Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #805

Happy Friday and welcome to Friday's Fave Five, the first of fall 2024.  Perfect time to take a pause and look for the blessings of our last week.  What good things has God blessed you with?  Uplifted you with?  Brought joy and happiness with?  It might be something huge, life changing or momentous.  But more than likely it is something that has just come about in your very ordinary day.  Won't you join us in sharing 5 of those from the last week?

~ beautiful start to the autumn season ~ I don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods but here in Southern Alberta we had a gorgeous start to Fall.  Sunday was glorious with sunshine and blue skies.  There might have been some grilling of steaks and coffee and reading on the deck.   And the temps just kept climbing this week until it reached 30*C (89.6*F) on Wednesday.  That's like summer weather in these parts.  But the nice thing is it is now cooling off at night. While the temps dropped about 12 degrees yesterday to a more normal range it is still lovely out there.  

~ parent gift to the dayhome ~ one of my dayhome families asked if I would like a couple of Little Tykes cars for the dayhome as their kids no longer played with them at home.  They were mostly used indoors so are in super good shape.  Uhm, YES PLEASE!  When I asked how much they would like for them they said nothing, I could just have them.   The cars are used a lot at my place and to have not one but two  gifted is a real blessing.

~ phone call  ~  Tuesday evening I received a phone call from my former little dayhome friend whom I still see occasionally just to tell me she loved me.  What a sweet blessing that totally made my day.  She is 8 now, I mentioned in a previous FFF that I had taken her out to the movies for her birthday.  We had a lovely conversation and I got to hear all about the start to her grade 3 year.  Made my day!

~ end of tooth saga ~ finally had the last appointment in the root canal saga.  So glad that is over and done with and I hope to not have to set foot in another dental office for a very long time, nice as they all were.  

~ great reads ~ I've hit upon some great reads lately.  Always satisfying when a book just checks off all the boxes to what you were wanting in a story right at that particular time.  I'm loving the story I'm reading right now and that makes me happy.  Books are a great privilege to have access to and blessing in my life

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Susan said...

Hi Susanne, I hope to relax outside when the weather is cool and the mosquitoes are gone. Your deck looks like a great place to read. I just gave Fisher Price toys away to my friend and a sister who have younger grands. I need to get to the dentist. I just saw that leaf heart print today too. Enjoy your weekend!

Faith said...

Great list of faves this week Susanne! So glad your autumn season is starting out nicely....ours is too and we had the PERFECT summer even though July was a bit too humid for me.
Praise God for the gift of the Little Tykes riding toys. those things are not cheap and you probably don't get grant money like i did for my classroom (private preK agencies in NY can have grant money for the classrooms if you have a good grant writer!)

I love time on the deck with coffee, grilled food and a good book. Glad you got that this past week.

I hope you have a beautiful, restful weekend

Wendy said...

Glad the root canal work is all done, must be such a relief. And how lovely to get that call from your former daycare girl. I'm sure you know what a big positive impact you have on your little ones' lives but to have a personal reminder must be great. Have a lovely weekend Susanne.

Barbara H. said...

We're getting the edges of Hurricane Helene, lots of wind and rain. I am praying the power doesn't go out. My two sisters in SC have lost power already.

Except for that, our weather has been much the same--warm in the daytime but deliciously cool in the evenings.

What a fun gift of those little cars. My kids all loved those things.

That was so sweet to hear from one of your former dayhome kids.

I love when books hit all the right spots. I just finished one like that a few weeks ago: Hope Between the Pages by Pepper Basham. It was set in an area I love, at one of my favorite places, and both timelines had a lot of bookish references.

Susanne said...

Barbara: Praying for you and your family's safety.

Melanie said...

Your autumn sounds lovely so far. Right now, we are experiencing the remnants of Hurricane Helene but hopefully we'll see some pretty colors soon. I was up in the Smoky Mountains Nat'l Park on Tuesday and the colors there are just coming out. Beautiful up there!
What a nice gift of the two cars! I imagine your kids love those.
I'm glad your root canal issue is done. I'm not fond of dentists so I can understand your relief.
Have a great weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So glad to hear that your fall is off to a nice start. That was very generous of those parents to donate a couple of Little Tykes cars to you Dayhome! I am sure the kids love them! So glad that your root canal is done and that you have found some good books to read and relax with. Have a nice weekend. See you again soon!