Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #691

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  I don't know about you but I am ready to take a pause and look for my blessings during the week and take some time to be thankful an grateful to God for bringing them into my life.  Sometimes I take simple little things for granted if I don't stop and think about how that thing really is such a blessing.  Won't you join me as we share five of our favorite blessings from the past week?

~ Mom home from the hospital ~  wow, the last couple of weeks were hard.  Working all day, running to the hospital at night, but not as tough as it was for Mom.  But now she's home at the supportive living sporting a brand new pacemaker.  I'm so thankful she is still here, as it was pretty scary at times.  

~ pineapple ice cream ~  the little local small batch homemade ice cream shop's flavor of the month is pineapple.  So, so good.   I treat myself to a pint each month of a flavor and this is a fave so far.  They also gave me a taste of the other flavor of the month, maple berry cornbread.  Sounds bizarre but it was surprisingly very good.

~ book declutter ~ I braved my closet floor and the stacks of books and was strong enough to get rid of 7 or 8 books.  I had to get really honest with myself about whether or not I thought I was going to realistically read them.  But I feel good about letting them go to Little Libraries where hopefully someone else will find them and be excited to read them.  I find letting go of books is so hard.  But hopefully this was like priming the pump and I'll be able to let a few more go that deep down I know I will just not get around to reading.

~ Indian food ~ One of my favorite takeouts, we treated ourselves last weekend.   Coconut rice, garlic naan, lamb Rogan-Josh for me and beef Kadhai for hubby.  And bonus, there was leftovers for the next day.  Soooo good.

~ vacation time starts today at 5 ~  I am so ready for some time off!  It will probably be a staycation week but the thought of not having to get up to an alarm clock and some nice walks and bike rides and lots of reading is making me happy.  Oh the anticipation.  LOL.

What are your favorite blessings from the week?


Ingrid said...

I am happy to read that your mom is well now, one worry less ! When we moved I left a whole library behind to the people who cleaned the house from top to bottom everything went away. I thought if I want read something I have a ebook reader and can read it ! So Besides maybe 8 books I don't have any anymore. It's worse with Rick's he has tons but all in Italian. He could give away some of them but there is still a bunch here which takes space and nobody reads. We had completely different tastes concerning books !
It was very hot here nearly 40°C ! without airco ! Even the nights were hot. Now it's "winter" again with 22°C

Faith said...

Praise the Lord your mom is home again and with a new pacemaker. What a relief for you I am sure! I've been praying for you, Susanne. How is it going with the other issue ??

I'm also on a week off next week starting today at 1:30 pm EST!!!! For the first time since taking this teaching position that requires me to teach the 6 week summer school program with my prek kids, I am taking a week off in the middle of programming. I"m shocked it was approved!! We are heading towards Cape Cod for a much needed visit (one day) with dave's folks but the rest of the time will be just us doing fun relaxing things.

We LOVE Indian food and really miss our fave place that closed down due to Covid.

That ice cream sounds.....interesting.......

ENJOY the weekend!!

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so thankful your mom is home from the hospital. Hopefully the pacemaker will keep things stable.

I've done that with books, but need to do some more. Funny how getting rid of books we haven't read yet feels both bad and good. Like you say, it's an opportunity to get them to people who might want them. And it creates space, physically and mentally, for books we do want to read. For me, the hardest to get rid of are books that people gave me that I am really not interested in. I feel I ought to read them since they are a gift. But I have a few that have been at the very bottom of my to-read pile for years.

Yay for vacation! Sounds like it is coming at a much-needed time. Hope it's relaxing and refreshing.

Willow said...

I am so glad to hear your mom is out of the hospital. I've been praying all week for her. A new pacemaker is a good thing.
Oh it is hard to get rid of books. You are stronger than I am. My younger girl has a little library at her house on the street and people often stop by to grab a book or drop one off.
Enjoy every minute of that staycation!

nikkipolani said...

So so pleased to hear your dear mom is home! Praying the adjustments with the pacemaker will go smoothly.

Book de-cluttering must be pretty harrowing for someone like you with big love for books and big opportunities for adding to your reading lists! Good for you, though.

Aaaaah! A well timed vacation. Hope you get some deep rest and a chance to recharge. And maybe eat more of your favorite ice cream!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. That ice cream sounds good. So glad you mom is out of the hospital and doing well. So glad you get some time off. Enjoy a good, well-deserved rest. See you again soon.