Friday, November 08, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #811

Happy Friday everyone!  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five where we are pursuing a life lived in gratitude for the blessings God gives us.  Choosing to set our focus onto the blessings in our lives changes our perspective.  Instead of seeing lack, we start to see all that we have.  Being thankful and grateful opens our hearts and goes against the cultural norm of always wanting more.  Gratitude recognizes that the source of blessing comes not from within ourselves but lies with God, the giver of all that is good. Please join in as we intentionally take a moment to find the blessing in our lives.

~ supper with neighbors ~  we have neighbors a few doors down with whom we have been friends for many years.  Our main connection is our faith and our kids.  Just like us they had an older daughter, a middle son and a younger daughter and the kids ages were all just a year behind our kids. As life moved on and the kids became adults and went their separate ways to different cities with their careers and families, us parents also kind of lost touch.  We'd chat a few minutes as we ran into each other outside but never really had a chance to visit.  But we remedied that last week and spent an enjoyable evening over dinner catching up.  

~ OCC packing party ~  on Saturday I joined in with a larger church in our city who does a packing party for Operation Christmas Child.  It was fun to join in and spend a couple of hours with about 20 others as we walked from table to table filled with school supplies, gifts and toys, clothes and personals filling boxes to the brim for children in hard circumstances around the world.  We packed about 350 boxes!  

~ feather quilt ~ it's that time of year when the feather quilt made it out of storage and onto the bed. I love that quilt.  It's so comfortable and cozy and I usually can't wait for the nights to get cold enough to bring it out.

~ lunch with out pastors ~ we were treated to lunch by our pastors on Sunday and it was a lovely time of catching up with them personally and hearing where the church is heading.  We haven't had time with them in a while so it was really nice to be with them.  

~ winter tires on ~ I'm thankful for a hubby who takes care of everything to do with my car including switching out the tires. Around here you never know when that first winter storm will hit.  Sometimes it's the very beginning of October and sometimes not until well into November but I'm thankful he got the job done before hand.  

What have been blessings you are grateful for this last week?

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