Friday, October 09, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #605

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  We are a little community of people trying to intentionally keep our focus on the daily blessings that God brings into our lives.  By taking a pause in our busyness we can look and see where we were lifted up, blessed and carried in our everyday.  Sometimes in the chaos of the week those blessings can slip by without even notice never mind being thankful or grateful for them.  Please join us in intentionally finding blessing and being grateful to God for them.
~glorious fall weather~ It has been absolutely gorgeous weather here in Southern Alberta.  Tuesday was 26*C (79*F)!!  The night's are cold and it takes until afternoon for it to hit that kind of temp but it sure has been nice.  Now in Southern Alberta sometimes we pay for that kind of warmth in the fall with some major wind and though we have had some of those days for the most part it has been quite calm.  I'm thankful for every day of this as it allows me to get outside with the little ones as much as possible.  

~day trip to the mountains~  We decided on Sunday that we needed a day trip to get away from a stressful week and refresh our hearts and minds.  I am so glad we did.  I don't recall ever going this late in the year and the fall colors were breathtaking.  Unlike the last 2 times this summer we went to Waterton, it wasn't crazy packed with people.  Most of the businesses were already boarded up for the winter.  Only a small handful were still open.  The atmosphere was so calm compared to the crowded tourist town chaos it usually is.  We walked a new trail we had never done before.  It was gorgeous though a little nerve wracking as it's the season where the bears are filling up on berries before hibernation so the chance of a bear encounter is high.  Once we passed the first waterfall we were pretty much on our own without too many people around.  We made sure to keep our eyes open all around us.  I'm thankful we live so close to such a gorgeous mountain destination.  

~ never ending rosebud geranium ~ This picture of my rosebud geraniums was actually taken a couple of days ago.  I cannot believe how massive they got.  This started as three little ol' plants.  Now they look like a massive bush in my entry.  I actually had to move them more toward the wall so that people could get by them on the steps.  And they are still blooming flowers and we're a week into October.  My neighbor asked if she could have a couple cuttings to keep over winter and so she's taken some for me too so hopefully if all goes well I'll have them next year again.

~ cute crafts ~ I like crafting with the dayhome kids but during the summer it kinda goes by the wayside in favor of visiting playgrounds and playing in the wading pool.  Come fall though, the crafting starts again.  We made these cute owls and every time I see the picture it makes me smile.  I love watching the kids when you let them just go and be creative with minimal instructions.  They have so much fun and are so proud.

~ tea time ~ Come fall another blessing I enjoy is a quiet cup of hot tea in the evenings.  It's relaxing to me and it helps me not to snack the evenings away.  Right now I'm enjoy a nice herbal chai.  

Well, this weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada.  I have also taken Tuesday off as my last vacation day left from summer.  I'm looking forward to some rest.  It's been quite a chaotic, stressful work month.  I'm hoping some of my kids show up for Thanksgiving though we are not sure with COVID and all.  We're playing it by ear.  If not, we'll all just rest and relax in our perspective cities and maybe do some facetime.  If the weather holds out, it may be a steak bbq instead of turkey!  Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!

What were your favorite blessings from the last week?  


Ingrid said...

Your photos look as if you were on holidays ! We have awful weather here wind and rain and as there are no activities not even a cinema it's rather boring and people get more and more depressed ! In Brussels
the bars and pubs are closed again but not the restaurants. Finally it's such a mess that nobody understands ! It's really an awful time even if you try to keep you going !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wow! What a beautiful place to hike/walk. Happy Thanksgiving!

Faith said...

Yay for hiking new trails!! Do those mountains in the background have hiking paths or do you have to bushwhack?? We were actually going to climb a 3800 high mountain tomorrow but my neck has been twinging so we are sticking to just a deep woods hike while away. Anytime in the mountains is always a blessing to me!! Your pics are gorgeous!!! 🍁🌻

That's an adorable art project for the preschoolers!! My students are currently creating face apples: painting paper plates red and gluing their photo in the middle. Us teachers add the stem and leaves as they don't have the dexterity this early in the year to do so. It's so much fun tocsee which kids don't have sensory issues with the paint!

Beautiful blooms!! My roses and morning glories are still blooming as well due to this mild autumn and very hot summer!!

I've been enjoying maple cream coffee after work or apple cinnamon spiced herbal tea in the evenings daughter courtney is really into herbal chai. There's nothing like a good cup of tea or coffee for relaxing!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you!!! Rest and refresh!!

Barbara Harper said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! What lovely weather. That day trip sounds like just the right getaway. The geraniums are so lush and pretty! The owl crafts are cute.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love these Faves. Those owls are so cute. I liked to do little crafts with my own kids and grandkids. So fun. I love your trip to the mountains and that beautiful geranium on your front porch. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope your kids can come. See you again soon.

Linda Hoye said...

We’re enjoying a gorgeous warm autumn here in the interior of British Columbia too. It’s such a gift—this year especially. Day trips, crafts, flowers, combine to make a beautiful week. Happy Thanksgiving!

Willow said...

Those geraniums are beautiful (and massive!). They'll be wonderful to have in the spring, too.
We've been having warm days here too--it's great! Your trip into the mountains looks like it was amazing.
Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving to you and yours!

ellen b. said...

Love your front porch. Those crafted owls are fabulous. I love kids art!

Karen said...

Happy Thanksgiving! The area you hiked is so pretty, and the stream looks so peaceful. I love the crafts! Such a cute idea. Our weather has been very warm, too, and the colors are late in coming where we live. However, the mountain trees are past their prime now.

Enjoy the nice long weekend.

Wendy said...

Catching up here as we were away on Friday. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I hope you had a good time.

nikkipolani said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, however you manage to celebrate this year. I'm certainly thankful you all have stayed healthy and that you've been able to reopen. Those owls cracked me up. I had a good laugh when you said your temps had warmed up to 79 just while we dropped nearly 30 degrees to 78. Ah latitude.

Those mountain vistas do refresh -- so lovely that you are close enough for day trips.