Friday, January 01, 2021

Friday's Fave Five #615

Happy New Year everyone!  Welcome to the first FFF of the New Year which happens to fall on New Years Day!  I'll take that as a good sign for this year!  I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful and meaningful albeit probably a little different than you were used to.  I hope there was still joy and hope and celebration of Jesus' birth no matter your circumstance or restrictions from Covid.  So what are you thankful for from the last week of 2020?

~ Tamara home ~ Alberta had been under strict restrictions for these holidays but before Christmas they allowed singles to be with someone outside of their single household so they wouldn't be by themselves for Christmas.  So Tamara came home for Christmas and I was so glad she was able to.  Her birthday is also Christmas Day so it would have been pretty depressing for her to be stuck by herself on that day.  She was home for a week and we just spent our days hanging out at the house eating, reading, chatting and watching movies.  Our other two were not allowed to come but we had a nice long face live chat with each on Christmas Day.  Thank God for technology!

~ lovely birthday in spite of ~ my birthday was also this week and though I couldn't celebrate with a nice dinner out with family and a lunch out with friends as I usually would have done, my family and friends still made sure it was special for me.  I am so grateful for my people whom God has placed in my life and who make me feel special and important to them.

Birthday bouquets from Tamara on the left and my Mom on the right

~ good end of the year reading ~ There were a few duds for reading this year but I wrapped up the year with a book I'm really enjoying.  I'm glad it ended on a good note. Looking forward to some great reading this year.  I received some gift cards to a bookstore and have some awaiting me in my Book Bag that I can't wait to get into.  

~ emergency pet hospitals and vets ~ I'm so thankful for pet emergency hospitals and vets who are willing to work on holidays.  Our dog got sick on Boxing Day, super sick, and we had to take him in.  The doctors were kind and he was prescribed the meds he needed and we now have a back to normal, happy dog, Praise God!  It was really scary and nerve wracking and I don't know how he would have fared had we not had that service.

Happy Doggy on his first walk after being sick

~ new phone ~  Hubby in a surprise gift, gave me a new phone for my birthday.  I thought I was quite happy with my old phone and thought I didn't need a new one yet, that is until I saw the incredible camera this one has.  The pictures are so crisp and clear with great color, not just on the camera itself but when I put it on the computer too.  The camera is one of the most important features to me on my phone.   I'm thankful my hubby went with his gut in regards to my birthday gift and not the words "I don't need a new one" that I spoke to him a couple weeks ago when he asked if I'd like a new phone.  :)

Well there were a whole lot more blessings this last week but only so much room here.  In spite of the tough, strange and stressful year God's hand and blessings were there.   I'm very thankful that you were all there for this journey of thankfulness with me in 2020.  My prayer for you all in the New Year is that your blessings abound and you become even more aware of them in the good times and bad.  May we be a thankful people to God above for the good things He brings us in 2021.  Happy New Year!



aspiritofsimplicity said...

It’s so nice that your daughter got to come home. One of the things that I have enjoyed during these terrible lock-downs is the smaller gatherings. Of course it’s better with everyone there but it does give us a chance to spend real quality time with our friends and family Sometimes things get so busy we don’t get to truly spend time with those we love. When there is less it gives us the chance to have deeper conversations and really pay attention and appreciate.

Wendy said...

Well belated birthday wishes to you and Tamara. Your flowers are lovely. So glad to hear the story of your dog being so unwell had a happy ending. And yay for a new phone! And of course thanks for keeping this meme going, despite all we've been through this last year and are still going through now. It's such an important reminder that we always have things to be thankful for. Happy New Year Susanne.

Barbara Harper said...

I'm so glad your daughter got to come home for Christmas and her birthday. Belated happy birthday to you, too! I'm thankful your doggie got the help he needed and is doing okay now. I'm like you with phones--I'm usually content with what I have and not clamoring for the latest and greatest. But once I get past whatever initial learning curve there is, I love it. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Faith said...

Am heading out at 9:30 to lead a First Day hike in a new to me nature preserve! Will be back later today to read and comment!! Happy new year!!

Snowbird said...

Happy birthday and a Happy New Year to you all. So glad your dog was seen and sorted

ellen b. said...

Happy belated birthday to you! Glad it was made special for you. I'm so happy to read that your daughter was able to join you over Christmas. Sweet! Hooray for emergency vets!

Willow said...

Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! Wow, that's a lot for one month.
I'm glad your dog is ok.
It was so good that your daughter was able to be home with you and not alone. That's the best fave, for sure!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Happy New Year and Happy Belated Birthday! So glad you had a good holiday and that your daughter could come home. It is always nice to have at least one child home for the holidays. I love your birthday flowers. Beautiful! Your new phone sounds great. I think I am going to seriously think about getting a new phone sometime time this year. My current phone will be five years old and that seems ancient in phone years. So glad you puppy is feeling better. Let's all hope and pray for a wonderful, peaceful and HEALTHY 2021!

Faith said...

I'm so glad your daughter could be home for her birthday and Xmas!!

When i got my new iPhone last January i could not believe how awesome the camera is!!! I'm assuming you have a new iPhone.

Those are beautiful flowers you received! I love the colors.

So glad your cute doggy is doing ok!! Our oldest niece is a vet! And her fiancé is too and worked on Xmas day. I'm not a pet person but i know a good vetmis important just like a good GP is important for humans!

Happy New Year Susanne!

Ingrid said...

First I wish you a better year then the last one !! I see you had also restricted celebrations, I hope that will be the first and last one in our lives ! But as you say thanks to technology we could keep in touch and see our family. Glad that your doggy is alright now! It's always terrible when our pets are sick they can't speak !
Happy belayed birthday too ! I am a bit late today but I feel a bit upside down, finally you don't know anymore which day we are ! And you have snow !! I haven't seen one flake !

nikkipolani said...

Happy birthday, Susanne! Looks like it has started out well for you with these definite blessings. Enjoy your new phone and hope the learning curve is gentle :-)