Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday's Fave Five #483

Hi and welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Looking intentionally back over our week and finding those blessings and good things helps us to have a more thankful and hopeful outlook.  Please join us.

**of note**  I don't know why my post is coming out green.  I have tried to find the problem in the html and have tried over and over to change it, even redoing the whole post.  I am now way too tired to worry about it.  So I apologize if it is hard to read.

~Mother's Day Mani and Pedi~ My youngest daughter, who does manicures and pedicures for a salon, gifted me the for Mother's Day.  Saturday I had my appointment with her and it was so much fun.  The hand massage was heaven for my very sore thumbs and now I actually have nice nails.  And the time with her was my favorite.

~ Royal Wedding~ I am definitely not a royal watcher, per say, but I did enjoy watching the wedding and thought the bride looked elegant and lovely.  

~ Flower Pot~  Two years ago my favorite flower pot on the deck finally, after many years of service, bit the dust and I had to throw it out.  I used an old clay one last year but not only hated it and the harsh winter cracked and broke it to bits.  The pots I really like are the glazed ones but I have never bought one because the thought of digging out all the dirt and finding somewhere to store the things for the winter just doesn't appeal to me.   The when I just happened to be in a hardware store, there sat one lonesome pot.  It was just the right size, sturdy plastic but had the look of the glazed clay ones.  And it was in a color I like and in my price range.  Score.  I nabbed that thing so fast and now it is looking lovely in it's new home on my deck.  (pics to come once I plant my flowers)

~ Haircut~ I was in desperate need of a haircut and finally got one last night.  My stylist who usually does my hair is on maternity leave so it has been a bit of an adjustment working it out with the girl she passed me too.  The new stylist is very good but she doesn't know my likes and quirks like my regular stylist.  Last cut was a bit too bulky and long and this time she got the style right but a bit too short.  But I like how she really tries to listen to what I want and asks questions so we are on the right track.  

~First bike ride of the year~  Monday was a holiday long weekend here in Canada.  Traditionally hubby and I go for a nice long bike ride on this day, sometimes ending in a bbq, sometimes stopping at starbucks.  It was a perfectly beautiful morning for the bike ride and we went on one of favorite routes enjoying the view and the fresh air and exercise.

Well those were my favorites this week.  It was a short work week for which I am also grateful as the kids were all kind of out of sorts this week so the weekend is very welcome.  I'll be planting the rest of my flowers and hopefully another bike ride is in the plans.  Have a great week!

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Gattina said...

That's always the same, you ask to cut your hair just a little bit and then it's far too short ! Fortunately it grows ! I watched the wedding and found it adorable. So special was like a fairy tale !

Faith said...

( i tried linking my fff this a.m. But a message box popped up and said your site isn't allowing me due to error policy??) anyways, i tried 3 times and gave up. Haha

Yay for the mani pedi!! I could use a good pedi! Someday i need to treat myself and not do it at home!

Yay for biking!

Yay for new pots you love and flowers! I need a few more for my deck as well.

Post a pic of your new cut!! It always feels so good to get a new one!

Happy weekend.

Barbara H. said...

I'm in need of a haircut - maybe this week or next. The stylist I like is a young mom who only works two days week. Besides liking her work, I want to support her quest to stay home with her kids as much as possible, so I try to go those days when she is there. A new haircut and a mani/pedi! Nice! Believe it or not, I have never had a manicure or pedicure. I don't know if I could handle someone messing with my feet.

Nice deal on the flower pot! I didn't watch the wedding but read a recap with some photos. It looked very nice.

Susanne said...

I think blogger is having major issues. I'm not getting your comments through my email. My posts are coming out in the wrong colors. Stuff is happening in my sidebar. :/

Thankful for Grace said...

Oh, a mani/pedi sounds divine! I have only had a (salon) manicure once, but I do get pedis pretty regularly. I love them. Oh, to have my tired feet massaged! How fun that you got to enjoy time with your daughter while being pampered.

I have been with the same hair stylist since 2004, so I haven't had to look for someone new for ages. I hate to think of her ever retiring or moving away. It would be very hard for someone new to get used to my naturally curly, very unruly hair.

A bike ride sounds great. What a lovely way to enjoy the outdoors.


Thankful for Grace said...

My entry this week is a little odd. Hope that's okay. My mother-in-law is very close to passing away, so I wanted to blog a tribute to her, and I did it as 5 favorite things about her.

Willow said...

First bike ride of the year! You're ahead of me!

It sounds like a win-win for the mani/pedi. Time with your girl and beautiful nails!

I'm glad you enjoyed your long holiday weekend.

Karen said...

I enjoyed watching the wedding, too! I don't follow the royals or celebrities, but I do love a good wedding. I'm in desperate need of a haircut/dye and I scheduled my next one too far out. The girl I go to only works a few days a week, so not a lot of flexibility there. I need to get better at planning.

We got our bikes out, now need to go for a ride! Glad for you that you had a short week, Susanne. That is a blessing indeed.

Wendy said...

Well you must be feeling like a new person, manicure, pedicure and haircut! Lovely. I hate it when the formatting of a post won't conform to how you want it. So frustrating! lol
I might try and use my bike more now my son has moved out - mine got relegated to the garden shed now it can go back in the house so I'll have no excuse for not using it!