Saturday, November 04, 2023

November 2023 Reading Possibilities

November always brings a sense of anticipation to my reading.  It's a month where I really focus on my pile of non-fiction books.  There is something about getting that pile knocked down a bit.  I have such great hopes that I'll read more non-fiction throughout the year but they always take me so much longer, unless it's a biography/autobiography.  Since I discovered audiobooks, it has helped my non-fiction reading quite a bit but I'm always stuck in what Libby or Hoopla offers.  Yes I know I can get subscriptions but I don't want to spend the money for it.  Anyway in Non-Fiction November I do like to get to the hard copies that are stacked in my closet.  I realize "The Boys in the Boat"  has made my list several times this year but I'm determined to get to it before the movie comes out.  I've also added a couple of fictions:  the one I am finishing up from October and my favorite author's new release.  


          ~ The Complicated Heart: loving even when it hurts by Sarah Mae (finished)
          ~ The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
          ~ I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai (young reader's edition) 
          ~ An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield
          ~ Unveiling Grace by Lynn K. Wilder   (finished)


          ~ Falling by T.J. Newman (finishing from October)  (finished)


          ~ When We Were Young & Brave by Hazel Gaynor (Oldest)
          ~ The Last Exchange by Charles Martin (Newest)


          ~ A Piece of the Moon by Chris Fabry
          ~ No Greater Love by A. W. Tozer (finished)

How is your reading going this year and what are you reading in November?


Barbara H. said...

I just saw When We Were Young & Brave by Hazel Gaynor recently and thought it sounded really good.

Billie Jo said...

I always love seeing what others are reading. Thank you for sharing. I recently finished an excellent book called Silent Came the Monster. It is about the 1916 shark attacks on the east coast. It is so interesting in that it isn't a book about shark attacks but a historical account of life in those days. Have a cozy evening!

Faith said...

I've been meaning to read the one by the Pakistani girl and yet just haven't yet. I need to get going on some more non fiction my self. I think I read 2 or 3 in the Spring and then no more. Not counting the Bible study books.

My Goodreads Goal for 2023 was to read 45 books of any genre and I am currently on book 47. this doesn't count hte 2 books I returned to the library due to offensive language or just bad content.

BTW: did you try to comment on my FFF from this past weekend?? for some reason many of your comments are ending up in my Spam list. not sure why.

Wendy said...

I cannot get on with audio books - I'm always losing my place or falling asleep. My DIL listens to them in the car but I think that would be too distracting and I don't often drive far enough to make it worthwhile. I'm also behind on my reading challenge this year. Hopefully I'll catch up this month.