Friday, August 04, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #441

Happy Friday!  Another week to look back over and take note of the blessings in our lives.  Please join us!  This is holiday week for me so my whole week is one to be thankful for.  Though this year is a staycation with a few day trips it has been great!

1.  Day trip over the Logan's Pass on Going to the Sun Road.  Friends put together a spur of the moment day trip and invited us.  This is my most favorite scenic drive I've ever done.  Such beauty all the way.  There are so many little pull overs with waterfalls, hikes, trails, views, everyone of them different from the one before.  We did it a few years back with the kids and it was so much fun to do it with somebody else because we saw Glacier National Park from a different perspective.  They showed us trails and little treasures we didn't know about.  A fun lunch of delicious burgers at a diner in West Glacier and then we headed back.  A day in the company of dear friends surrounded by God's artistry and creation is the greatest stress reliever ever!

2.  Trail of the Cedars.  This is my favorite trail in the park and neither Hubby or my friends had ever walked it.  So it was my pleasure to show them.  Thick with 3 different kinds of cedars and lush forest floor, humid and so easy to breathe with wonderful nature smells and of course, a gorgeous little watter fall at the end.  I could take a book in there and spend hours.

3.  Foot dip into a glacial stream.  What is better than cooling the feet in a beautiful, crystal clear, cold glacial stream after hiking all day?

4.  Free coffee.  Yesterday I popped into the Starbuck's drive thru to grab a iced coffee, which is a real treat when running errands.  Long story short, but the till froze up and neither the young lady at the window nor the shift manager could get it to go after 5 or 6 tries so they gave me my drink free!  Yummy.  You really gotta try the iced coconut mocha macchiato.  So good.  A rare treat as I've cut sugar waaaaaay back.  But sometimes a girl just has to indulge.  And for free?  Bonus!

5.  New glasses coming.  It's been three years since my last glasses purchase or eye check up and I've noticed a change.  So finally I got that done this week, and ordered new ones.  Yipee!

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Willow said...

Ooooh, a free drink! A fave, for sure!
I didn't realize how close you live to Glacier Nat'l Park. You can just pop over there and hike around for the day. Love!!
It sounds like a great staycation week for you!

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful place ! I love wild and rocky landscapes and woods with old trees, the smell is so special.

Susan said...

Getting a new pair of glasses is a fave for me, too; everything is so much clearer and brighter.

Wowser, that glacier-fed stream must have been cold! But I agree, it is a treat to cool off your tootsies in such a place.

How fun that your friends could show you some new vistas and that you could do the same in return. I wish my screen had scratch-and-smell as I love cedars.

Have a great week, Suzanne.

Faith said...

A FREE iced coconutmilk mocha macchiato??? i had one on way home from work yesterday and it was DEF NOT free!!!! that is a true blessing from $$tarbucks!!

i have Glacier National Park on our bucket list as I know you know. Your photos are gorgeous and that foot dip in the stream is perfect!!

you had an awesome staycation week!

and yes, it has been a little over 3 years since i went to eye doc. maybe i better follow your example!!

enjoy the weekend!

Wendy said...

Free coffee? Lucky you! Your photos are lovely. Definitely a good place to go and recharge the batteries. Looking forward to seeing a photo with the new glasses. Have a good weekend Suzanne.

Barbara H. said...

What beautiful scenery! So glad you got to go! Free coffee anywhere is a treat, but especially at Starbucks. I need to get an eye check-up soon, too. I know the new glasses will be helpful.

ellen b. said...

Such beautiful things you saw. I haven't seen Glacier from our side or your side of the line. Glad you had the chance to enjoy it with friends. Yippee for free coffee and clearer eyesight. Have a great weekend.

Karen said...

Glacier is on our bucket list. What a gorgeous place and such beautiful photos, Susanne.

Jerralea said...

What gorgeous scenery! Looks like a fun day enjoying the beauty God made.

I never go to Starbucks but a free one sounds awesome.

Congrats on new eye-wear. It takes me forever to pick out frames!