Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #731

Hello and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  It's time to look back over the last week and reflect on God's hand and blessing in our everyday.  No matter if it's been a good, bad or mediocre week, it's training our hearts and minds to be on the lookout for what is good and a blessing in our lives.  Sometimes it's huge and obvious, other times more subtle.  We share five of our favorites.  Please join us.  Details are in the link in the sidebar if you are new and want to join in!

~ date night at fave restaurant ~ we haven't had a date night in forever and on a spur of the moment whim, Hubby made a reservation to a fave restaurant.  It was so nice to be out just the two of us eating delicious Italian and having fun.  Got to get back in this habit!

~ shelter ~ last night the wind, it was howling!  And in the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of the rain being slammed into the windows by the gale.  I am so very thankful that my family has shelter and a nice warm place to sleep.  I know there are those who don't and I never take this blessing for granted.

~ browsing at the library ~ Saturday I was able to take a half hour and browse a bit in the library.  This is always a total me time blessing for me.  I love it.  It destresses me and I always end up coming home with a few great finds.

~ the happy song of spring birds ~ the spring birds have been serenading us with song and it is a most welcome sound.  We get all sorts of birds perching in the pine trees next door and they all add to the chorus.  

~ great Sunday message ~ over the month of April the series at church has been on the goodness of God and this last Sunday was "Seeing Good in the Bad".  So encouraging.  Exactly what I needed.

What were your favorite blessings from the week?

A fun way of saying to notice and enjoy your own blessings and not to be jealous or covet what someone else has.


Faith said...

First of all.....that quote! Perfect and a fun image!

Second: We too have a date night and I shared about it. It IS a blessing to be able to go out with our spouses and just have that alone time where we are unplugged and connecting. Glad you got to do it!

Library time is always a blessing for me too. In fact, I have too many books here right now so I'm forcing my self to NOT take any more out until all three of these are done. hahaha. I'm looking forward to seeing your book reviews.

Having excellent sermons that encourage us or grow us is a huge blessing. We are in the midst of a series our pastor is doing that he has written and it's about Hope (my word of the year) and discouragement. It's SO good.

I hope you have a good weekend of reading and relaxing and drinking delicious coffee.

See you soon

Barbara Harper said...

I love that saying in the graphic. So true, and a cute way to put it.

We had a pretty wild storm one night, too. I feel the same way about being thankful for shelter.

How fun to have a date night. We need to do that more often, too. Even though it's just the two of us eating together most nights, it's special to do something different some times.

I haven't browsed in the library in a long while. Glad you got to do so!

I'm happy for great Sunday messages. I love when the sermon is just what I need.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like you had a good week. Date nights are always nice and super important for a marriage to thrive. So glad to hear that you have had some good messages at church. Yes, a warm, safe home is something we usually take for granted, but it is such a blessing, and one many people don't have. I hope you have a good Friday! I will look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Beth Moore memoir. Have a good weekend!

nikkipolani said...

So true about training ourselves to be on the lookout. God is always working from the small to the large.

Yours are lovely fives. Blessing of being together, sheltered, with pockets of time. Being able to see God's goodness is a blessing in so may ways.

Wendy said...

Great graphic! I think many of us are still going out less than perhaps we did pre covid. We need to work on that habit too. Got to love the library. I also like being able to reserve books and renew them etc online. Yes sometimes it's good to remember how fortunate we are to have the basics like shelter, etc. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Willow said...

Love that last quote. Totally agree.
Yes, we are blessed to have food, water, and shelter.
The library is always a fave for us, too.
I agree, I love the spring sounds of the birds.
Have a good weekend!

Ingrid said...

That's nice an evening as a couple in a good restaurant ! We had quite a lot of wind here, I don't like it at all it scares me when it howls around the building.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a good week filled with blessings. It's always good to be on the lookout for those and to stop and thank our Good God for His love and care. Happy last weekend of April!

Karen said...

I have to add, too, that I love the quote! It's good to have date nights, maybe even especially at our age! I always enjoy hanging out at the library, and wonder why I don't do it more often. It's true, shelter is something we take for granted. One of those things that we probably don't truly appreciate it until we lose it.