Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. I love our community. Doing this exercise with you, friends, really builds me up and keeps me hopeful and positive. It points me to the good things that God is doing in our lives, providing for us and blessing us with. Thanks for joining with me week after week.
~ walks, walks, and more walks ~ I'm really getting into this daily walking thing. Our walks range from shorter to really long and I'm loving them. I don't always feel like it before we get to our start location but once we get going I'm all in. With the weather getting nicer it's been so nice to feel the sun shining down on us and I'm soaking in that vitamin D. I'm going to miss these walks once I get back to work!
~ takeout ~ well we finally broke down and got takeout in the form of fish and chips from a local place. We figured because it's fried and so piping hot it can't be handled with hands it would be pretty safe. I was extra delicious just because it's been so long since we had take out, never mind sitting in a restaurant. It made me feel like a kid again where it really was a rare treat to have dinner out or to get a pizza or Kentucky Fried Chicken. In today's world, well that is today's world before COVID-19, eating out in some form or fashion on a regular/frequent basis is the norm for most people. And to make it even more enjoyable, because dining in is not allowed, we had it picnic style after one of our walks. I keep a blanket in the car at all times so all we had to do was find a tree giving some shade and we were set.
~ finished prepping the flower beds ~ Last FFF I mentioned starting putting the new soil into the flower beds. I finally finished the job on Wednesday. I had to take a couple of days off in the middle just to rest those unused shoveling muscles. What a big job. Those bags hold a whole lot of dirt. But the beds look so nice and fresh with their dark soil just waiting for some flowers to go in.
~ parking lot coffee ~ my good friend and I met in the church parking lot to have a good visit. We haven't seen each other since this whole thing started and we were really missing a good face to face chat. We brought our own chairs and coffees and settled in, at least 6 feet apart, for a really nice visit. I was finally able to give her birthday present which was only a month late, thanks to that little COVID thing. It was a wonderful couple of hours which I sorely needed.
~ carmalized pear tea ~ This tea has become a yummy way to relax in the afternoons or evenings. Black tea, pear and cinnamon. (full ingredient list: Tea, natural flavouring, cinnamon (4.7%), liquorice, camomile, pear pieces (0.8%), caramel pieces (0.1%))With a touch of honey and a tiny splash of cream or milk it's like dessert in a cup. I first came across it at a little local Dutch and European food store and bakery where I buy my bread. So delicious.
There are my favorite blessings from the week. Nothing earth shattering but they were all things that brightened my day in some way and made me realize how blessed I am. What are 5 blessings from the week you are thankful for?
And before signing off I wish all you Mom's a Happy Mother's Day. Also all you who might not be moms in the "normal" sense but you show love and care towards children in any way, shape or form, Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Caramel pear tea sounds delicious! How fun to have a social distancing gathering for coffee. I am going to get together with a girlfriend today. We are going for a hike. We will be sure to stay 6 feet away from one another and wear masks.
Hi Susanne. Like you, I remember that when I grew up, and even when my kids were little, dining out was something special - not something that we did often. Now, for many people (pre-pandemic), it was an almost daily occurrence. Those fish and chips you got sound delicious. I have been craving fish and chips and wish there was a good place to get them around here. Glad you are enjoying your daily walks. My walks are sustaining me at this time. So glad you were able to get you flower beds prepared. I know they look great. It is also great that you found some tea you enjoy and that you were able to get together and have a socially distanced chat with a friend. Thanks for hosting this link up. It always does my soul good! Have a great weekend!
I always learn about the most interesting teas here!
Love the idea of you and your friend meeting at the church parking lot ... which gives me an idea ... our church is situated on 11 acres. Hmm....
We got take out fried fish a couple weeks ago. It was yummy!
That tea looks like one ,y oldest girl and I would love. I'm going to look for it.
Isn't it wonderful to have these social distancing dates?? I had one too and it totally made my day!
We've been ordering out regularly through Grub Hub or doordash or the restaurant directly for delivery. In NYS it's always a requirement for wearing gloves even before covid so we haven't been concerned at all. Since thenquarantine though, they now don't even ring the doorbell. They send a text when they pull in to driveway and then leave it on porch and drive away once they see us wave or acknowledge them in some way, payment is done online. Last night i made dinner but my oldest ordered some Thai food from a local restaurant we didn't know about. So we plan on all ordering from,them maybe for Mother's Day!
I love my daily walks or hikes. I walk after work usually but during this pandemic there's been days where i walk first then work. It's nice having the option.
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
I miss takeout--I always enjoyed the break it gave me from cooking and cleaning up after, plus it just tasted so good. I think I'd be willing at this point to get something like you mentioned that's not likely to be handled. But I think my husband still wants to wait. Your picnic sounds like great fun!
It must feel so good to get the flower beds done! And that parking lot visit sounds enjoyable, too.
I'm glad you found some good things this week although I'm not sure about pear tea lol - I like my tea plain. Happy Mother's Day if you're celebrating (ours was last month).
Yes, I remember when 'eating out' was a real treat that didn't happen often. We've had burritos a couple of times in the past six weeks, and that, again, was a real treat.
And YES YES YES! to the daily walks. Sometimes I feel like you at first, but then we get in to the walk and I love it.
Happy Mother's Day to you and thank you for hosting this important part of my week!
Walks are good and it's nice that you can venture out. I'm glad that you could enjoy takeout! Fish and Chips sound really good right now. Happy Mother's Day to you!
Sounds like such a great week. The tea is something I will look for. Wow looks great. It is nice to meet with friends. I have been involved in a bible study on zoom for a few weeks now and this morning I zoomed with a friend. It was so good to talk to her. Monday a friend is taking a walk to come sit 6 feet apart on my patio and we will visit. You have to find ways to have contact. God bless you I hope your next week is wonderful. On BTW fish and chips sounds wonderful. I wish there was one near me.
This is such a great list, relishing the simple things. The tea sounds amazing. My best friend and I have met in a parking lot and at the cemetary! so desperate to share time together, haha. Amazing what we will do for a little bit of socializing. A walk followed by a picnic sounds delightful.
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