Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #804

How is it Friday already?  This week has just flown right by.  In fact this summer has flown right by and here we are, the last Friday's Fave Five before Fall.  I'm glad I have Friday's Fave Five which literally forces me to take a pause and think about what has been a blessing in my life this week.  Otherwise in weeks like this, I would not even notice.  Please join our little group as we develop grateful hearts for the blessings God gives us.

~ good nectarines ~ We usually look really forward to fruit from B.C. each year but this year they had a frost that killed a lot of the blossoms at the beginning of the growing season.  So all our fruit has been coming from either Ontario or shipped up from the States.  After buying some peaches earlier in the year that turned out disappointing, I gave nectarines a shot last grocery day before the season is over.  From the Niagra region, they were absolutely delicious. Not one bad nectarine in the whole container. It's a blessing to have access to wonderful summer fruit.

~ homegrown tomatoes ~ Continuing with good food, my neighbor blessed me with tomatoes her mom had grown.  They were so delicious, so much flavor compared to greenhouse/hydroponic tomatoes found in the stores.  I gave up trying to grow container tomatoes after not getting even one edible tomato a few years ago.  So this was a gift much appreciated.

~ soup ~ I'm a soup lover from the time I was a kid.  My mom made the best homemade soups.  And I always made soup for my kids when they weren't well.  Both Dave and I have been fighting a virus for a couple of weeks now so we have had lots of soup on the menu, both take-out and homemade.  Nothing like a bowl of hot soup fill with good protien and veggies and noodles to make one feel better.

~ movie afternoon ~  Hubby and I have been enjoying "Monk" on Netflix and are in the process of watching it through a second time.  We've been wanting to watch the movie, made in 2023 , since we heard about it.  "Mr. Monk's Last Case" brought the cast back together again 12 years after the tv series finale.  But the only problem was the movie was made by a streaming service we don't subscribe to.  We were going to bite the bullet and buy the movie (still cheaper than going to a show at the theatre).  When Hubby went to go order it off Amazon it informed us it was available on Amazon Prime, free for members.  So we got to enjoy it last weekend for no cost, after all.  

~ some great Little Free Library finds ~ I have more than a dozen Free Little Libraries that I make the rounds to on my side of town.  Last week I was able to leave some books for someone else to enjoy and I picked up a few that I thought I would enjoy.  So fun to go explore these libraries and come home with some treasures.

What were your blessings this last week?


Susan said...

Hi Susanne, sorry you have been under the weather. I agree, soup just is such a comfort food. I make more soups in the fall and winter. I am trying to get more protein and fiber, so I plan to add more beans and grains to my soups. I need to get to the library too! Enjoy your weekend!

Faith said...

I love donating my old books (usually non fiction ones) to the Free Libraries I see around my area. In fact, there's one right on the bike path by the river where i walk at least once a week! I've never borrowed one from them though as i love our library and just go there.
it's funny you mention peaches and nectarines because we had HORRIBLE peaches this past summer. Not sure why. I ended up making slow cooker peach cobbler with them as that helped but we did find some nectarines from the Niagara Falls area that were great!!! our local market was featuring them a couple weeks ago. I love fresh tomatoes right from the farm stands (in fact, I have to go pick up some corn on the cob for tonight's dinner and i just may get more tomatoes!!).
There's nothing like homemade soups when one doesn't feel good or even just on a chilly day. tomorrow I have plans (unless it stays hot) to put in some Homemade Spanish Rice soup in the slow cooker to simmer all day. we might even invite some friends over for soup and a bonfire afterward.
I hope you enjoy the weekend, Susanne!!

Barbara H. said...

My husband grew tomatoes this year. Most of them are small, but he says they're good. He just got one packet of seeds, but the plants have been pretty prolific.

I'm sorry to hear you've both not been feeling well. I love hearty soups during cooler weather, or when sick.

I get really frustrated by all the different streaming services. It makes more sense to me to pool shows together in a service like Netflix or Hulu rather than having umpteen different services that few people can afford. Yay for finding the movie you wanted for free.

How fun to have so many Little Free Libraries. I have never seen one in our area. I thought about starting one, but we're in kind of an out-of-the way cul-de-sac, so I don't think it would get much traction beyond our small neighborhood.