Welcome to a lovely fall Friday's Fave Five. Join our group as we intentionally look for things to be thankful for in our lives from the past week.
Best plum ever! I picked up these yummy sounding plums from Costco last week. I mean how could I resist plums that were called Sierra Honey Plums. Oh my goodness these are the best plums I have ever had. So sweet and juicy with just the barest hint of tart in the peel. So good I went back and bought two more boxes in case they don't get anymore. And they're kind of a heart shape...what's not to love? ;)
Beautiful warm week. After a very cold week where we had frost watches a couple of times in the night, this week has been absolutely grand. The very best of fall: blue skies, warm weather with that lovely fall cool hint, the leaves are turning color and NO wind! Just perfect!
Presentations that go well. I was asked to do a short presentation at church representing Missions and Outreach at our church on Sunday. It was a fun, informal kind of thing where 5 different areas in church that needed volunteers were represented and gave a short talk, then the pastor asked a few questions. The idea was to let all the newcomers and those interested where they could volunteer or help out. I always get quite nervous whenever I'm asked to do stuff like this, though I have done it for years. But all went well, I managed not to stick my foot in my mouth and I only forgot one small thing concerning my actual area which is Operation Christmas Child. Which is ok because I'm up there again in a week to talk about the kick off to that anyway. From comments received afterwards, people really enjoyed the more casual, chatty kind of format.
Spontaneous lunch out with friends. Sunday spur of the moment Hubby wanted to invite some friends of ours out for lunch. Usually these people are very busy and you have to arrange these kinds of things ahead of time. But this particular Sunday they were available and we enjoyed a really nice lunch out with them.
Surprise takeout lunch. Knowing I had an interview for a new family in dayhome at 5:30, my thoughtful Hubby brought home takeout from the Indian Kitchen. He knows the interviews are stressful for me and I'm busy prepping beforehand. It makes for a long day and supper ends up being really late and thrown together or else unhealthy fast food because I don't like stuff cooking when the family is here. So a good lunch from a restaurant I like was a real nice surprise and a gift.
What were you're favorites this week?

I want some of those plums now! I haven;t heard of them bt will go on a hunt.
Hurray on your presentation. Isn't it nice when others can't tell how nervous we really are?
I talked about OCC in my post today. I love that ministry.
Hurray for hubby's gift/support of takeout. I hope the interview went well. It is so important to get a good fit! I can see why it would be stressful.
I hope your week is filled with warm weather and blue skies.
Our kick off for OCC is coming up too!! I love that ministry and my daughters have been doing it their entire lives and I sure hope they plan on it again this year. I will have to remind my youngest to do so from college! Glad your presentation went well.
yay for lunches out and dinner brought in by a thoughtful husband. What a blessing!!
I am heading to Trader Joes after work today so I am hopingmto find those plums....I have not seen them in my regular grocery store!
Hurrah for autumn temps!!!! imweote about that too,
Those plums look interesting. I've not seen any that colour before. Surprise lunch, how lovely! And getting together with friends on the spur of the moment - I always think those are often better than events that are planned months in advance. Have a great weekend.
Those plums do sound great! Glad you've had some warmth after a cold week. And that your presentation went well! I always enjoy listening to those kinds of things in church and learning more about ministries. It's really hard to have any kind of spontaneous get-togethers these days - it's neat that this one worked out for you all! That was very thoughtful of your husband to bring in a good lunch when you were busy preparing for the interview.
I don't think I've eaten one plum this year and I really enjoy plums! Those look real good. Glad you have a thoughtful hubby. Sounds like you had a good week. Hope your weekend is a good one!
Were those the kind of plums that are called pluots or plumcots? A cross between a plum and an apricot? They look similar.
Sorry I am late with comments because of my eye surgery it didn't hurt at all but the drops make me so sleepy ! I am shocked ! You had snow ?? How awful now the long winter begins, which I hate !
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