Friday, June 30, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #436

I can't believe it is already the end of June!  This month has just flown by so fast.  It's hard to remember what has actually gone on.  Which is why FFF is so important for me to do each week.  It makes me slow down and notice good things in life.  And boy have I needed it this week.  I'll not lie it's been a tough one.  But there are good things there for the noticing, so I choose to do that and be thankful rather than focus on work related stress!  So this week I'm being thankful for those little things that help me pull through that kind of stuff.

1.  Good books.  I love a good read but on a stressful week such as this was, I especially appreciate the escape that a well written story provides.   I've kinda been going from one book right to another, not even really stopping to review them.  I'm now kind of about 3 reviews behind, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  At least it's helping me get through my huge stack of books I've got to read through.

2.  Pool time for the kids.  There was 2 days this week that the weather was great for pool days.  And when the kids have pool time, it's comfy chair, cup of coffee and book time in the sunshine for me while I watch them.

3.  Prayer.  There are so many scriptures involving praying about our concerns but one of the ones that constantly comes to mind in the stressful times is the one from 1 Peter 5:7 in the Amplified Bible:

"casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns 
once and for all] on Him;
for He cares about you 
[with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]"

Love that!  I picture myself throwing those old cares as hard as I can towards God.  I'm still, however, working on the once and for all part.

4.  Online grocery shops.  Real Canadian Superstore in Canada has started what they call "Click and Collect".  I go online with my grocery shopping list, search each item, click how many I want, checkout, choose my pick up time and for a measly $3 charge ($5 in the real busy hours) they do the shopping for me.  I just drive up to the marked stall any time during my time slot, call the number and they wheel out my groceries and help me bag them and off I go.   I LOVE IT!!   $3 was so worth the time it would have taken me to do that shopping because in store I get super distracted and end up spending way more.  This way I stuck right to the list.  Did it while the kids had quiet time and picked up right after work.    I even tried a couple items of produce just to see how nice (or not) it would be and they were just like what I would have picked.  Score.  Meat I'll leave to shopping in person but for the bulk of the groceries I'm sold on this and will use it again.

5.  Infused water.  I've been making my own infused waters at home with a special jug I bought and boy, it has got me drinking more water.  It's so refreshing.  And the dayhome kids even like it.  So far I've tried cucumber (really good), orange/lime/mint (refreshing) and right now I've got Strawberry/basil/mint chilling in the fridge.  Smells yummy.

Well this weekend is a long one for me as I took Monday off in lieu of Canada Day being on Saturday.  It's Canada's 150th birthday so there is lots of stuff going on to celebrate all over but I think Hubby's and my traditional long bike ride will be on the agenda and then we're going to good friends for a bbq and I may even go to the fireworks.  Sounds like just what I need this weekend.  Can hardly wait.  Hope you all have some plans for relaxation and fun this weekend, too.

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Barbara H. said...

It's so hard to believe we're at the end of June! I do love good books for mini-escapes through the day. Some stores here have that kind of online shopping, and a number of friends have tried it and loved it. I wondered about things like produce, whether you'd get the good pickings or not - sounds like they try to pick the better ones. I would do the same with the meat, look at that myself. Sounds like a great idea! Sorry you've had such a hard week - glad you have a long weekend coming up. Happy Canada Day!

nikkipolani said...

Glad you could take time to list all the good stuff out of a tough week and have that wonderful verse to fortify you. Those are great faves, Susanne, especially that infused water thing. The flavors you've picked sound terrific.

Willow said...

Happy Canada Day to you! Enjoy the long weekend.

Oooh, that infused water sounds wonderful! Those combinations all are yummy.

I hope your week next week isn't as difficult. I envision walking over to the edge of a cliff and just dropping the bag of worries off into the ravine below.

Wendy said...

Enjoy your long weekend. Some good things on your list. I've had groceries delivered for a long time now. I usually just get all my store cupboard items, cleaning stuff etc. Hubby shops for the fresh things at the weekend. Works for me lol

Ingrid said...

True June went by si fast and we had such à hot summer weather. I arrived in Dublin today and here it's réal cold 13deg ! Hope it will warm up à bit !

Susan said...

I wrote about prayer, too. I love that verse from Peter and the way the amplified translated it. This week I found an Amplified Bible at the thrift store.

Hurray for hot weather and pool/reading time. Sounds like a win/win for everyone.

I haven't done online grocery shopping - yet. If I do that, I am sure I would buy less. Too
often I come out with more than I had on my list.

Have a great holiday weekend!

Karen said...

Happy Canada Day, Susanne! I'm tempted to try pre-ordering groceries, just for the money savings. I'm such an impulse buyer, and I think it would help me stay better organized, too.

Faith said...

Happy Canada Day!! ( sorry I'm late). Am finally home from our 10 day trip to Montreal/Italy (rome and florence) and am getting caught up on housework, laundry, food shopping. Thanking God my oldest kept my flowers watered and the vacuuming at bay while we were gone. I hope to be back this week for the FFF. Please pray for me: I start summer school teaching Monday and it is HARD for me....i have had the summers off since 1995!!!!!

yum...i love cucumber water!!