Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday's Fave Five #429

Well, boy oh boy, did I miss my own party or what?  So sorry about the Friday's Fave Five being a no show last week.  Went out of town on Thursday morning and totally forgot to take my computer with me.  And had I have remembered I don't think I would have had time at all to use it anyway.  You see we were at a pretty special function.  But first, please join in with us as we look over the last week for the blessings and good things in our lives and take a moment to share 5 of them and be thankful for them.

1.  The Big Event ... was my son's convocation.  He received his diploma in Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic.  We are so proud of him.  That young man has worked hard and put himself through 4 years of school without taking a loan.  He's level headed, studies hard and has a great attitude.  Now he just has to finish off his last few weeks of practicum and pass the licensing exam (a biggie!) and he will be a full fledged paramedic.  Congratulations Jeremy!

2.  New treat.  I've been wanting to get back to getting myself away from sweets and sugar but have been finding it really hard.  Last week at Costco, I found these little organic treats that have no refined sugar.  Now normally I am not a fan absolutely hate dates.  I can taste them no matter how well hidden.  And this does have dates.  But for some reason I cannot taste them in here.  Maybe it's because I love all the other ingredients, I don't know.  But one or two when I'm craving sugary sweets is enough to take that craving away.  

3.  A wedding shower for a friend's daughter.  I love showers.  Wedding, baby, doesn't matter.  I love the fact that I can bless a friend or a friend's child or grandbaby, love the yummy treats, and yes even the silly games.  I love watching the opening of the presents and seeing what everyone gives.  It's a fun couple of hours for me.   Sunday afternoon I attended a friend's daughter's wedding shower.  It was held in the same place that my own daughter got married in just a year ago so that brought lovely memories flooding back.  And because it was in this venue, I knew the food was going to be delicious.  And it was.  I totally admit I went back for seconds.  

 Just a little sample of the choices.  Yummy!

4.  Beautiful summer-like (at least in these parts) weather.  The past few days the weather has been absolutely gorgeous.  We've been outside a lot with the kids.  And I've also enjoyed some time to sip a coffee and read my book soaking up that wonderful warmth.  And when you're cup matches your current read you know it's going to be a fun day.  :)

5.  The book above.  I've really been enjoying this story.  Many laugh out loud moments, wonderful characters and a good underlying message has kept me totally engaged.  Made for a great read while on the road trip mentioned in #1.

What were your favorite blessings from the last week?


Ingrid said...

I am back from Egypt and still half there ! What a great event you celebrated ! You can really be very proud of your son ! No wonder that you forgot your computer, lol !

Faith said...

Super congrats to Jeremy!! I cannot believe he could do college with NO LOANS!! man...even with academic scholarships, my youngest still faces a big loan and chose a public university (New Hampshire) and our oldest of course has an even bigger loan due to going to private Christian college and even then her scholarship was more than Claire's!! HOW did he do this?
It must be so exciting for him to be done....what an awesome career lies ahead for him. We need good paramedics!!

I'm gonna have to look for that book...and yay for warmer weather, sunshine and getting outdoors with your books and coffee.

I love showers too but it's been a LONG time since I've attended one...

Happy weekend!

Barbara H. said...

Congratulations to your son! I love showers, too, for all those reasons. How special to have one where your daughter was married. I haven't heard of that book, but the cover and title definitely caught my attention!

Willow said...

Congratulations to Jeremy! To have finished his education with no debt is an amazing accomplishment too!

I'm glad you enjoyed the shower. And the wonderful weather!

ellen b. said...

Congrats to your son! Wonderful photo with him. Those treats look great. I'm not sure the U.S. Costco carry them. Glad you are enjoying good weather! Happy Mother's Day weekend to you.

Ann said...

Congratulations to your son!!

Wendy said...

Congratulations to your son. You must be very proud. I'm glad you had a good trip but we did miss you.