Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #713

Our last Friday's Fave Five before Christmas!  Is everyone ready?   Whether you are ahead of the game or whether you are not quite where you want or need to be take a moment to hit the pause button, take a moment and find the blessings in your life from this week.  The to-do-list will still be there but you may just have a more relaxed heart and mind by having noticed what God has blessed you with this week.  

~ lunch and gift exchange ~ we were treated to another lovely lunch out by another of our close friends.  We had such a nice time together.  This is a couple that we really feel we can just let down our hair and be ourselves with.  No pretenses, no pretending, no stress.  We laugh a lot and share a lot and just enjoy being together.  We exchanged fun gifts, nothing elaborate, just fun things we find that we think the others will like.  I always feel refreshed and recharged when being this couple.  They are a real blessing in our lives.

~ spotlight arrived ~ we ordered a small spotlight for the Christmas picture we had found at the Christmas market and after putting it up and decorating the top of the fireplace I just love it.  It is so peaceful just sitting in the dark with just this lighting and the light from the Christmas tree and thinking about what Christmas is all about.  Emmanuel:  God with us.  

~ forced air furnaces ~ This week our hard working furnace wins a special mention.  It has been absolutely frigid here as you saw by my post on Wednesday.  Well Thursday morning it beat that.  At 2 different time Thursday morning it was -50*C with the wind chill here in our city.  That is -58*F people!  I am so very thankful for a home with heat.    I'm so glad that warmer weather is being forecast for Christmas.

~ sweet gift from a parent ~ I did some drop in care for a former full time parent this month.  I had both of her older children in my dayhome for years and t was such a joy having her littlest one here for a couple of days.  She's so sweet.  And speaking of sweet, the Mom gifted me some homemade Christmas chocolates she makes.  When the older ones were in my dayhome she gifted me with some each year.  They are so delicious!

~ wonderful cream ~ once again this cream  from The Beehive is making my list.  This week because I desperately used it for my extremely dry and sore knuckles.  This cold and dry air inside is wreaking havoc on my hands.  In desperation I grabbed this foot cream and used it on my knuckles and they are actually finding some relief.  And the peppermint smell is lovely.  

What were your favorite blessings from the last week?

I want to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas.  May you be blessed with peace and joy  and know the love of Jesus this Christmas!


Ingrid said...

That's so nice that people keep contact with you even if their kids are not anymore with you. I remember my son when he started school he always wanted to visit the young lady who took care of him since he was 4 months old ! I will celebrate alone, I am not in a mood to organize a Christmas celebration, I will see son and grandson on the 26th.

Faith said...

Wow Susanne. That is SUPER COLD weather you all are having! Today (Friday) here in the Capital Region of NY we are supposed to get up to 55 F. I honestly would prefer temps in the 20s because it is WINTER, people!! It's been winter for 2 days now and it feels and looks like early Spring. hahha. Most of our 4 inches of snow is now gone due to pounding rain all night...but...the blessing is I don't have to go out today! I hope you stay in and enjoy those chocolates, that warm furnace working and that pretty fireplace scene. It's gorgeous with the spotlight on the picture!

that foot cream looks wonderfully refreshing and I love the ingredients in it. Thanks for the link. I just may order some this winter if it ever gets cold enough to need it!

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas with your family.

Barbara Harper said...

Those are the best kinds of friends, the ones you can be thoroughly yourselves with. The picture looks so nice with the spotlight on it.

That is soooo cold. It's 7 degrees here, and that's more than cold enough for me. Stay warm.

What a nice gift from one of your parents. And being able to moisturize is so important in this weather.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! It is so terribly cold where you are. So glad it is going to warm up a bit. It's great that you have such good friends that you enjoy getting together with. I love the spotlight highlighting that beautiful picture. The treat that one of the parents brought you sounds delicious and was very thoughtful. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. See you again soon!

Aritha Vermeulen said...

I love your lamp or spotlight. What is that a nice one.

ellen b. said...

That spotlight is a great idea. I've been thanking God for that furnace that has been running nonstop! So thankful, too, that our power has stayed on. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Susanne.

Aritha Vermeulen said...

Oh, cold!

Willow said...

I like how you described 'hitting the pause button'. Christmas can be a bit overwhelming some years.
I do hope your weather moderates (and please don't send it here as we are at -4F right now) and you have a warmer Christmas Day.
Oh, homemade chocolates! And time with a sweet little girl.
Merry Christmas!

nikkpolani said...

I'm sorry, minus anything (C or F) is too cold. But -58C?? That is amazing. Awards to your furnace!

How lovely to have moments of quiet to enjoy your new art and reflect. We could all do with more reflection!

Your no-pretenses friends sound like real gems. So glad you have them and enjoy rich times together. This is precious indeed.