Friday, June 16, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #434

Welcome everyone to Friday's Fave Five.  It's been a bit of a panic to get this post up as for some reason the Blogger site would not load onto my computer for a really long time.  But now it seems to working so I'm trying to get it done before anything else can happen.  Thanks for joining in with me on this weekly exercise of stretching our thankful muscles by looking for the good things in our lives from the week.

1.  Snacks.  I'm always happy when I find fairly healthy fun foods to snack on that don't taste like cardboard.  My daughter introduced me to these sweet potato crackers she found at Costco and I have to say I'm hooked ... they are delicious.  She also introduced me to this fresh salsa found in the cooler section  that I've gotten really hooked on.  Pair the two together and voila!  Susanne's new favorite snack food!  And I am going to try those beet crackers next!  Keeping my fingers crossed that they are good too.

2.  Surprise lunch.  Yesterday my Sweetie surprised me with lunch from a favorite Thai Fusion place with a bento box lunch.   There is so much food in one of these things that it fed me lunch and supper out of it.  It was a sweet surprise from him and made my day.

3.  Father's Day crafting with the dayhome kids.  They get so excited to make something for their parent and giving it to them.   Sometimes though, Father's Day crafts are a bit stressful as they are usually not so easy as Mother's Day but this year I found a couple that the various ages involved in a dayhome could all do.  Thanks again, Pinterest!

4.  Book Find.  One of my favorite books, The Mountain Between Us (by Charles Martin) , is being turned into a movie and coming to theatres in the fall.  I am so excited and can hardly wait for it.  I was telling my oldest, who is a reader, about it.  She knows it's one of my favorite authors and she was surprised at the the big name stars heading it up.  Not even an hour after our conversation I found the book at the Value Village second hand store.  I couldn't believe it.  I have never ever seen this author's books in any used book store that I have looked in.  And it was hard cover to boot!  Score!  She's excited she'll now have it to read this summer.

And just in case you're interested, here's the trailer:

It's looking really good but I hope they do the book and it's story justice and don't go changing a bunch of stuff.

5.  The weekend is here.  I am so happy the weekend has arrived.  It's been a busy week with the funeral prep, a doubled up bible study to study and lead, Father's day activities amongst other things that I am very ready for this weekend.  It's not only Father's Day but my most wonderful hubby's and my 34th wedding anniversary.  We're going out for dinner tonight at a favorite steak place to celebrate and I'm looking forward to it with him.  I can't believe it's been 34 years already.  It's hard to wrap my head around it.  And I wouldn't change our life together for anything.
What were you're favorites from the week? 


Susan said...

First of all, CONGRATS on 34 years married. That is impressive. I hope your weekend is FULL of celebration for that fact.

Second, what Father's Day crafts did you do? I love collecting craft ideas for my grand kids to do.

Third, I will check out that Charles Martin book.The only one I have read (so far) is Long Way Gone. Someone on FFF suggested it (maybe you) and it was awesome!

Finally, I found a salsa this week that made all the difference, too: mango peach. I will look up your suggestion soon.

Have a GREAT weekend.

Ingrid said...

There was Father's day in Belgium too, but I think most of the people forgot, as it is not so old than mother's day, lol ! My "snacks" are apples ! I cut the into little pieces and eat them in front of the TV.

Barbara H. said...

Oh, wow, that trailer looks so good! I have read some of his books - I just put that one on my TBR list.

Happy anniversary! I hope you have a great time!

I've been wanting to find salty snacks that aren't chips (I don't like pretzels). These crackers sound interesting.

I love when a meal brought in lasts for two meals. And when someone brings me one. :-)

I've seen lots of cute Father's Day ideas on Pinterest. Glad you found one that works for all your dayhome kids.

Willow said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! Thirty-four years is something to celebrate!
Restaurant meals are so large that I usually get two meals from them. That's a win-win because we can enjoy the food twice. The Thai dish would definitely be a fave around here too.
I will check out that book and movie! Thanks for the tip.
Happy Father's Day to your hubby!

nikkipolani said...

Happy happy anniversary, Susanne!

I'd just finished that CMartin book a few weeks ago. It'll be interesting to see what they do with the movie. Hope the tone of the protagonists' relationship is preserved.

Surprise Thai is always good in my book ;-)

ellen b said...

A very happy Anniversary to you and hubby! Glad you get to go out and celebrate.

Faith said...

Happy Anniversary and Ihopemyou had a fun evening celebrating.

I love sweet potato anything!!!! yummy.

yay for pinterest...we used that too in the preschool class Thursday to make fathers day things with the 4/5 yr olds. they turned out really well. my sayng is keep it simple stupid. hahaha. pinterest has all kinds of great ideas.

yay flrosurprise lunches and good books! that is one Charles Martin book i have NOT read. i will read it maybe this summer and will wait to see it on netflix as movies are now $14.50 here and i refuse to pay that much.

happy fathers day to your man!