Friday, May 03, 2024

Friday's Fave Five #784

Hi!  Happy May and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  The end of week is where we intentionally pause in our everyday busyness to look back over the week and find our blessings.  Today's lifestyles are busy and without pushing that pause button it is so easy to not even realize the blessings that come up.  And as we become more aware of how we are blessed throughout an ordinary day, it really is amazing how much we truly have to be grateful for.  The very fact that we woke up today should start us off.  Please join in as we share five of our favorite blessings of the week.

~ encouragement in a treat ~ this has been a hard week at work.  A combination of cold, wet weather making us housebound, and kids with big emotions this week all create a vortex of the "woe is me" kind of attitude.  It's mentally and emotionally draining to always be in referee mode all day every day.  Hubby recognized this and brought me a treat of a slice of cheesecake to perk up my spirits.  One of my love languages is gifts so he did just that.  My other language is acts of service and his helping to clean up the kitchen each and every night is a huge blessing.  

~comfort food ~ with the dreary, cold and wet weather I was craving a good bowl of homemade soup.  So I hit my arsenal of favorite soup recipes and decided I was craving a good taco soup.  And I happened to have all the ingredients on hand.   I love soup.  It reminds of childhood and Mom.  She made the best soups.  Totally hit the spot.

~ movie with friends ~ on the spur of the moment we joined friends to go see "Unsung Hero" at the theatre.  It's a true story based on the growing up years of Rebecca St. James and the two brothers of For King and Country.  It really is a tribute to their Mom who really held the family together when they lost everything in Australia and moved to the States to start over.  A wonderful story of family, faith and friendship.

~ organizing motivation ~ I finally found a few minutes to get some organizing done around the house.  Not drastic but the results were enough to give a bit of motivation.  I was even able to declutter some clothes I was hesitating on.  Feels good to let those go.

~ cute shoes ~ One of the things I set my mind to declutter was some of the shoes in my closet that had higher heels.  While I still love them, I just cannot do those heights anymore.  I've been on the lookout for some lowered heeled but still cute sandals and I found a pair that I really like.  Score.

What are you thankful for this week?


Faith said...

I'm so glad you found blessings even in the midst of a difficult week. Little ones and their big emotions can be VERY draining. I cannot imagine running a daycare in my home like you do. Those parents are lucky to have you!!

I love that your hubby met your love language with someone you enjoy!

I did NOT know Rebecca St James is the sister of 2 of the guys from one of my absolute Christian groups!! How I LOVE King and Country. I know they're originally from Australia but didn't know that was what this movie was about. Thankfully it will be on netflix at some point. They've been getting all the faith based movies lately! We just saw the Jeremy Camp one a couple weeks ago. We refuse to buy movie tickets so we just wait til it's on our various streaming services. (Which are still less money a month than ONE movie theater ticket in our area!!)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that your area gets some warm sunshine soon

Barbara H. said...

I take my hat off to you for taking care of six kids every weekday. I don't think I could do it. I admire people who can. I think some are especially gifted that way. An hour or so of children's church would wring me out. :) I can't imagine a whole workday of childcare, especially at this stage of my life. Not to be negative against children--but as you said, being a constant referee, handling big emotions, watching that they don't hurt themselves or each other, etc., is a lot. They're worth it. But it's still a lot. Keeping up with my own three at different ages regularly sent me to the Lord for help. Having six at the same age and similar stages would be hard.

It's sweet that your husband recognizes when you need a pick-me-up.

We had soup this week, too, a kielbasa/potato/carrot/bacon combo with sage and parsley. So good. Soup really does hit the spot sometimes.

I've seen a lot of buzz about that movie. Sounds really good.

I do most of my organizing/decluttering in small batches these days. too. feels nice to get some done.

I can't do heels any more, either. I never could do high ones, but I have to have flat shoes now. Yay for finding some cute ones!

The saying on that meme is so true.

Karen said...

I love hearing about how your husband supports you in your job. It would be hard for me to do daycare, and I admire those of you who take it on. And, you are always so positive about it!

I cleaned out my closet about a month ago and it feels good to be able to see everything and not have so much clutter. I have to be really careful, because I love to add new things with the change in seasons. I need to follow the one in, one out rule.

Your soup recipe gives me an idea for our upcoming camping trip. We have a small freezer in our camper, so I like to take meals that are made ahead.

Have a good weekend! Wishing you lots of sunshine:)

Willow said...

Thanks for the recommendation for that movie. It sounds like a winner.
I'm sorry you have had a rough week. Weather does sometimes change things. Your hubby knew just how to cheer you up. Win-win!
Yay for some decluttering! My focus was on papers this week. It may not look like much, but a lot of papers went to recycle. (maybe that should have been a fave for me)
Here's hoping weather improves!
Have a good, quiet, comfortable weekend.

nikkipolani said...

You are so right about the need for an intentional pause to be thankful. So easy for time to pass without a blink!

What a blessing to have a craving and have all the ingredients on hand as well! Love when that occurs.

Thanks for the movie recommendation :-)

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. So glad you got some extra love and support from your husband this week. The movie sounds good. I will have to look for it on Youtube. I never could do heels but I am glad you found some flatter sandals that work for you. Have a good weekend. Rest and relax! See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

Homemade soup is so good. I love it in all seasons. So sweet to get encouragement with thoughtful gifts and acts of service. Hope your weekend is going well. I just happen to have some cheesecake in the fridge that needs eating up. My calorie counting for the day is a mess anyway!