Thursday, February 13, 2025

2024 Reading Chanllenge Wrap Up and 2025 Reading Challenge

Finally getting to this post.  I could have skipped it, but I like to see if I accomplished some of my reading goals for the last year and reset myself some new reading challenges for the year ahead.  So last year was a bit up and down because of things going on in our lives which put reading on a back burner a bit.  I missed my Goodreads goal of 40 by five with a total for the year of 35 books read, which is still good considering.  But my real goal was to get this pile of purchased books read and out of the closet.  How did I do?  

Not too bad!  Twelve read and two DNF'd (did not finish).  Add to that another book that was a gift and it got 15 out of my stack!  I'm happy with that.  I also read five borrowed books and listened to 16 audiobooks though a few of those were also DNF's at about a third through, usually due to language or a style of narrating that did not work for me causing  my mind to wander.   If you want reviews and or ratings for the year they are here.  I don't usually review audiobooks because I tend not to remember them as well.  I remember them more for the emotions evoked rather than the actual story. I rate them but not review them.  And a few at the end of the year just didn't get a review because I was otherwise occupied.  

But onward and upward to 2025.  This year I went through all my stacks of books and picked 20 that I absolutely want to get read this year.  My Goodreads goal is again 40 books so the others in my stacks and library want to read shelf is all up for grabs to make up the remainder.  

Non-fiction is a bit harder for me but I have a few that are calling my name for this year.  I've been chugging along in "When You Love a Prodigal".  Not because it is not good, but because I'm taking notes and trying to take my time but I think I have to change that strategy a bit with my non-fiction as it is taking me forever.  I do complete quite a few non-fictions on audio which I find is a great way for me to get through those.  But my goal is to get through the physical copies of books I own so this is my goal for the non-fictions for me this year:

So there ya have it.  The books I want to get to for sure this year.  We'll see how it goes as there are so many on my library "shelves", too.  As they say, "So many books, so little time".   

Got any good books on your radar for this year?


Faith said...

I own all the "Boy called it" books (or I did...i may have just saved the first one..I read them years ago when it first came out for my research on child's a tough read).

On my 2025 list I have 3 of the ones you have (although I THOUGHT I read The Book of Lost Friends but when I checked my list, nope..haven't read it yet). I love her books.
And I have Lisa Genova's latest on my want to read list as well as the one about the african american woman in Alabama. That looks fantastic. Our library can get me most books I want to read as we are in a huge system that makes up 2 counties.
You did great with your reading considering everything that was going on in your family. I'v eread a LOT this winter because it's been a frigid one here for us so no hiking or outdoor activities for me.

Wendy said...

Well done on 2024. I've tried to use some of my TBR pile to fill the prompts of the 2025 challenge I'm doing but I've still got a big TBR file lol and today I added 3 more to it. I've been reading C J Sansom's Shardlake series and one of the local Little Libraries had the next 3 books in the series. Well they actually had the whole series but I've read the first four. They're tomes though so not sure when I'll get around to reading them.

Deb in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. Good reading goals! I couldn't ever read A Child Called It. Too troubling. I had students read it and give reports on it, and that was enough for me. I am reading a lot on my Kindle this year, but still have lots on books on my physical "to read" shelf. Happy reading in 2025!!

nikkipolani said...

I like the way you've planned out your reading, purposely plowing through that TBR and then checking off what got/didn't get read. The annual photo method is terrific!

I think I've read one of your pile for 2025. Looking forward to seeing your reviews.

Barbara Harper said...

Good work! I love to get some from my TBR pile read as well as leaving room to pick up interesting finds through the years.