Friday, July 01, 2016

Friday's Fave Five #386

Well I'm a little late to the party, aren't I ?  I had totally forgotten what day it was .   Today we are celebrating Canada Day and having a stat holiday and day off on a Friday has sort of thrown me for a loop.  But nevertheless, it's Friday and still a good time to look over the week and remember blessings even though the posting of them is late.

1.  Canada Day.  Of course this tops the list this week.  So many things to be thankful for  surrounding this day.  I'm always thankful for an extra day off, though in this day and age, not everyone gets it off just because it's a statuatory holiday.  And that's kinda sad.  But anyway, for me, I'm very thankful that I do get it off.  And Canada Day is all about celebrating the birthday of this great country.  Such a beautiful place that I am privileged to live in.  A country who helps others, who reaches out, who affords freedom of worship and has opportunities galore.    Yes, I am very thankful for Canada.

2.  Tea made tastier in a lovely tea pot and cup.  My daughter gave me this for mother's day and it just makes me smile whenever I use it.  It's  not only cute but to me it represents her thoughtfulness because it has bikes on it which I love, the color green which I love and she knows I like to drink tea.  So she chose a gift that she knew represented a lot of me.  How can I not smile having a sip of tea out of this?

3.  Great reading.  After a few "DNF's" (did not finish) books, I'm so glad I found one that grabbed my attention.  Grabbed me from the first pages, and though I knew the ending because it's a fictionalized account of a true story, it was still gripping right through the whole story, maybe more so because I knew what would happen.  Loved the writing and the telling of the tale.  It was a 10 out of 10 for me.  I'll do a full review in a few days time.  Finding a great read always is a favourite blessing for me.  Such a privilege to be able to have access to any kind of book I could desire basically at any time.  Not everyone has that. 

4. Surprise visits of friends.  Even though we live in the same city, I don't get to see my good friend very often.  So when she popped in yesterday, starbucks in hand, it definitely made my week!  So nice to have a visit with her and catch up with what's going on.  We have just learned to grab those smaller moments rather than always trying to carve out chunks of time like a whole evening.  And they all add up to big blessings of friendship!

5.  The Amazing Race Canada!   I love this show.  It's a weekly tradition that I can hardly wait for when the season is on.  I've watched the Amazing Race for years and it has always been a secret little dream of mine that my daughter and I would do it or that any of my kids would do it, but it was always just American.  Well a couple of years ago they started the Canadian version.  Love how it showcases a lot of Canada.  And this year there is a team from my city running!  Now it's 10x more exciting to watch.  There has only been one episode so far and I have to say the camera work has been stunning in it as they have gone from Northwest Territories to Jasper, Alberta.  Next week they'll be in Calgary.    Go Team Lethbridge!!

What were your favorite blessings this week?


Karen said...

Happy Canada Day!! I love, love the teacup from your daughter, it just says 'you' all over. I've never watched the Amazing Race! How exciting that it's coming to your area. I really think you should go for it and get on the show.

Starbucks and a good friend. What a great combination! Enjoy your weekend, Susanne!

Ingrid said...

As I have my days off the whole year, I don't like holidays, because everything is closed, I mean the shops. Here in Europe and especially in Belgium they are all in football (soccer) fever, tonight it's Belgium against Wales. I have never seen so many flags hanging on windows ! On national day there are far less !

nikkipolani said...

Happy Canada Day to you, Susanne! Looks like you are already celebrating with the faves from the week. Very cute tea set, especially sweet of the giver.

Barbara H. said...

Happy Canada Day! When I worked in retail sales, I always got frustrated because we never got off the same holidays everyone else did - in fact, it was even busier because we'd have special sales and everyone else was off shopping. So glad I don't do that any more, for many reasons! Glad you've got the day off, making it a long weekend as well.

Sweet tea set! The book sounds interesting. That's a good thought about grabbing small moments with friends when it's hard to do the bigger ones. How cool that they have a Canadian version of AR now! I don't think I could ever do it, but my youngest son would love to get someone else in the family to do it with him.

Ann said...

Happy Canada Day!! We were in your beautiful country just last week (New Brunswick and Grand Manan Island). I always love going to Canada!!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Canada! Sounds like you have had a good and busy week! Enjoy the weekend!

Faith said...

Happy Canada Day to you!!! love the adorable teapot and cup.....although you KNOW I would be drinking coffee or a latte in that mug!

Yay for good books. I just finished ine that was so so and now am reading The Lake House which is famtastic!!!

I hope you get to enjoy more moments with your friend and have a wonderful weekend!!

ellen b said...

Happy Canada Day to you and yours Susanne! Glad you got a short week. I always say the drink is better in a nice vessel! I wonder if I can see Amazing Race Canada. I'll have to check my channels! Happy weekend to you!

Wendy said...

Happy Canada day. Now I'm now working I often have to stop and think "what day is it?" lol Surprise visits from friends are always lovely. Have a great weekend.