Friday, July 21, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #439

Friday has just snuck up so fast and it's time for Friday's Fave Five.  It's been a very busy week and I think that's why I feel it has flown by.  All the better to look back and find some favorite blessings before they pass me by without notice.  Please join in!

1.  Summer visit with these two wonderful people... 

Saturday we took a road trip to go see my  oldest daughter and her hubby.  We had not been to visit them since we went last year for their little wedding celebration in their own city with the friends and church family who didn't make the wedding last year.   They've been here a few times over the year but we decided it was high time we took the drive to go.  It's not a drive I love.  There is not much scenery and the view is so flat and it is a long drive of approximately 7 hours.  But I love once we get there!  We stayed for 3 nights and had a wonderful visit.  If we all look exhausted in this picture it's because we are!  LOL.  And it was hot out which added to feeling tired.  But who can resist a picnic at a beautiful park?  

2.  Virtual Reality Fun...  

Part of our visit included going to a Virtual Reality games place.  So. much. fun!  Kim was going crazy killing zombies in this picture.   It is so crazy, it feels and looks like you are right there.  Those of us waiting our turn could see on the tv screens kinda what she was seeing except in a flat one dimensional way but when you are wearing that headset it's like you are right in the game with views in all directions.  The zombie one was not to my tastes in games but I sure knocked it out in the space game.  I would totally go again!

3.  The food...

Oh my goodness, the food we ate this visit!  The night we arrived we did our traditional "Nachos" night.  We usually always end up at a Boston Pizza but this time Mitch, our son in law, suggested we go to a pub/pool hall place that had good nachos.  Wow, they were some of the best we've had in a restaurant.   Then on another night Kim and Mitch took us to the Kitchen/Wine Bar she works at.  This is a local fancy schmancy chef type place.  I'm talking the kind of place that uses fresh local ingredients when possible and even makes their own ketchup!   I've never eaten at a place like that.  Great atmosphere, and the food was amazing.  The picture above is what we had for an appetizer, one of their Charcuterie boards.  The kitchen chose what was on this one for us, but you have a choice of all sorts of meats, cheeses, breads, crackers, spreads, etc.  So good!  And for supper I had Duck Confit with Parsnip/Pear Puree, blueberry compote (I think it was called), brussel sprouts and cauliflower.  It was melt in your mouth and so perfectly seasoned that they didn't even have salt on the table and none of us needed to ask for it.  For dessert I just had to try their Creme Brulee that was voted best in Canada by the Globe and Mail.  Yum!  And the morning we left we had a delicious breakfast at another local place that was amazing food with a wonderful view.  My tastebuds were singing for days.  The only downfall to all that great food is now I have to work doubly hard at the gym.  LOL.

4.  Safe travels there and back...

Always, always thankful for this.  

5.  To do list being checked off...

This is also my maintenance week with my dayhome.  I close down and get all those things done that you just can't do when kids are around all the time.   It's busy, busy but once I put my head down and get to it, it's amazing what gets done.  

Toys sorted, broken ones thrown out, unused ones donated, boxes and shelves cleaned...check

Walls, baseboards and stair railings washed or dusted...check

Playroom carpet deep cleaned and washed...check

I just have the craft room to sort, organize and deep clean and the stair carpet left and I can relax.

What have been the things you are thankful for this week?


Susan said...

How coincidental - I had nachos this week, too: savory and sweet! Nachos always hit the spot for me.

Your food adventures sound amazing. I was actually drooling a little as I read. I wouldn't have passed up the creme brulee either.

Hurray for taking charge of your to-do list.Deep cleaning and sorting is a HUGE job but it sure feels and looks better afterward.

I hope you are able to get it all done before the weekend so that you can have a bit of relaxation before Monday.

Ingrid said...

That's a long way to get to your daughter but it was certainly worthwhile ! You made a "All you can eat" tour, lol !

Faith said...

That food platter looks like something we all here would love!! This is the way many Europeans eat we found now that we have been to Paris and Rome. I love it!! I a, NOT a fan of duck though or reality games but it sounds like you totally enjoyed yourself! good for you!

yay for getting things checked off...i wrote about that too!!😜

enjoy your weekend and i hooe you get to do that relaxing!

Barbara H. said...

So glad you got to visit your daughter and son-in-law! Sounds like a great time all around, and what wonderful food! My husband found a deal on a virtual reality headset that your iPhone fits into, and there are a couple of VR apps. They played with it a lot when he first got it, but not so much any more, except there is one short program Timothy likes about a bunny and aliens. :-) I have never tried it - I get dizzy and off-balance with things like planetariums and iMAX films when things start moving - I don't know if this would have the same effect, but I just haven't been motivated to try it. It's funny to watch when people have the headset on, though. :-)

It's nice to have a week to get some deep cleaning in without the little ones there. Good work on that to-do list!

ellen b said...

What a nice visit with your daughter and her husband. That food platter is calling to me. I love food. :)
Happy cleaning! Maybe I should clean something, too. :)
Hope you have a nice weekend.

nikkipolani said...

I love it that you still took a photo though you were all sapped from the heat ;-) Looks like a beautiful spot for a picnic. And glad you enjoyed such terrific tastes. There ought to be a rule where the enjoyment of a food burns up calories!

Good job on getting things done on your maintenance week. That's a great idea to set aside time to tackle these chores. Enjoy your weekend, Susanne!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Spending time with grown children is the best! I don't even care what we do as long as I get to hang out with them.

Wendy said...

Wow that's a long drive but obviously worth it. Glad you had a good time visiting.