Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #681

What a week it has been!!  Work stress and uncertainty,  grief while trying to deal with choosing a headstone for Dad then I also found out a long time friend had passed away this week.  So much to  overwhelm the mind and heart it has been hard to push through each day.  I'm glad I have FFF to re-center myself back to noticing blessings in the midst of the everyday troubles. 

~ Mother's Day ~  Mother's Day was very quiet again this year.  No kids down on the actual day though my daughter came midweek last week knowing she couldn't be there the actual day.  So I slept in, read a lot, drank a lot of coffee and Hubby took me out for all you can eat Sushi for lunch.  I got nice phone calls from all the kids and had great chats with them all.  A really nice day in spite of not seeing the kids.

~ over the fence chats ~ my neighbor also has a child care in her home and we share a backyard fence.  It's a real blessing to be able to talk to her over the fence sharing ideas and supporting one another in our jobs.  These last weeks especially so as we're both trying to navigate the changes we are forced to deal with.

~ soothing tea ~ I've been enjoying some herbal teas in the evenings.  Mint, Bengal Spice (it's a herbal chai type of tea), Turkish Apple, Caramel Pear.  A nice hot cup of tea to help soothe away the day.

~ funny facebook memes ~ there have been some pretty funny ones lately I haven't seen make the rounds before.  One of them fit perfectly to a situation and so I sent it to my friend and we both shared a really good laugh over it.  Love having a good laugh each day.

~ books I stay up way too late reading ~ I love finding stories I just can't put down even though it's getting way past my bed time.  I'm in the middle of one of those right now.  Groggy in the morning but so worth it.

What have been you're favorite blessings this week?


Ingrid said...

That's nice that you have a good neighbor especially because you do the same job. But it is good to "talk business" with an adult as interruption because watching the whole day over little kids must not be a peaceful job !

Wendy said...

Sorry you're having a rough time Susanne. Grief is very unpredictable. Glad you had contact with your kids and a day doing very little is probably just what you needed. I love it when I find a book I just can't put down but like you I often regret that in the morning lol. Enjoy your weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I hope that next week is a better week for your. I am glad your have loving, supportive family and friends, and good books to read. I love the way you found the positive in a challenging week. Have a good weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

I'm sorry for such a rough week. Those are all hard things to deal with.I'm glad you had a relaxing Mother's Day and got to chat with all your kids. It's good to have someone close by dealing with the same things you are in your work. A good laugh is great therapy. I love good books, too, esocially the can't-put-down ones.

Faith said...

I love the quote at the end. So perfect for my week.

So sorry you're dealing with work woes. I'm assuming they're covid related...or maybe not....changes can be so stressful when you're used to doing things a certain way. This is why I refuse to teach in a public our non-profit one we can make huge differences in our children's lives and in those of their families and in the public schools you barely get to know the family (or the child nowadays!! way too much gov control). Anyways...whatever changes your day care is facing, I hope things get less stressful for you. Am praying for you Susanne!!

Herbal teas are lovely....I used to drink the Bengal Spice one years ago! Been way too warm here (85 yesterday!!) so I've been enjoying ice water and Iced Sparkling waters.

I haven't been on FB much this month although I've posted pics but when i see those comic memes, they're funny and I too pass them on to friends. Glad you got some laughter into your week.

YAY for Mother's Day and good phone calls, food, etc. Enjoy your weekend!

ellen b. said...

Sorry for the hard times you have experienced. Sweet to have a backyard over the fence neighbor to compare notes with and to offer back and forth encouragement.

nikkipolani said...

I was nodding and smiling through your faves, gasped at your 85F temp, but I keep coming back to that all-you-can-eat sushi lunch. Wow.

Hoping for the best as you and neighbor figure out the business requirements.

Willow said...

I'm sorry that it has been a hard week losing a friend and missing your dad. You do a great job of focusing on the good things and helping us all do that, too.
Isn't it wonderful to have children who call and want to talk to you? Love that!
Love my mint tea! Coffee in the morning, herbal tea at night.
Have a good weekend!

Pradeep Nair said...

The other day, a total stranger took the pains the other day to guide me to a store that I was hopelessly looking for.
The days have been gloomy because of overcast conditions brought about by the effect of Cyclone Asani.
But as they say there is always a silver lining to every cloud!
We just have to look for it.
-- Pradeep from Time and Tide