Friday, April 10, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #579

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  During this anxious and stressful time that the whole world is experiencing it is good to pause all the negative news and remember the good things that are still happening all around our lives.  Finding our blessings that God gives us in our everyday is like an anchor that keeps us from getting caught up in the swirl of fear and negativity that is so easy to fall into when something like this happens.  Please join us as we purposefully reset our focus and with thankful hearts to God, the giver of all good gifts, we find the blessings in our last week.

~ the cross ~  today is Good Friday and that brings with it many thoughts and reflections of gratefulness for what Jesus has done.  The cross is not just a fashion statement or a piece of gold jewelry.  The cross is the very expression of true love, His love for you and me poured out to the full.  Jesus could have called on the army of angels from heaven to rescue Him but love kept Him on that cross.  Because of Christ's death on that cross I have forgiveness and redemption, I have not just a religion but the ability to have a relationship with God, I am His child.  The cross is where sin was defeated.  The cross is the very sign of a Christian's faith.  I am very thankful that thru the obedience of Jesus, he turned that horrible scene of my redemption into a triumph.  And it's not just for me, it's for you too.

~ online concert ~  this is one of my favorite groups and they were actually supposed to come to Calgary this spring but had to cancel their Canadian tour.  I was excited to see they did an at home concert last week and have enjoyed watching their hopeful message and songs.

~ Sunday miracle ~ I have been really struggling with the closing of my dayhome and how I can not just hide away at home and not be reaching out in some way to my "neighbor".  But through a stuffed moose that was leftover from last year's Operation Christmas Child, God orchestrated a little miracle for me, for a little girl who lost her beloved moose and prayed that he would be kept safe until found and returned to her, for a mom who needed some hope  and a dad who was a brand new believer and needed to know that God cared personally for his family.  It was an incredible moment of 2 strangers who shared a touch of God in their lives in the midst of a pandemic.  And it was awesome and something I will never forget.  

~ smoked meat gifted and delivered ~ Last Saturday our good friends txted us and said they were going to make a delivery of smoked ribs and pork loin that they were cooking up in their smoker.  What a blessing that was!  Though we wished we could have shared the meal together it really touched us that they thought of us and blessed us with their gift.  

~ spring warmth ~ The last two days have been absolutely gorgeous with yesterday reaching 17*C (62.6*F).  We have been outside and enjoying that lovely sunshine and warmth.  We went on a long top of the coulee walk and got some gorgeous pictures of the high level bridge and the river valley.  And we were able to give my mom a hand and rake some of her lawn.  It is supposed to spring snow this weekend, so I am so thankful for those two days of wonderful warmth and sun.  
What have your favorite blessings been this week?


Ingrid said...

We also have gorgeous weather almost like summer until 22°C which is nice for me and my friends because we all have a garden, but it must be terrible in big cities and high buildings ! We almost feel like holidays ! Our public daycare remains open I don't know about the private once, I think they are open too, because there are lots of parents still working outside and not all from home. I couldn't understand your moose story, is your daycare closed or not ? Take care and happy Easter !

Faith said...

I love your miracle moose story!! Glory to God!! But how did you know the little girl lost her moose?? What an awesome thing God orchestrated!

Yay for walks outside in warm sun!!

That was so thoughtful of your friends, I've just begun how to be a representative of Christ during this isolation times besides leading my small group through an online app. I started by coloring a rainbow to put in window for the capital region NY rainbow hunt for children. Then i added a purple Easter egg coloring sheet to help the local United Methodist church (where my neighbor attends) hold their drive by Easter egg hunt, but I'm feeling like i want to do more. Hm.....

I hope you have a wonderful Easter Celebration!

Stay safe!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Isn't it wonderful when God can use us in small way to help another and grow their faith? I love this. Glad you have been able to get out in that warm spring sunshine! Happy Easter Weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

I am so thankful for the cross and resurrection and all they mean. I'm thankful that even though I didn't grow up in a believing family, God got the message to me and eventually to them as well. What a neat story about the moose! And what a nice gift of meat. We've had some really nice days, too. Our nights are back down in the 30s (F), but the days are really pleasant.

Susanne said...

Faith: I was scrolling through FB and my niece shared someone's picture and story of a lost moose asking if by chance anyone had found it. So I private messaged the mom telling her I had this one moose left over from OCC boxes. It was incredible as I had bought several stuffies with the Canada flag embroidered on them, some moose, some beaver and some bear. What are the chances that I would have had a moose leftover? God knew a little girl in my city would one day 6 months later be praying and believing Him to get her moose returned. My conversation with her mom was incredible.

Willow said...

We've had the rain this week and we are so thankful for it. Now the sun is out and I rejoice with you in springtime!
I loved what you wrote about the cross. Yes, it is the very picture of Christianity and God's love for us.
The story of the moose is absolutely precious. I needed to hear about a miracle today. Thanks!
Happy Easter!

Susan said...

I love your moose account. What a wonderful God we serve that He would make such a divine appointment for you as much as for them. God bless you all.

ellen b. said...

He works in big and small ways and it's always great to be used in His purposes. Hope your weekend is meaningful in new and different ways instead of the normal!
Happy Easter to you. He is risen! He is risen indeed!

nikkipolani said...

That miracle is such a great story—just as Ellen said, He cares about the big as well as the little things. And sometimes I wonder if we’ve got our sizing wrong.