Friday, February 07, 2025

Friday's Fave Five #824

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Are you ready to pause and look for the blessings God has graciously sent your way over the past week?  If you are, you have stopped in the right place.  We pause our busy, ordinary days each Friday to intentionally do just that, take note of our blessings. Whether small or large, obvious or not so much, we want to develop a heart and an eye that realizes how much we have to be thankful for.

~ warm home ~ I am very thankful for the blessing of a warm home.  After bragging how lovely our weather was last week, nature decided to plunge us into the freezer for a bit.  This morning we woke up -24*C (-11.2*F) feels like -37*C (-35*F).  Yes, it's been a tad bit frosty all week.  Snow has fallen and it's nasty cold even for this Canadian.  Needless to say, no river bottom walks this week.  But what a blessing to have a warm home when the weather gets like this.   

~ comfy pajamas ~ my youngest blessed me with a cozy and soft pair of pajamas for my birthday in December and I've been making good use of them.  The are so comfortable and perfect for these chilly nights.  

~ banking business completed ~ my sister and I were able to get more items ticked off on the check list one has after a death of a parent.  Such a relief to get this off our plates for now.  All this stuff that one dreads doing but needs to be done can quickly get overwhelming.  So thankful we had wonderful people that walked us through everything that needed to be done banking wise.  

~ ibuprofen ~ this week I was grateful for this pain med as sciatica reared up and caused a lot of discomfort and pain.  I don't like to take a lot of pain meds but when I really need it I'm thankful it is available.  Funny enough as I was looking back on some posts from 2 years ago I saw that the last time sciatica got to me was also the first week of February.   That's probably telling me I don't get enough movement into my days when really cold weather hits and I need to do something about that to avoid this.

~ heating pad ~ and continuing on with pain relief, it was a blessing to have a far infrared heating pad handy for my back and hip during this time.  Hubby gifted me with this a few years ago and everytime I've used it I'm very thankful for it.

Those are just a few of the blessings that came my way this week.  It was a very low key, and what some would say, very boring kind of week.  But there is still blessing to be found in the ordinary days.  It doesn't all have to be big and come with a fanfare.  In fact, it usually doesn't.  But it's there to be noticed and be grateful for.  What were you thankful for this week?


Faith said...

Again, another great quote Susanne!
I'm the same way with the back pain. Mine tends to be worse in the colder months: arthritis is probably what's causing your discs to press on the sciatic nerve. Arthritis is exacerbated in the cold. At least for me. But Advil does NOTHING for me. Only my deep blue essential oils work and heat after ice.
you guys have really cold temps! and here I was complaing about 15 degrees F!!!
Question for you: How are you liking the Philip Yancey book? we have most of his but not the one you had on your side bar...i neglected to write down the title and now I don't see it listed under your books.
Have a cozy weekend!!

Willow said...

I appreciate quiet (boring) weeks. We need them to recharge.
I'm sorry you are having pain, but it is good to also have antidotes for it. On these cold days, I have been doing some indoor exercises using the yes2next u-tube videos. Easy but they keep me moving.
Stay warm!

Barbara H. said...

Wow, that's cold! I would be so stiff. I'm glad you've been able to keep warm and comfy. It's so good to get some of those tasks done. I like quiet, boring weeks.

I'm sorry you're sciatica has been flaring up. I hope it eases soon. I did something to my lower back a couple of weeks ago, and it's still a little achy. I was thinking about getting out the heating pad this morning, but used some Icy Hot first to see if that helps. I need to look into some easy stretches. It's funny how I want to curl into a ball rather than moving when it's cold, but I need to move all the more.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I have had some back pain this week too, so I can relate. So glad that you are feeling better. I agree that it is a big relief to get a parent's affairs taken care of, so I am glad that you made progress with that. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Quiet is a good reprieve. Glad you could get some of the paperwork done with your sister. Nice to have someone to commiserate with. Hope you have a good relaxing weekend.

nikkipolani said...

Oooh, that sounds frigid after that sunny walk you had at the river! Lots of coziness and comfort (hello ibuprofen and heating pad!). Glad you were able to get some pain relief.

Several of my single friends dealing with a parent's death are working through all the business that needs to be done. So pleased for you that one part of the business has been checked off.

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear you've been in paid but glad you have the pain relief and heat pad. I definitely notice I ache more if I'm less active but staying in while it's that cold in a nice warm house is where I'd be too. It must be a relief to get some of the paperwork/banking etc done. Hope you can rest up over the weekend and the sciatica eases up.

Susan said...

That is freezing weather!!! I am freezing when we are in the 50's. I agree about having a pain reliever when we need it. I like to use my heating pad. I had heat and then ice at physical therapy on Wednesday. I am waiting to get approval for my low back again. I hope you feel better soon!

Melanie said...

Oh my! Minus 11 degrees! I would be a popsicle. (I'll pick cherry as a flavor!) I understand sciatic pain. It can be miserable. I'm glad the heating pad and Ibuprofen helps. The cold doesn't help it much either, I'm sure.
There is so much to attend to after a family member dies if you have been in any way involved in their finances. I remember all I had to do when my mother died. I'm glad that is behind you.
I hope you have a warmup soon. I don't know if our groundhog in Pennsylvania has any say over weather in Canada but hopefully, he's wrong for you and your spring happens soon.