Welcome to Friday's Fave Five wherein the Living to Tell household and all of southern Alberta is bracing for a snowstorm! You read that right. We have snowstorm warnings out for the weekend. And wouldn't ya know my daughter is moving this weekend so we'll see how that turns out. But right now I'm inside with my phony fireplace running and feel quite cozy as I ponder the week and search out some of the blessings that came my way. Please join us as we share five of our favorites from the last week and take time to be grateful.
1. Leaves turning color. The last couple of days have seen some major changes of color on the trees. It's always a favorite time of year for me. There is something really stress relieving for me to see all fall colors, smell the crisp air and falling leaves, and even the sound of the crunching leaves underfoot just reduces stress levels for me.
2. Blessing my Dad. My Dad moved into an assisted living lodge at the beginning of summer and one thing I know he misses is being able to eat his favorite home cooked meals. Well when we were in Calgary last weekend, I was able to snap up some ingredients to make one his favorite meals for him. It was such a simple thing, and an easy thing to make and yet it really blessed him. It was a blessing to see him blessed.
3. Scones perfected. My hubby really loves a simple raisin scone. He's been on the hunt trying to find a place in town that has ones that he just loves but for one reason or another none have quite fit the bill. So he decided to study up on the making of the perfect scone. He adapted a few recipes to make it his own and I have to say they are amazing. And this is from a person who doesn't normally like raisins in baking. We are now supplied with fresh baked scones regularly. Bonus blessing: He cleans up the kitchen really nice after each batch. I don't have to lift a finger. :)
4. Sunshine and warmth. This last week we've had some nice sunshine to warm us and believe me, we've been out soaking it up as we know what's coming this weekend.
5. Coffee ready to pour. I am not one those people who wakes up all raring to go for the day. I'm more of a slow burn to wakefulness. I like it quiet and I like my coffee. Hubby is such a blessing to me having a fresh pot ready to pour as soon as I wake up in the morning. This has especially been a blessing in the last week as I've really noticed how dark it still is when I get up. I hate getting up in the dark. But his delicious coffee is waiting and that helps a ton!
Well that about wraps up my week. I feel I should mention that I am still working on posts for the Operation Christmas Child trip. It's just been hectic with my daughter becoming ill and getting back to normal around here. But they are coming! Have a wonderful weekend and if you're in Alberta, stay warm!
Snowstorm ?? that's not true ! How awful ! It starts to get cooler here too, but still in the 18° I don't like autumn, it's the entrance to winter ! I love scones too ! with sour creme and blueberry jam !
I love a good scone also. I find that some of them are just too dry and others taste more like muffins. It is hard to find a really good one. How nice to be able to be a blessing to your father. Leaves are changing near me as well. There are two very large maple trees at the playground where I work and I am looking forward to seeing them change.
O.m.gosh. The S word already???!!!! Well, so if dave and i ever really do get to our bucket list item of seeing Calgary and Banff you're saying we should go out in June?? 🤣
Here in eastern New York State we are having a slow start to autumn....the leaves are JUST starting to change and temps are still in high 70s although the evenings are cooling off. I love it!!
Good luck to your daughter moving.
I LOVE waking up to freshly brewed coffee. Ours begins at 5:45 a.m as we set it the night before. I'm usually in the shower by then so sometimes dave brings me the first cup. I don't like getting up in dark either. But thankfully it's just for about 3 months.
We love scones and our fave is cranberry orange with cacao chips!! I'm actually making them this weekend for my aunt and her husband who will be staying with us one night.
I hope you stay wRm and cozy enjoying good coffee, yummy scones and good books this weekend! Post pics if ya actually get the white stuff!!
Wow! Snow already! We're in the 90s F today with 96% humidity. Stay warm! I hope the weather isn't too bad during the move.
We're just starting to see leaves turn. I love the fall color.
That was so sweet to make your dad a favorite home-cooked meal. I know he appreciated it a lot.
I don't like raisins in baked goods, either. I'm glad he was able to put together a recipe he likes so well. And cleaning up the kitchen afterward is wonderful!
I can't have caffeine due to afib, but I do still love the warmth and flavor of coffee. That's so sweet your husband has it ready for you when you wake up. I am a slow-burn waker-upper, too.
Fatih: Yes, it will be the first blast. It is a bit early this year, but it won't stay once it's done dumping and next week is supposed to be nice again. But yes, unless you want to see the larch trees turn gold in Banff, which is a huge attraction itself, summer is definitely the time to go. :)
I hope the snow comes and goes swiftly. This is just too early for that, but it has happened here in the past, too.
My husband makes the coffee in our household, too! Now, I'll have to work on him making scones to go with it. That is just awesome. I love a good scone!
I'm glad to hear your daughter is doing better. Is she the also the one moving? Good luck with that!
Happy Friday:)
Such a sweet way to honor your father, Susanne! We're bracing for that storm, too. We'll see what it brings us. Hope the moving goes well and you can beat the snow!
Snow?? In September?? That's not normal, is it?
A hubby who bakes, cleans up AND makes coffee is a keeper! Mine cooks, cleans up, and brings me my first cup every morning. Yes. We're truly blessed (and spoiled).
Stay warm this weekend!
Scones and a good cup of coffee. Now that's a great combination.
How fun that your hubby perfected a raisin scone recipe. Double treat that he cleans up after baking.
Hurray for the sunshine and warmth you soaked up. It is extra special when you know that too soon it will be a memory.
How sweet of you to make your dad a home-cooked meal. Food really does evoke loving memories.
Take care of yourself as you take care of your daughter, day-home kiddos, etc.
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