Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #444

Welcome Friday!  Our time to pause and reflect and be grateful for the blessings and good things from our last week.  Please join us in sharing your 5 favorites!  I've had an exhausting week and this FFF is a good discipline otherwise the good stuff might get buried in the tiredness.

1.  The Quintessential BBQ not cooked by me.  My brother in law invited us over for a bbq on Saturday.  Huge steaks, potatoes, beans, Caesar salad and Taber corn on the cob.  It was a wonderful summer meal with great company.

2.  Uncommitted Sunday.  Sunday we made no commitments in any way and it was a nice day of rest.  I even took a nap which I never, ever do.  Did some reading, watched a movie with my hubby and generally did a whole lotta nothing.  I can't remember the last time I was able to do that.

3.  Fresh tomatoes.  That bounty of tomatoes that I showed a picture of last week has started to ripen and turn red.  We've had tomatoes in salads, in sandwiches, just cut up.  It's been so good.  Homegrown has so much more flavor than grocery store tomatoes.

4.  Amazing church service.  There was just something special about the service on Sunday.  Everything just came together to make a really special and powerful service.  The music and worship were amazing.  The congregation really participated and you could hear them singing fully which isn't always the case.  The message, after a little glitch with the powerpoint, was so good.  I couldn't take notes fast enough.  And people stuck around after and visited.  It was wonderful.

5.  Window shopping with a dear friend.  Tuesday night Homesense/Marshals had their grand opening.  The day before I gave my friend whom I haven't seen in seems like forever and we made a date to go check it out.  Neither of us bought a thing but it was fun to browse and spend the time together and then have tea.  We always have fun and it was so good to reconnect with her.  

Those are my favorite blessings of the week.  What were yours?


Ingrid said...

I can immagine that your tomatoes had a good taste ! that's real organic ! I always realize the difference in Egypt, where the food comes direct from the farmer into the plate ! It even tastes better than the so said "organic" in the supermarkets !

Faith said...

i LOVE farm or garden fresh much better than grocery store ones that tend to get them from hothouses. we have several on our counter from a local farm.....yummy!!!!!

how fun to browse through new stores. i never heard of Homesense but we have a HomeGoods and Marshalls both here in town. I temd to shop more at Homegoods. it is the kind of store where i go in for one specific item and come out with a cartload!! ha!

I think your Sunday sounds perfect!!!

Susan said...

An uncommitted sunday that includes a nap, sounds like heaven to me. I need to get back to that kind of a Sunday more often. My week goes much better when I take a nap and/or rest that day.

How fun to shop in a new store with a friend. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if anything is bought, just being together is what counts.

Again I am jealous of your tomatoes.

Have a great week.

ellen b said...

Sounds like a great week. Your Sunday really sounded special. I can always kill time browsing at Homesense...Homegoods here in the states. Hope you have a good weekend.

Barbara H. said...

Sunday naps are a must for me! Your Sunday sounds wonderful between the church service and the rest. So does the BBQ cooked by someone else! It's been years since I have been to a Marshals (here that is mainly a clothing store, so I wonder if it's the same?) I just looked up HomeSense and Home Goods, and it looks like HomeGoods is the US version. We have one here but I have not made it out there yet. I want to, though! It's neat to be a part of a store opening, especially with a friend.

Willow said...

I noticed your title of 444 fave fives. Wow! We've been doing this a long time and still going strong!

Because we were traveling Sunday, we missed church and I do mean 'missed'. I'm glad your service was so good! And after--a nap and nothing else! Perfect!

The bbq sounds so yummy--now I'm hungry!

nikkipolani said...

Each of your fives had me smiling, Susanne. Good food and family and good fellowship and good rest.

You and your friend did what my mom and I did -- just browse. Mom enjoys novelty so it was fun for her to see things she doesn't see often.