As usual it was delicious and we had a lovely "date" at home.

~ birthday dinner out ~ Saturday was the day we finally got to celebrate my birthday with my Hubby's sister and brother in law.  We go out for each of our birthdays.  It's our way of staying connected.  My choice was Tony Roma's for ribs.  Neither of us couples had been there for a while and it was a delcious treat.  Food was excellent and the company was wonderful.  We even got a pic with their Valentine background which was still up as lots of people choose to go out the day after Valentines to avoid the big crowds.  

~temperatures rising ~  Our temps have been bitter cold going on 3 weeks now but a shift has dramatically started going from -28*C (-18.4*F) on Wednesday to 2*C  (35.6*F) on Thursday.  And the miracle of this was it was without the chinook wind which is usually what brings this in.  Areas around us experienced the wind with lots of white out conditions on the highways due to the blowing snow but our city for some reason was like it was in a lovely, warm bubble.  I took the kids outside to play for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks and it was glorious.  They came in rosy cheeked and very, very wet but oh, so worth it.  The next week is supposed to be beautiful with Sunday afternoon predicted to be a stunning for us 14*C ( 57*F).

What have been your favorite blessings from the last week?


Susan said...

Belated Happy Birthday! That is a nice picture of you. I am looking forward to my roses blooming. Enjoy your weekend!

Faith said...

love the pic of you two love birds! :)
I also love your tradition of celebrating your sis in law's birthday with the guys too. It's good to stay connected with extended family especially if you're also friends.
Praise God for warmer temps....ours are supposedly going to start going up tomorrow.....I cannot wait for this icy driveway to melt!
LOVE the rose...mine are 9 days old now and just starting to droop. I was amazed they've lasted this long.
Longer days give me more energy as well. Think SPRING!! and happy weekend

Barbara H. said...

You're right, there is something about longer days that seems more energizing. It's especially encouraging when we've had a bitterly cold week--it reminds us that spring really is coming. That rose is gorgeous. What a sweet gift. We don't go out for Valentine's Day for the same reason. We've made it a family day. But I'm hankering for a dinner "out" now. How fun to go out with your in-laws and still have the Valentine decorations out at the restaurant. Glad you had some warm weather and the kids got to play outside.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So glad that you had a nice week and felt loved for your birthday and for Valentines Day. That is a lovely rose from one of the children you work with. Lovely picture of you and your husband. I hope that your weather continues to warm up. Have a nice, relaxing weekend. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Nice photo of the two of you. We avoid restaurants on Valentine's day, too. Hooray for being able to get out in the fresh air. We are looking forward to being above freezing here, too.

Billie Jo said...

Happy Belated Birthday! That rose is absolutely stunning!!!! And what a lively picture of you and your husband. It is always nice to see our blog friends! Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

Wendy said...

Glad you had a nice Valentine's "date" and were able to celebrate your birthday. That rose is lovely - such a pretty colour. Oh warmer temps sounds good. We've been hovering just a few degrees above freezing until the end of this week when things have started to warm up and yes, longer days are coming! Have a good weekend.

Karen said...

The rose is such a beautiful color. How nice that it's lasted so long. And that's a lovely photo of you and your hubby.

The longer days are a welcome sign that this cold weather won't last forever. I'm not one to wish away the seasons, but this winter has been trying!

Willow said...

I so agree with you about the longer days! I just mentioned to The Professor how much lighter it is today at 6pm.
Your weather makes mine seem so mild. I am thankful you have had some better days and could get the kids outside. Enjoy those warm temps next week!

Melanie said...

I'm glad it's beginning to warm up for you! Wow! Minus 18 degrees makes me feel like a wimp when I complain about 20 degrees!
Happy Birthday late! I'm glad you got out with hubby!
That pink rose is exquisite! So pretty and delicate.
I am seeing more daylight as well. It isn't dark now when I get up at 7 am.
Have a great weekend up there!

nikkipolani said...

I agree! Longer daylight hours seem noticeable this week. That rose is a beauty -- such a delicate pink. Love your idea to have an at-home date with great food.

I don't think we have Tony Romas in my region anymore. Glad you could be out for a delicious meal to separate with your family. How fun to get your Valentine's picture, too!

Oh, I hope those you get a miss this year from chinooks.

Ingrid said...

We have never celebrated Valentine's day, it just didn't exist. I think it swapped over from the States in the 70/80. Wow we are complaining about -7° which is already cold but temperature as you have we never have. But instead rain, rain, rain ! How sweet to give you a rose for Valentine's I also got a beautiful red one, which is still fresh in it's beer bottle (I don't have a vase for one flower !) here from the staff.