Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #707

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Looking for our blessings during the week is what we are intentionally learning to do so that it becomes second nature to us.  And then we turn our hearts to gratefulness and thankfulness to God for them.  Please join in with us in sharing five of our favorites from the past week.

~ unexpected week off ~ not just a day or two but the whole week!  Unfortunately the one little guy I have right now in dayhome caught himself a really bad cold with lots of coughing so mom has kept him home each day.  And with today being a Remembrance Day here in Canada that gave me the whole week off.  Though we couldn't take off anywhere out of town because I didn't know from day to day whether I was working or not, it was like being on vacation.  And it was something I really needed.  Some major down time.

~ date days ~ with the weather being absolutely frigid this week hubby also did not have much work so we had a couple of date days.  We went Christmas browsing,  had a leisurely visit to the library and went out for lunch a couple days.   Again, kind of like being on vacation!

~ certification approval ~ with the move to going with a licensed agency I had to get my ECE (Early Childhood Education) Level 1.  It is a requirement and the provincial gov't is offering it free to those who need it and don't have it yet.  It's a 56 hour course on top of working a 10 hour day but I had 180 days to complete it.  Meanwhile I also applied to see if my Rehabilitation Services certificate would be accepted as equal certification.  And this week I got news that they accepted it and I am now certified ECE Level 1.  I no longer have to take the course!  Praise God!!  I might try and audit it just for the information but I don't have to do assignments or exams.  I am so relieved!

~ spots getting filled ~ my spots are now getting filled and hopefully by the end of January I'll be running a full house in my dayhome again.  Such a relief.

~ OCC packing party ~ On Saturday I attended my first Operation Christmas Child packing party.  I know there are lots of churches that do them but I had never experienced one before.  It was so much fun!  Things were organized and laid out on tables in groups according to age and gender and we got to fill up boxes with choices from each appropriate table.  In a couple of hours we filled over 300 boxes.  So much fun!   And that is 300 kids somewhere in the world that will be blessed this Christmas.

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Ingrid said...

Congratulations that you don't have to do these courses ! I can imagine that it is a big relieve, and a week of is also to appreciate when you I working. I am now in eternal holidays ! I have nothing done for Christmas yet, I didn't even know what to do. As it is my first Christmas without Rick, I wanted to go away somewhere. I cannot go to my son, DIL has the long Covid and is extremely tired. It lasts now one year !! Finally I agreed to do Christmas here, I am also not running full speed, but I have to start once so it will be so why not this year.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Praise God that your certification was approved and that your day home slots are filling up. I know this is something you have been worried about. An added plus is that you got some down time this week before going back to full steam ahead. I love packing a couple of Christmas boxes for OCC and was finishing up our last night. I imagine that packing over 300 boxes would be a lot of work and a lot of fun. Thanks for helping out with this worthy project! Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Faith said...

ooh.... we LOVE OCC parties! I used to host one here in the house when I had a larger small group and our church did them years ago when the girls were younger. Now, everyone just brings their own as we are now a collection center for all area churches. How fun you got to experience it.

PRAISE GOD the Canadian govt accepted your certification you already have. That's a huge relief. Yes take the course assistant in the classroom where i teach is currently working on hers. She'll get a pay raise once she's certified.

I love that you had date days, lunches out and a good trip to the library. btw....i LOVED and OWN both Julie Andrews' memoirs. I've reviewed them on the blog. Courtney bought me both for xmas a couple years ago. Just loved reading about her life and family.


Barbara Harper said...

What a blessing to have some unexpected down time--and to get your certification without having to finish the course! That is just wonderful. It's so good your dayhome spots are getting filled again. How fun to have some unexpected date days with your husband. I haven't been to an OCC packing party, either--sounds like they have the process down pat.

Melanie said...

I'm glad you had the unexpected week off and was able to enjoy it. Also, a blessing that eventually you'll have a full house. Congratulations on your certification. That must be quite a relief.

I noticed on your side bar that you're reading Julie Andrew's book. I read the one previous to it - about her growing up years and then into Broadway etc. I can't remember the name of it off hand. She is quite a lady!

Have a lovely weekend.

Willow said...

Oh, yay! that you don't have to do all those hours of classes. And that your license is accepted. That is truly a blessing.
Date days and a quiet week sounds wonderful.
I have never done an OCC box filling party but it seems like it would be so fun.
Enjoy your weekend. Hope it is not too cold.

nikkipolani said...

Hearty congratulations on not having to take those classes! It's not like you're new to caring for young children... but so glad you can audit and see if anything interests you.

Friends of ours attend a church that does packing parties for OCC, too. Their coordinator has rallies all year (crayon month, stuffed toy month, etc.) and then organizes the packing party.

Glad you had a week off, though not really knowing until the day starts. Lovely to have some free time for browsing and relaxing before the holidays and your full roster of kids coming up soon!