Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday's Fave Five #667

Hi everyone. Welcome to our place in blogland to look for our blessings and be thankful.  I have been fighting a major head cold all week long.  Two negative rapid tests later I've been chugging along through the work week.  I've had to take some meds to allow me to get a good night's rest so I can function but I tried an allergy med instead trying to avoid cold meds that also contain something for coughs because I am not coughing at all and it's made my head quite foggy so my fives will be a bit of a condensed version and I'm heading to bed to sleep it off.

~ lost kitty home ~ one of my son's cats went missing.  He had just moved so was very concerned for his cat.  He texted me yesterday to tell me that after 4 1/2 days and countless hours walking the neighborhood the cat came home.  Very hungry and very tired, there were reports he was spotted 15 blocks away.  Yikes.  My son in a desperate try to help him get home put used litter in a few spots on the property and around the block and somehow the cat came home.  Because of the litter?  Who knows.  But we're all breathing easier and are thankful.

~ soothing hot herbal teas ~ they've been my evening drink all week

~ vick's vaporub and vick's inhaler ~  I don't know who Vick is but thank you for your products that have been helping me breath thru the night along with a good sinus med.

~whisps cheese crisps ~ Picked these up at Costco on a whim and boy they are tasty.  No carbs, lactose free they really fit the bill when I want a snack that is crispy and salty.  They crunch like a chip but instead of sitting down to a bag of chips a small handful of these satisfy the craving.  These ones are spicy but they also had a Parmesan one and I think they have other flavors available elsewhere.

~ soft furry throw blankets ~ and not just soft furry throw blankets but soft furry throw blankets at a steal of a deal.  I wanted some new blankets for the tv room downstairs. The ones down there were probably from the early '90's.  Chapters had a great deal after Christmas.  $80 marked down to $25!  Not much selection left in colors but at that price I didn't really care what color I got.  

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Wendy said...

Oh I do hope you feel better Susanne. I always use Vick's too when I need to. Glad to hear the kitty came home I know how worrying that can be and when you've just moved it's probably worse. I hope you can take it easy over the weekend and snuggle up with those cosy new blankets.

Ingrid said...

Your poor son ! I can easily imagine how he felt ! I had this twice, I don't know if this litter box story is right, I put flyers in the whole area and both came back 3 days later. Not hungry and not thirsty but one was really drauumatized he didn't want to go out for 6 weeks only with me !! The other one was kidnapped by a child and hidden in her room until the parents found my Arthur who ran home once the door was open !
Usually when you move you should keep your cat 3 weeks inside and not let her out ! Sorry that you didn't feel well, I don't know what happen I think we all have the Covid Blues !!

Faith said...

WOW! $80 for a fleece blanket???? YIKES girl. you DID get a good sale...there's no way I'd pay $80 for a throw. That's a HUGE sale and a great blessing!

OOOH...i'm glad you don't have Covid.....but a head cold is icky too....yes Vicks is a wonderful thing for that congested feeling. Glad you found some allergy meds that work. Praying for you!

Herbal teas.....we've been consuming them too this week after dinner.....cutting back on desserts to drink tea instead...Claire has discovered that the lemon ginger worked well for her covid cough.

Praise God the kitty came home! Your son must be so happy and relieved.

ENJOY the weekend...stay warm, read good books....get well.

Willow said...

I love how you phrased the first paragraph--our place in blogland to look for blessings.
The best fave is that the grand-kitty is found and safe at home. I'm sure the kitty is happy, too.
I hope you can sleep off this cold. Lots of rest and tea. Be well soon!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I am going to look for those cheese crisps. I know I would love them. So glad your son found his cat. I am glad Vicks is helping you breath easier. So glad your Covid tests came out negative. Sure hope you are feeling better soon. BTW, I am reading that book you review, Big Lies in a Small Town. I am finding it very interesting, but if there is anything I need to know about it (like you said in your review), please email me. Thanks and have a great weekend. :-)

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! Hope you feel better soon. Vicks is such an amazing invention.

So glad your son's kitty came home. I had not heard of the used cat litter trick, but it sounds like a good idea for an unfamiliar place.

The only thing I have had with Asiago flavoring is a Ruby Tuesday's chicken and bacon dish, and it was really good. We don't have a Costco membership, but my son and d-i-l do--I may have to get them to look for this.

Karen said...

As a pet lover who lost a cat for a few days, I am breathing a sigh of relief for your son. So glad the kitty is home safe.

Oh, feel better, Susanne! Colds are the worst, especially when they interfere with sleep. I hope you got some good rest. xo

ellen b. said...

I do hope you are a lot better by now, Susanne. Such good news about your son's missing cat. Vicks Vaporub to the rescue. I'm happy for the inventor, too. Hope your Sunday is restful.

nikkipolani said...

Lost cats are so worrying! Similar thing happened to my friend's son. Just moved, cat got out and lost. But finally found. So glad your son's cat came home!

Sorry about the avalanche head cold. Hope your strategy with the medications work and that you can rest, not cough, and clear the fog.

What are your fave herbal teas? Isn't it nice to have options that won't keep you up nights?