Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #644

Welcome to Friday everyone!  Are you ready to take a moment or two to pause from the busyness of life and think of the blessings God has sent your way this past week?  Yes?  That is awesome.  Practicing looking for blessings and then being thankful for them leads us to more contentment in life, a more positive attitude and a humble heart.  It builds a foundation of gratefulness that helps us get through on those weeks that are harder.  It helps us to see all the little blessings we might otherwise overlook in life, those small things that add up in our lives to make it special and lets us know God cares for us.  

~ owl spotting ~ I'll not lie.  This was from a couple weeks ago but I forgot to post it last week.  But I was so excited to spot this guy.  I can only think of one other time I have spotted an owl in their habitat.  He was well camouflaged and it took a few minutes to spot him.  We went for a walk in the river bottom and could hear him calling.  I was very excited to get such a clear picture of him.

~ staycation week ~  I have this week off.  We aren't going anywhere but just the fact that I can stay up later reading and sleep in a bit, sit and have an extra coffee in the morning without hitting the floor running is like a holiday in itself.  I've had a nice mix of a week knocking off some chores, both at my house and also at my mom's and enjoying things like walks, bike rides, eating out a few extra times during the week and watching movies in the middle of the day.  I'm trying not to think about it being all over in a few days.

~ cold water ~  One of my most hated chores is weeding and I finally bit the bullet and did some major weeding over at my Mom's house.  But silly me left it for late in afternoon when the heat was atrocious.  During that 3 hours of weeding I was very thankful for my ice cold water to drink and for the cold sprinkler water that I literally went and just stood in at regular intervals to stay cool.

~ these sandals ~ I have been loving these sandals from Keen.  They are so comfortable for long walks and my legs and feet don't get sore at all.  They are rugged yet cute and you can go in water with them.  It's got a good grippy bottom too in case the paths are rockier.  Money well spent for me.

- iced peach green tea ~ we stopped for our traditional St*rbucks during our bike ride the other day and I tried an iced peach green tea minus the cane sugar and no lemonade.  Very refreshing.  I'll be on my list of summer faves.

What were your favorite blessings from the week?


Faith said...

That's exactly what i get when i bike ride or we are out runnng errands on a hot day!!! a i LOVE the iced peach green tea from them!!! I only had it wth the lemonade once but it was way too much sugar for me. I like my iced tea plain!!! If i drank the sweet tea the southerners drink ( here in the states) my teeth would be rotten and my belly would be fat!! I love a good iced tea!!

Yay for the spotted owl.

And praise God for fresh clean cold water to drink and cool off in!!

Happy weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

Wow, how neat to see and get a picture of the owl. I've only sighted one once--there were a bunch of kids playing in the back yard, and he flew from trees behind our house into one in our yard, looked around for a minute, then flew away before any of us could even think to get a camera. I guess he was seeing what all the ruckus was about. Maybe we woke him up. :-) Oh, and I have done that, too--listed things for FFF from previous weeks that I had forgotten. The memory of it is still a favorite.

How lovely to have a week off. Those days are some of my favorites, when I have a balance of getting things done, yet relaxing and doing fun things as well. Enjoy the rest of your staycation!

Yay for cold drinks. They are a big help this time of year. Neat to find comfy sandals. I love the grippy bottom and toe cover.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne. I love those sandals. I have some Keen walking shoes and they are the best. Expensive, but you are right - so worth it. I may splurge and get some of those sandals for next summer. I love the owl picture. So glad you have had the week off - a few days to your to rest and relax. I go back to school August 9 and I don't even want to think about it. Have a good weekend. See you again soon.

Anonymous said...

At first glance your owl looks like a Great Horned Owl. Great find!! I am not sure what kind of owls are in western Canada, so don't take that ID as absolute truth. :-)
And Keens are fabulous shoes. I have a pair. Seven years ago when I visited our son in China, I would not have made it through the trip without my Keens. --Ann

Ingrid said...

That's nice that you had a week off ! I just realize how important it is to take some rest from time to time and resource yourself. I am so exhausted from the last 6 months, that I fall asleep as soon as I sit down ! (or nearly) Now that Mr.G is in a nice home and well taken care of, the stress and excitements and worries fell from my shoulders. I think it will take some time until I fully recover. I try to distract me as much as I can which the doctor told me to do !

nikkipolani said...

Staycations are actually my favorites and a nice break from the day-to-day schedule. Glad you got to tackle less fun projects and still have time to relax.

Good shoes! I have some JBUs like that. Thanks for the link, though, for future considerations.

Fantastic shot of that owl staring down at you :-)

ellen b. said...

Love the owl! Yippee for staycations. Enjoy. Those sandals look great!

Lisa Blair said...

Awesome picture of the owl! How fun that you were able to find him, see him in his natural habitat, then capture a clear picture to remember the day!

Sounds like a relaxing, sometimes productive, and very rewarding staycation. Enjoy your weekend!

Willow said...

Hurray for your staycation! Sounds wonderful.
I will have to see about finding some Keens to try on. Thanks for the recommendation.
All the refreshing ways to stay cool in this hot humid weather are welcome.
Have a good restful weekend. Enjoy a bike ride and more tea.