Friday, November 29, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #561

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.   A very Happy Thanksgiving for all our American friends.  I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday with family and friends.  And thank you for popping by and joining us for another week of being intentional of looking for our blessings week in and week out, rather than just one day a year.

My 5 favorite blessings for the week are:

~4 wheel drive vehicle~ Wednesday we were hit with yet another winter storm and this was another doozy.  So. much. snow!  And the city doesn't seem to be too on top of clearing snow this year so far.  Mind you we have had quite a few good snowfalls this year.  And then it melts once the cold front passes by. So maybe they are counting on that for now.  But at any rate I am very thankful for my higher vehicle and 4 wheel drive as it's getting me through all that snow.  At least until it will probably all melt next week.

~warm, heated home~ so thankful for that during these storms.  It may be dumping a ton of snow outside and the wind may be blustery but inside it's nice and cozy.  While I love a nice fireplace as much as anyone, I wouldn't want to rely on that being our only source of heat for a whole house.  Very grateful for heating systems that keep the whole home warm

~heated car seats~ totally a spoiled thing here, but the vehicle came with heated front seats and now I am very spoiled with them, especially on these colder, snowy days.

~Christmas dinner~ Dad's senior residence had a Christmas dinner for their resident's and guest of their choice.  It was nice to sit and have this dinner with Dad and step mom in their new home.  It is their first Christmas there and though I know he really misses his own home, it was nice to see the kind interactions of all the staff with our loved ones.

~creme brulee~  the dessert was creme brulee and I'd forgotten how much I like it.  Hubby used to make it quite often but since he hasn't eaten sweets for a couple of years now, he doesn't make it anymore.  I totally indulged.  Cool and creamy vanilla custard topped with a crunchy candy topping it topped off the dinner wonderfully.

Photo and recipe
found at 

Well these are quite simple, everyday blessings.  But they are what blessed me and uplifted me this week.  What were your best blessings ?


Willow said...

I am happy to hear that your dad and step mom are settling in to their new home situation. Several of our beloved seniors at church are transitioning the same way and I love to hear that they are happy and being well cared for.
Oooo--that creme broulee. Looks yummy!
Snow---hmmm. Yeah, I am going to have to learn to deal with it when we move from our warm and sunny climate. Having that 4 wheel drive car is definitely a plus.
Have a happy weekend!

Ingrid said...

It's strange to read about snow, while we have temperatures up to 13°C ! Since 2 weeks now ! But for next week it will drop to 3° or 4° ! I prefer a blue sky and cold weather then this rainy grey and dull November ! Slowly people start their Christmas preparations. Good that you have this high car in Brussels these cars are not allowed anymore. Which I think it's right with our old narrow streets they can't get through anyway. It always depends where you live. I have my little mini car a Toyota AYGO it's so small that you can slip through everywhere ideal for a city !

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Susanne! Yes, you are sure right about 4-wheel drive vehicles and warm comfortable homes - especially in cold, snowy winters. Heated seats - an added bonus I don't have. I also love creme brulee - one of my favorite indulgent desserts. So glad your dad and step mom have found a good place to spend their "golden years." I have that book, Hidden Figures that you are currently reading, but have not read it yet. Perhaps I will move it up on my reading list. I just bought the movie on a "Black Friday" sale at Walmart (only $1.96!) I have heard it is good. Thanks for always hosting these Friday Fave posts. I am happy to be back and joining in again! Have a great weekend!

Barbara H. said...

Oh wow! Quite a lot of snow! I'm glad you have a good car high enough to navigate through it. My husband likes his car's heated seats, too.

We had a fireplace in our last house that we mainly only used when the power was out or just for effect. Though it helped, like you, I wouldn't want to rely on it for the whole house. The room it was in was warm, but the rest of the rooms were cool. And then you have to constantly fill it and scrape ashes out of it. I love just being able to push a button!

I'm glad your dad and step-mom are settling in well. Sounds like a nice dinner! I have not had creme brulee in ages--it looks good!

Anonymous said...

You are simply ahead of us in weather. (Sunny SC - cool but not yet cold.) I enjoyed seeing your pictures of the snow, but hope it holds off here until January!! :-) --Ann

nikkipolani said...

I smiled when I read your description of heated car seats... what would you think of such a feature for Southern California cars?! Yes, we have them too and actually use them from time to time ��

All that snow... kitty doesn’t look too pleased to be the cat-for-scale photo model.

Wendy said...

Good to hear you have the right sort of car and heating system to cope with all the cold! And that your family are settling in to their new surroundings. I love creme brulee too, especially if I'm feeling a bit full after a dinner out but am still craving dessert. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

ellen b. said...

Our new vehicle is the first one we've had with heated seats...not a season too soon. Love those warm sits in teen degree weather! Look at all that snow. We had a wee dusting of an inch. They are talking about more next week. It's nice to be warm when it's so cold outside. Happy December to you.