Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday's Fave Five #573

Hi everyone.  Great to have you once again join in on Friday's Fave Five.  It's the last  one for the month of February.  Where did that month go?  With this fast pace it is a good thing to slow down, take a pause and notice the blessings in our lives.  And then will you go one step further?  It is one thing to be grateful but it is another to go back and give thanks to the One who gives the blessings.  Would you take a moment and thank God for those things that made your life good this week?   Then in turn bless us by sharing five of those blessings and let us be thankful with you.

~ new to me car ~  In a very quick turn of events, I was blessed with a new to me vehicle on Friday.  Long story short, my much loved Envoy was starting to have some things go wrong and it seemed we were at the mechanics a little too much and we were starting to see the writing on the wall.  It was a 2007 and mileage was getting up there.  So hubby started praying about the timing for a new vehicle a little while ago and boom one day this week there we had it.  There is a whole story behind how we ended up with our 2016 Ford Edge but it is way too long for a Friday's Fave Five post.  Suffice it to say that we definitely consider it a gift from God.  It has all the features we wanted and then some.  Thank you Lord for your provision!

~ celebrations ~  Saturday we celebrated Hubby's sister's 70th birthday.  They had a little supper and family get together for her.  It is a joy to celebrate this special lady and I'm thankful to consider her not only family but a friend.  Love her.

Then Sunday we celebrated my great niece's 1st birthday.  She was born the same day as my oldest daughter.  She's such a cutie pie and it was fun to mark this very special birthday with her.  It was unicorn overload.

~ praying friends and God's peace ~ Wednesday I took a personal day as I had to have some major dental work done including a molar extraction.   I was quite nervous about it as it was going to be a long appointment, about 2 hours.  I'm not scared of the dentist but I've been having some throat issues where the muscles in my throat spasm and I was terrified it would do that while I had a bunch of dental stuff in my mouth with my head pointed down.  It can cause me to swallow things wrong and then I can't get my breath.  It's weird and scary when it happens.  So I was having some major anxiety.  I had asked my ladies group to keep me in prayer for the appointment.  The 1st half hour was a bit rough but then God's peace just kicked in and I was able to relax.  My dentist was super good and compassionate and really worked to calm me and talk me down from the anxiety and I'm so grateful.

~ small mercies ~  Wednesday it seemed I was doing just fine after the dental visit and then Thursday morning I woke up with all the freezing gone and the tylenol worn off.  Yikes.  Major pain and headache!   But God granted me the small mercy of having everyone of the kids in dayhome show up at least 45 minutes late yesterday.  That gave me some extra time to pray, relax, take some tylenol and wait for it to kick in while icing my jaw.  Such a small thing yet it was such a blessing on this morning.

~ kind husband~ so thankful for my kind husband who ran out to get me a Booster Juice smoothie because I could only eat soft stuff on Wednesday.  He took the time out of his workday and made the run so that I could curl up on the couch and relax after the dental appointment.

What are you thankful for this week?


Ingrid said...

Congratulations to the new car ! Going to the dentist is really no fun I can understand that you were worried because of your problem. But now it's over !

Faith said...

Well praise God for excellent dentists, the power of prayer and the bonding that comes with being in a small group so you CAN ask for prayer, and for cars provided at just the right time! And for husbands who are thoughtful. You're braver than me, when i had a tooth ( bottom molar left side) extracted due to infection, i didn't go to work for 3 days! Of course i was only workingmoart time then in a volunteer position but're brave to face those little ones the very next day!! Praying it heals well.

How fun to celebrate two birthdays this week!

Enjoy the weekend Susanne!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne, you've had some week! Many blessing, family, new car, peace, health. So glad everything turned out well. I love how you see God's hand in everything that happened. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs from UT!

Barbara Harper said...

The car situation sounds like such a blessing! How nice to celebrate two birthdays in one week. Going to the dentist makes me anxious even for just a cleaning with no problems. I'd be in anxiety overdrive with that kind of work on top of the throat problems you have. Thank God for His peace and for praying friends. And for the delays the next day and a thoughtful husband.

Susan said...

I love your post. It is no small thing that the God of the universe, creator of heaven and earth, loves His precious daughter so much that He gave you a 45 minute rest so you could be your best for the little's when they showed up.

Sounds like a good week. God bless.

Jerralea said...

Congrats on a new car! Love it when God works things out at just the right time!

Bless your heart on the dental procedure. Glad it all turned out well and that your hubby was extra thoughtful!

Jerralea said...

(Not sure, I may have posted twice ...)

Congrats on your new vehicle. It's always good to let the Lord lead, and watch things come together!

Glad your dental procedure went well. Those things make me nervous!

Wendy said...

Lovely to have birthday celebrations and glad the car issues got resolved. You were brave to get all that dental work done and not need to take a day out. I'm a big coward when it comes to the dentist. I hope the pain has eased by now and that you're healing well. Enjoy your weekend.

Karen said...

I'm glad for you that the dental work is behind you. What a week! First birthdays are so much fun. Congrats on your new car, and best of luck.

Willow said...

Compassionate and competent dentists are certainly high on my list too. I am glad you had a calm and peaceful experience.

Those small graces (like a late start) are truly blessings we sometimes take for granted. I know you are grateful for those things.

Hurray for the new-to-you car! Yay!

Happy Birthday to your sister in law and that little one year old!

ellen b. said...

Woohoo on the answers to prayer on getting a car that had all your wish items. Oye...I'm a wimp in the dentist's chair. Glad things ended up okay for you and that prayers helped. We celebrated my sister's birthday this past weekend. Happy March to you!