Friday, April 08, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #677

Hi Everyone and Happy Friday.  I apparently do not know what day it is and totally missed getting this post up.  Here is Mr. Linky so you all can link your FFF posts.  I will try to get a post up later today.

Well now that I know that it's Friday, welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Sheesh.  Even though my head is mixed up my heart is still grateful and it's always a good time to look at blessings even if the blog post publication timing is off.  I've been struggling to get a good rhythm back to my days so this post will help.  I am finding out that I am becoming more of a routine loving person as I get older and when it's thrown off kilter it takes me a while to get back.  But today is a good day to start.  Thank you to everyone who commented or emailed me to send me their condolences and prayers.  I very much appreciate that.  It was a tough couple of weeks but God is good and I know my Dad is in good Hands with Jesus, free from his health struggles he had here on earth and I'll see him again.

~ caring doctors and nurses ~ I so appreciate all the caring doctors and nurses that were involved with my Dad's hospital stay.  Their kindness and compassion during some hard times did not go unnoticed and was super appreciated by my sister and I.  After sitting in a hospital room for 9 - 10 hours a day and observing how they work with some tough patients, I have nothing but great admiration for them and those nurses do not make enough pay in my opinion.  Some of the stuff they put up with, I would have not been able to tolerate as kindly as I saw them doing.

~ personal connection ~ the funeral director who handled my Dad's funeral was actually a former Childcare parent of mine and he and his staff were amazing.  It was such a comfort to have him handling things and he put people I knew onto the staff who would be working our service.  His compassion, patience and sensitivity in when to be somber and when to show humor was phenomenal and really made the process so much easier. My Dad would have really enjoyed his personality.   I'm very grateful they took such good care of us.

~ good movies ~ Movie:  "Dark Waters" on Netflix.  Based on a true story, it's legal drama that tells the story of an underdog lawyer who originally worked defending big chemical corporations but then turned and took on the Dupont chemical company when it was discovered that most of the townsfolk were coming down certain cancers and illnesses connected to their drinking water.   Ya might want to throw all your teflon products out after watching this one.  

This nightline video explains a lot more.  It's mind boggling.

~ local artisan ice cream ~ a new artisan ice cream shop opened in neighborhood and our son bought 3 pints of delicious ice cream home for us.  Banana Bread, Earl Grey and a coffee ice cream that uses a local coffee roasters name brand coffee were tried and they were all absolutely delicious!  I just happen to have a gift card for there so will be trying them again soon!  Once you try artisan ice cream made with quality ingredients in small batches it's hard to buy the cheap grocery store brands.  They just don't compare.

~ spring growth ~ it's so wonderful to see the spring growth of my Japanese peony bush and my Jack Frost bush coming up.  Hubby did a wonderful job in clearing our my neglected from last fall flower beds and now they can grow to their hearts content in the warmer weather.   They don't look like much yet but soon they will be beautiful.

Thank you all for hanging in there with me and still participating even though I was not able to over the last couple of weeks.


nikkipolani said...

Praying for you, Susanne.

Faith said...

oh we LOVE local artisan ice cream!! there's one about 30 min west of ice cream stand open from May until Sept and i go at least 3x every summer after hiking in the north country. It's all homemade. The coffee one you had sounds perfect!! Never heard of Banana Bread flavored ice cream OR Earl Grey. Not sure I'd like that one.....but so interesting!

There's nothing like good quality nursing/medical care and like you we had a good funeral director for Dad.....thank the Lord you had a good experience in a difficult time. It's comforting too to know your precious daddy is in heaven with our Redeemer!!

I love seeing the spring growth. I've never heard of a Jack Frost's lovely!
I hope you have a good weekend full of rest and getting back to your routines.

Barbara Harper said...

What a gift from God to have a funeral director that you knew and were comfortable with.

I could never be a nurse. I don't know how they do it. I'm glad you had some good ones.

I remember seeing the trailer for that movie while waiting for something else. I thought at the time it looked good, but then forgot about it. I'll have to look it up.

The ice cream sounds good! It's so heartening to see new growth.

Wendy said...

I'm glad your Dad got good care at the end and you were able to use a funeral director you were comfortable with. It's the little things that help so much during difficult times. Getting back into routines will help I'm sure but give yourself time to grieve too. Take care Susanne.