Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday's Fave Five #721

Hi everyone.  Welcome!  It's Friday and that means taking a pause and reflecting on what was a blessing in our week.  Sometimes we just need to take a pause and take the time to do this otherwise we might not notice those little things that make life joyful. This week has been insanely busy for me so it's especially important to be intentional about this.  Noticing those blessings and being grateful and thankful is important in shaping how we look at life.  Today my post won't be too detailed.  It's late and I'm zonked, it's been a week,  but taking this intentional pause, developing the habit of focusing on God's gifts instead of on the difficulty.

 ~ successful valentine's party for the kids ~ party days in the dayhome are always quite stressful for me.  There is a lot of prep and planning and then executing but the fun the kids have is worth it.

~ Quiet Valentines, just the way we like it ~ Hubby and I don't usually go out on Valentine's Day.  The crowds and busyness of restaurants on this day just isn't our thing.  And we usually don't go all out in giving gifts on this day, either.  But even though I told him not to get me anything, he still got me my favorite chocolates.  And I made him his favorite dinner.  We enjoyed a nice quiet evening at home together.

~ valentine's social with Mom ~ Wednesday evening the supportive living where Mom lives held a Valentine's social with dessert and an hour of music with an accordion group.   I'm thankful for this evening  to spend with Mom doing something special because the residents missed out on the Christmas social due to a flu outbreak in the wing my Mom lives in.  It's so important for seniors to be able to celebrate holidays with family and/or friends so I'm glad it was a go and that I could attend.

~ hard working hubby ~ so thankful for my hubby who knows how to fix a lot of things.  Our bathroom sink got majorly plugged and he worked hard for two days fixing that thing.  The simple fix of acid to remove the clog only complicated things as it ate through the pipe and we ended up with a leak.  After having to cut a hole into the spare bedroom wall in order to be able to reach the pipe where the problem was and replace it, it still took him using his electrical "fishing" contraption to get that thing unplugged.  Now he has a wall to repair.  

~ passed licensing visit with flying colors ~ and wouldn't you know licensing picked my dayhome (1 of their 6 random picks from the agency I'm with) to do their yearly surprise visit on the day hubby was elbow deep in the pipe replacing fix.  It was interesting but in spite of it all, I passed with no non-compliances.  Whew.  All that stress over and done with and hopefully I won't be randomly picked next year.

What were your favorite blessings from the past week?  What are you thankful for?



Faith said...

Praise God for the passing of the licensure. We almost didn't pass in our classroom last month (we don't know the day they come, just that they come sometime during the school year) because the label on our sanitizing bottle was faded. I told the woman "For goodness sake, we ALL know this is bleach solution..that's why it's up and away from the students." She agreed and let it pass!

YAY for husbands who can do plumbing. Mine can't but we have a plumber from a Christian plumbing company connected with our church so he always gets things done for us.

We had the same kind of Valentine's Day minus the candy. I bought special baked goods and made his fave dinner. He forgot all about the day so.....we just had fun watching our fave romance movie and had a nice quiet night in.

I'll bet your little ones in the daycare just loved the special day you planned for them and how wonderful you could spend Wed evening with your mom.

Happy Weekend!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. It sounds like a bit of stressful week for you, but it all turned out well in the end. So glad. It's so great that your husband had the skills to fix the sink. It's good that the surprise inspection went well despite the repairs. So glad you had a nice Valentine's Day with your favorite candy from your hubby, a successful Day Home party for the little ones and a nice visit with your mom. I hope your weekend is restful and relaxing. See you again soon.

Barbara Harper said...

A busy week, indeed! I always feel bad for my husband when he tries to fix something that turns more complicated than expected, or when one action triggers another problem. I'm thankful we both have persevering, hard-working husbands.

And to have the surprise inspection that same day! I'm glad everything worked out okay.

That is a very cute box of candy. We don't like to go out on Valentine's Day because restaurants are so crowded. This year we went out the night before--but the restaurant was still crowded.

I'm sure the kids enjoyed their party. I love Valentine's parties as a kid.

That's so good you were able to go to the Valentine's social with your mom at her place.

ellen b. said...

Well done in passing that stressful visit and hats off to hubby for fixing the problem and the problem caused by fixing the problem. :)
Sweet Valentine observances. Hope your weekend is restful.

Willow said...

Oh wow. I can't imagine the stress of having the inspectors showing up that day. But of course you passed with flying colors.
Yay for hubbies who can fix things.
I'm glad you were able to celebrated Valentine's Day with your mom. And I'm sure your daycare kids loved their party.
Have a good weekend!

Billie Jo said...

Hello! I am so happy that your licensing visit is over, and you passed with flying colors! How great your husband is handy with things like that. Mine? Not so much, but fortunately, I have a couple sons in law that are! Your Valentine's Day sounds perfect. Have a cozy weekend!

Karen said...

Your husband is a gem. So's mine. Aren't we lucky? Our Valentine's day was very low key as well. We ordered pizza and shared it with my niece, who just joined a dating app. We all picked our favorite matches, haha!

I'm sure the kids had fun at your Valentine party, and how nice to go to a social at your mom's. I just love Valentine's:)

Congratulations on the good marks for your inspection!

Susan said...

Looks like the visit while your husband was doing repairs worked in your favor. I read It's Not Supposed to Be This Way. I have read several of Lysa's books. I am reading a Francine Rivers book right now. Enjoy your weekend!

Melanie said...

Oh my! What good news that your surprise inspection went so well with your husband knee keep in repairs! It just shows how well you can manage things through stress. I'm glad you finally got things unplugged.

Happy Belated Valentine's Day. Enjoy your vhocolates!

Gattina said...

We have never celebrated Valentine's for the simple reason I didn't know that and Rick neither, in Germany and Italy we apparently had Valentine's days the whole year long. Later here in Belgium, we forgot and as you say the restaurants were crowded ! I saw it now on my trip to France. That's nice that your hubby can fix a lot of things himself, mine could do it too ! Now I have to find somebody because I don't have the strength. Even put a nail in the wall I would nail my finger in the wall probably !!

Wendy said...

Oh well done on the inspection visit. I know how nerve wracking they can be even when they're planned let alone a surprise! You're so lucky to have a hubby who can take care of DIY issues. My hubby would have taken one look at the sink and said call a plumber lol. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day - it has become one big commercialised event here. A heartfelt "I love you" is much better than expensive cards or flowers for me.

nikkipolani said...

Wow, you have had quite the week! It's a testament to all your hard work that the surprise visit still went well despite extra drama with plumbing fix taking place. I remember some years ago when you were contemplating whether to continue with the dayhome. God continues to guide and provide for you.

What a special gift to have a skilled beloved tackling complicated fixes. And one who brings you chocolates!