Friday, August 09, 2019

Friday's Fave Five #545

Welcome to a hot and toasty Friday's Fave Five.  Won't you join us as we find blessings in our everydays from the last week and share five of our favorites?   It's not a competition, it's not to compare.  It's an exercise in intentionally being aware of the good things in our lives, those gifts from God whether they be big or small, obvious or a little more hidden and an exercise in becoming grateful for what we have been given.  Guidelines are linked in the sidebar if you are new.

1.  Fresh tomatoes.  The fresh tomatoes have been coming around and they are tasty.  This is the first year in many that I have not planted tomato plants and yet we still seem to be blessed with a nice amount for eating.  We've been enoying them in salads, sandwiches and just as a quick bite of goodness.  I love fresh tomatoes.

2.  Night Out with friends.  This summer was a staycation for us and one of the fun things we did was have a night out with good friends of ours.  We went to the movies  & saw Yesterday (which was enjoyable except for way too many instances of using the Lord's name in vain).   Then we went out for supper to a local brewhouse restaurant that none of us had been too before.  It was a fun evening, spent in great company.

3.  Air conditioning.  We switched out our dinosaur of an ac unit a couple summers ago and boy is this new one so much more efficient and cheaper to run.  So grateful for it this week as it's been a hot week here and then evenings haven't cooled down much.  It also has allowed us to keep our windows closed through the night which is most appreciated when some young people don't get that other people have to work and are playing basketball at the nets across the street sometimes until 1:30 in the morning!  

4.  Mother/Daughter movie date.  Tamara and I decided to go and see Toy Story 4 on Monday afternoon and am so glad we did.  I love the Toy Story franchise.  Though I must admit I was wary at first thinking they might be pushing it with continuing on with the story, they did a good job with the 4th in the series.  We really enjoyed it and had quite a few good laughs throughout.  We haven't done a Mother/Daughter thing in a long, long time and it was wonderful getting to spend that time with her doing something fun.

5.  Just a sprain.  Monday morning found me in emergency with Tamara to find out if her ankle injury was just a sprain or something more serious.  She'd been hiking the day before and lost her footing and heard her ankle snap.  It was quite swollen and bruised.  Unfortunately because it was a long weekend, no clinics were open and we'd don't have urgent care type clinics here which left only the emergency department.  Which was not an appealing option but what could we do?  But we were in and out in less than 45 minutes (a miracle in these parts) and that was with an xray and everything.  It was just a sprain.  Grateful for the super quick experience and that it was not something worse.  

What were you grateful for this week?


Ingrid said...

Our hot weather is over now and it cooled down to 25° which is very nice. Apparently it is international that young people play, scream or make music at 1 or 2 am ! Fortunately we only have one 20 year old boy in the street but he alone with his friends are very noisy. We talked to him, he was very sorry and then it was quiet for a few days until it started again ! Good that your daughter's ankle was nothing too serious !

a spirit of simplicity said...

I”m glad to hear that your daughter is okay and it isn’t something more serious.

Barbara Harper said...

Fun to have the evening out with friends! AC is essential this time of year. Good to have an efficient unit. I was wary, too, about a fourth Toy Story movie. I'm glad to hear it's good. Haven't seen it yet -- I'd love to, but no one else in the family wants to see in theaters, so we will when it is available to rent. Wow, 45 minutes in an ER is indeed a blessing. Glad it was only a sprain! Though that's no fun, either. Hope it heals well soon.

Karen said...

Such a relief that your daughter's injury wasn't serious. Your movie date sounds like fun, and the night out with friends, too! Love a tomato sandwich at this time of year -- on sourdough bread with lots of mayo:)

Faith said...

Our very hot and humid weather left last night and today is perfect!! Glad your new AC works well!

Yay for mother daughters dates and nights out with good friends, i stopped at Toy Story 2. Enough already!! Hahahah but glad you enjoyed it.

That's a huge blessing to not have a broken ankle and that the ER was only 45 min!!!

Enjoy the weekend,

Wendy said...

Glad you have your AC - we have our windows opena and yes sometimes outside noise is a nuisance. I'm glad you got seen at the emergency room quickly. Sprains are no fun. I hope your daughter heals quickly. Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Good that your daughter's injury wasn't more serious. Urgent care centers are great - too bad they're not a thing where you are. We "stay-cationed" also this summer. --Ann

ellen b. said...

We are thankful everyday for our heat pump that delivers cold air into our home on these hot summer days. Hope daughter heals quickly. Sounds like a good week.

Willow said...

Thankful that Tamara's injury is ONLY a sprain--which can be very painful. Hoping she heals quickly.
AC is definitely a wonderful invention and we are all thankful for it.
Enjoy your tomatoes!

nikkipolani said...

That 45 minute emergency room stay? It's a miracle in many parts! So glad the injury wasn't more serious.

Thanks for the quick review on Toy Story. I was thinking of getting the DVD when it comes out later. Had also heard good things about Yesterday and its interesting premise.

Those evenings with friends are fortifying, aren't they? Glad you got to enjoy a new restaurant together, too.