Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #727

Welcome to the last FFF in March.  I for one am so ready for April and some actual spring time weather. Bring on the sunshine, green grass and sandals.  But meanwhile, there are other blessings in our week to be thankful for.  Please join us as we share five of our favorites from the week.

~ beautiful bouquet ~ my sweet hubby bought home a lovely bouquet of one of my favorite flowers for me.  So pretty, I love how they bring the spring time indoors. 


~ helpful husband ~ hubby has been so helpful in doing grocery runs for me.  Usually I don't mind doing groceries but sometimes the weekends are just so hectic.  I'm so grateful that when he notices the list getting a bit long he just takes it upon himself to go and get it done.  I'm especially grateful because I know he is setting aside one of his own chores that needs doing in order to give me a hand and give me a break.  Can you tell that gifts and acts of service of my two main love languages?  

~ movie night with the girls ~ this week I got together with my sis and a couple of friends and we went and enjoyed a movie together.  This has not happened since before covid.  It was so nice to have us all together again.  I made a note to myself that we've got to start making it a regular occurrence again.

~ unique and delicious ice cream ~ I've mentioned before the ice cream store near my house that does homemade small batch ice cream and their unique monthly flavors.  This month's fun feature that I tried and liked was Apple Pie ala cheddar.

~ free little library finds ~ In the last week I've come across several books that I've actually been wanting to read in free little libraries.  It's like finding a treasure.  There is all sorts of books to be found in these book sharing libraries, but when you come across one that is actually on your list of want to reads it a real prize.

What have been your favorite blessings this week?

I love this quote.  It reminds me to look for those blessings and not just at problems or what I perceive to be lack.  I hope our little weekly exercise of intentionally looking for our blessings over the past week has helped your see how full your other hand is!  Have a wonderful week everyone!


Faith said...

I love the quote!! TRUTH!

Tulips are my fave flowers and we live in the city known as Tulip City (Albany NY). Tulip Festival is in early May when they are at peak here. It's a huge event!! I'll have to go this year and post pics. Yours are so pretty and perfect for the beginning of Spring!

YAY for fun girl dates and hubbys who do the grocery shopping. I do mine after work but sometimes I have to run over on the weekends and that's when I usually send Dave hahaha.

LOVE when I find good books. We have a little free library on the bike path i walk where there's a sitting area. I haven't checked it out since last October due to ice on the path there but maybe this weekend I'll pop over if we don't get the rain.

that's an....interesting...flavor for ice cream. I tend to stick to more traditional flavors.

ENJOY your weekend!!

Barbara Harper said...

Those flowers are so pretty and springy! I love when my husband goes to the store, too. (And acts of service is my love language as well.) How fun to have a movie night out with the girls. How neat to find a book you've been wanting to read in a little library. We just passed one here last weekend, but not in an area of town where we usually are. If we hadn't been on our way somewhere, I might have asked to stop and look.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. Those spring flowers are beautiful. Your husband sounds like a great guy to bring you flowers and help you with chores like shopping. My husband does the grocery shopping each week and it is a blessing. It's great that you were able to have a girls night out. That ice cream flavor sounds very unique! I love little libraries and yes, it is exciting to find a book that is on your "want to read" list waiting for you in a little library! I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Wendy said...

You definitely made a good choice with your Hubby! Mine will be helpful if I specifically ask him to do something but he's not very good at noticing things that need doing lol. He does do almost all the cooking in our house though so I'm not really complaining. How nice to get out to the cinema and find books that you've been looking for. The tulips are pretty but I'm not sure about that ice cream flavour - it sounded fine until cheese was mentioned lol. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Melanie said...

I have never come across one of those free libraries. What a blessing they must be. And to find one on your wish list is great.

I'm a fan of ice cream. The apple pie ala cheddar sounds great. My father grew up eating apple pie with a wedge of cheddar cheese.

I love the quote. So often it's easy to concentrate on that we don't have rather than the blessing we do have.

The tulips are so pretty! A sure sign of spring!

Have a great weekend.

Susan said...

Having a helpful hubby is a blessing. I am glad you could get together with your friends. That ice cream sounds good! Enjoy your week!

nikkipolani said...

What a perfect-picture spring bouquet with complementary colors. Well done Mr LTTTS! And from a beloved who takes initiative to help out, too. Lovely faves, Susanne.

We have little free libraries in our neighborhood but rarely a book I'm the least interested in. So nice that your libraries have books on your list.

Love the creativity of your local ice cream store.

Ingrid said...

Such a cheerful bouquet ! Rick always did the shopping for the whole week, I hated it and he didn't mind, as he loved to chat with everybody he even liked doing the shopping. I miss that, for me it's a punishment ! Since a few years somebody had the good idea to put little "birdhouses" in the cities, where people put their books they have read and don't want to keep, so the next takes what he likes and leaves the books he had read ! That works very well and is free !

ellen b. said...

How wonderful to have a true helpmate in a spouse. It is a blessing from God for sure. Love the bouquet! Happy April to you!

Willow said...

Happy Spring and Happy April to you. Love the tulips!
That is a great quote and very true!
Great finds in the little libraries. Free books we love to read!
Happy weekend to you and your helpful hubby.

Karen said...

The bouquet of tulips is beautiful. I love the colors. I can't remember the last time I went out to a movie with friends. What did you see? It's great that you husband will do grocery shopping. Mine will pick up a couple of items, but taking a big list is a challenge. Although, it's interesting to see what he comes home with sometimes! Love those little libraries;)