Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Fave Fives #716

Hi everyone.  Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Our time to hit that pause on the busy lifestyle and actually look for what has been a blessing in our past week.  What has uplifted your heart, brought a smile to your face, made you thankful.  It's time to take notice of it and give thanks.  Mine this week are pretty simple pleasures but they are all things that bring joy to the everyday.   Join in if you would like to share five of your favorite blessings from the last week.

~ special note from a special little girl ~ Left on my doorstep with a little gift this precious note came from a very special 6 year old.  A former child in my dayhome I was blessed to have her from age 1 until she went to kindergarten and the summer before grade 1.  We have a real special bond, her and I, and I miss her like crazy.  It's always a special treat when she pops by to say hello.

~ bald eagle sighting ~ I was outside one day putting down some salt on all the ice on our front walk when I looked over the school yard and spotted a bald eagle flying quite low.  It hung around a half minute or so hovering on air current and then left.  Hubby spotted him over the house later the next day.  Now we have some bald eagles around here but usually they hang more around the river valleys and coulees outside of the city.  My sis in law and niece who live on an acreage a few miles out of town see them often but I have never in life seen one in town.  Kind of an exciting sight.

~ candied ginger ~ for my birthday (at the end of December) my youngest daughter gifted me these favorites from my favorite spice store.  They are soft, chewy and spicy and taste very fresh.  So good and really nice treat.  I've been trying real hard not to scarf them down and just slowly enjoy them making them last a bit longer.

~ furry feather calathea ~ my plant I bought  at the beginning of December is thriving.  It is getting much bushier with all sorts of new leaves sprouting.  It way thicker than it was when I brought it home.  It makes me happy to see how it brightens up the corner where it's placed.  I just love it's unique leaves.  Very glad I listened to that insistent voice in my head telling me not to leave this behind.  No regrets on this purchase.  

~ beautiful days ~ We've seen above freezing temps every day this week.  But the wonderful thing about that is that there has been no crazy wind along with it.  Usually at this time of year, the chinook winds are the driving force in warm weather but though we've had breezes or light wind it hasn't been the howling strong winds that chinooks tend to be.  We've gone outside daily to enjoy the fresh air!

What have been favorite blessings from your week?


Ingrid said...

This little note is so cute and I can understand how pleased you were when you found it ! What a compliment for your daycare ! I have no eagles bald or with hair flying or hopping around here, only magpies, crows and pigeons. Just heard in the News that it has rained for one month here in Belgium. At least I was sick while it rained now that I am OK again maybe the sun will come back !

Wendy said...

Oh what a lovely note to get from that little girl. Knowing you were appreciated and loved must be so heartwarming. That plant looks like it's doing really well. Have a good weekend Susanne.

Faith said...

Susanne!! That plant! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it Now you have me wanting to go look for one come March when our Garden stores open back up.

That little girl sounds so fun to keep in touch as she grows up. You obviously did a great job seeing as how they want to come back and visit and give gifts.

Bald Eagles are seen around here in the Hudson Valley or from a mountain summit (where i usually see them...i've only see one twice in town here over by the Mohawk River and once by the Hudson). Those are magnificent birds...and our country's symbol! Glad you could experience seeing one.

YUMMY...i haven't had candied ginger in a while I did buy my oldest daughter some ginger chai little hard candies for her xmas stocking....i love candied ginger. great treat!! (and good for sore throats too!).

HAPPY WEEKEND!! down here in the states most of us have Monday honor Martin Luther King Jr.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. What a nice post about the simple things in your life that have brought you joy and moments of gratitude this past week. So special that you got that little love notes from your former Day Home child. So sweet. I have never had ginger candy but it looks and sounds good, so maybe I should be on the lookout. What a thoughtful birthday gift from your daughter. I love your plant. I also like having plants in my home, and that one you have is beautiful. It is doing so well! So glad your weather has been good enough to spend a little time outside even though it has been cold. Seeing a Bald Eagle is also a special thing your last week. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Barbara Harper said...

How sweet to get such a note. It's so nice the little girl still likes to come by and say hello. It must have been so neat to see the bald eagle so nearby. I've not tried candied ginger. Looks good! That calathea is looking really nice. I am so glad it is thriving! And it's so good to have some warmer temperatures without the howling winds.

Melanie said...

How lovely to spot a bald eagle! I've only seen them in zoo-type environments. I love your simple pleasures of this week. The ginger candy sounds interesting. Such a sweet note from that little girl. Our temps here have been mild but we expect snow today. It is the simple things that can bring the most pleasure. Have a blessed week.

Jennifer said...

Your plant is beautiful. I really should try a houseplant...but I never am able to make them thrive. Or, live for that matter. But I would something so pretty in my home. And the candied ginger sounds like a nice treat. I wonder how spicy it would be for me? I'm a bit wimpy with spicy things:)

nikkipolani said...

Simple ones are some of the best. My aunt makes candied ginger, too, and hers are super spicy. But they kind of grow on you and you want to keep eating despite the stinging.

That note is so sweet from your special girl.

Well done on keeping that houseplant thriving. It's a beauty indeed.

Susan said...

What a special note, such a blessing! I used to be good with plants, but not so much anymore. Plants are healthy for us. I enjoy looking out the window when I Bible journal so I can see our plants growing thanks to my Hubby!

Willow said...

Love that quote!
I eat a few morsels of uncrystalized candied ginger every day. Yes, I have to limit myself or I'd eat the whole bag. They're sooo good.
What a sweet note from that little girl. I treasure those notes.
Have a good and maybe warm weekend.