Friday, July 05, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #793

Hello Friday and hi to everyone joining us for this week's Friday's Fave Five.  Taking a pause even during some time off helps me to stay in focus of my blessings of the week.  Won't you join us as we share five blessings from the last week and give thanks to God for them?

~ week off ~ Of course my most obvious blessing is some time off.  I've so needed it and have been enjoying every moment this week.  It's been a staycation for the most part but just the fact that I can stay up, sleep in, read and putz around catching up on my to do list in my own time is priceless to me.  

~ chores knocked off one by one ~  and speaking of to do lists, some long awaited chores have gotten knocked off one by one.  Love drawing a line through jobs on a to do list.  And doing them at my own leisure is bonus!

~ big city trip ~  Well a week off not going absolutely anywhere wouldn't be quite the same so Hubby and I took off to visit two of our kids who live a couple hours away in the big city.  Just that short distance still feels like a vacation away.  And the though the weather was quite crummy with lots of rain, clouds, colder temps and even some hail it was a nice getaway.  We didn't get to do any hiking like I was hoping because of the weather but we did get to do some shopping at some of our favorite places, relaxing and spending time with the adult kids.

~ movie in luxury style ~  One evening we went to a new movie theatre in my son's neighborhood and enjoyed a movie night out with him and his girlfriend at a show we all wanted to see.  It was quite the experience with every seat being a recliner.  Son brought blankets and I have to say it was the most comfortable, cozy movie theatre experience ever.  And the movie was really good too.  (A Quiet Place: Day One).  I usually avoid scary and/or alien movies at all costs but this 3 parter has been really good.  It baffles me how they can act so well without barely any dialogue and still have me totally absorbed and every emotion involved.  In fact, I commented to my son's girlfriend that is was just not fair that a thriller movie had me crying at one point and not out of fear.

-games night ~ both nights when we were there we played a new to me game called "Play Nine".  Super fun, family friendly (for ages 8+) fairly easy to catch on to, and really doesn't have a whole lot to do with golf other than lowest score wins.  It was a lot of fun just to be silly & get to know our Son's girlfriend in a casual, fun way.  

Well I still have 4 days of vacation left.  I'm going to savor every moment.  Hopefully there will be lots of coffee, reading, walking, bike riding and maybe another couple things crossed off the to do list.  What were your favorite blessings this week?



Willow said...

We all need vacations sometimes. I am glad you are enjoying your needed time off so much. (After my holiday! I may need some down time to recover)
Have a good weekend!

Barbara H. said...

Yay for a week off! I love the kinds of days you describe. And crossing chores off a list is great satisfaction. I'm glad you got to visit a couple of your kids nearby. Our local movie theater is like that--recliners, plus menus and someone from the theater coming to take your order and bring it out to you. There's a side table you can pull up to put your food on and put down when you're done. It does feel quite luxurious! Enjoy the rest of your time off!

Faith said...

I LOVE the image and quote at the end of this post!! This is something I do every single important for our mental, emotional, spiritual and yes even physical health.

I love that you spent time with two of your "kids" and it's funny but i had NEVER heard of this movie until my good friend Diane mentioned that she and her sister went to the movies this week to see it. I'll have to wait for it to come to one of the streaming services. There's 3 parts?? What is a trilogy?

Yay for getting things checked off and getting some relaxing and reading time thrown in.

Enjoy the rest of your staycation!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like you had a nice week. It's always time to have time off! That game sounds really fun. I might look for that and get that game for my grands. Have a nice weekend!

Karen said...

It sounds like a lovely holiday week, Susanne! Enjoy the remainder of your time off.

Gattina said...

Your FFF makes me think of the past when I was so happy to have a few days of or holidays ! Now I am on lifelong holidays so I don't even realize which day we are and when there are school holidays ! In Amsterdam it's not the same as here. And my to do list would be as big as post stamp, because I have nothing to do, except my blog work and put my clothes in the wardrobe. And still I have the impression that the days are too short ! At least I am not bored at all. It seems that you have the same "wonderful" weather as we have, it's cold and rainy, we didn't have spring and apparently summer has disappeared somewhere ! When I saw the new girlfriend (the dutch) she made me think of a grey mouse, and although I changed my mind knowing her better, she is still a grey mouse. I tried everything that we become friends, but she is so jealous it's terrible (not with my son but with me !) I hope you are more lucky than I and Rick, because towards Rick she was not better ! The only positive thing I have to say, she always insisted that grandson Toby had a good relationship with his paternal grandma and grandpa and never interfered between us and our son.

ellen b. said...

Hooray for days off from the ordinary. Your time with your adult kids sounded like fun. I haven't been to one of the fancy theaters, yet. Our kids have. Enjoy the rest of your days off!

nikkipolani said...

Sounds like several of FFF folks got through some chores this week -- how nice that you could do them at your own pace.

How fun that you had such a unique movie theater experience! The theaters near us have the recliner seats, too. I like that they're well spaced out so that no one is too inconvenienced when someone comes/goes.

Peeped into a few trailers to understand more about the movie series. Um, glad you had a good time.

Susan said...

Looks like we both enjoyed a luxury move theater. The chair was so comfortable. Wish it also had the heat mode like some theaters have. Enjoy your weekend!

Gattina said...

My comment has disappeared or you haven't approved it yet ! Anyway your holiday week was nice, when you are retired you don't realize, because you are on holidays the whole year long !

Melanie said...

Congratulations on your week off! I love ticking off those chores one by one. I feel so accomplished doing so. The problem is getting started in the first place.

The movie sounds interesting. I'm not a horror/thriller genre fan either. I have to be so selective with what I watched because they stay with me for days!

I love the graphic at the end of your post. It says so much! Have a great weekend.