Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday's Fave Five#380

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Time to intentionally look for blessings from our last week and to pause and be grateful for those things in our life that make our days, that keep us going, that lift us up.  I have found over the years of doing this exercise, that if I discipline myself to do it during good and not so good times, that I am more likely to find good things even in the midst of situations that might not in themselves be good.  It's cultivating a thankful attitude and in my experience, when I have that it makes the not so good times not quite so crushing.  So onwards and upwards towards more thankfulness.

1.  Dad's birthday.  Lovely bbq at my  sister's place.  Because Mother's Day and my Dad's birthday are so close and we celebrate them separately because they, meaning Mom and Dad, are not together, my sis and I share the dinner responsibilities.  Last week I was the meat and bun and she was sides and dessert and for my Dad's bday it was switched around.  We had a nice time celebrating my dad who turned 85.  I can't believe that!

This is my dad with Kim, our oldest child, at her wedding last month.  What a blessing that was having both my mom and dad still alive and able to attend her wedding!

2.  Worship night.  Our church hosted a 2 hour worship event on Saturday night.  Although I went late because of my Dad's birthday the time I did get to spend in extended worship was really nice.  It was nice to see a great turnout and even to see people from other congregations there!  I know it is a ton of extra work for the worship team and I so appreciate them doing it.

3.  Bit of a break on the job.  This week the littlest one's (16 months) family went camping so it gave me a break.  Don't get me wrong, I love the little ones to bits but boy oh boy, sometimes you don't realize how much you really need that break until you actually have it.  That age is a LOT of work!  The rest of the kids and I did some stuff that's hard when there is such a little one around.

4.  Movie afternoon with Hubby.  This last Sunday actually found me with all my chores remarkably done.  Even grocery shopping.  So Sunday was actually what the Lord meant it to be:  a day of rest.  We had a lovely bbq steak lunch with just me, Hubby and our girlafter church.  We put our feet up and read and ordered a $1 movie off the tv.  Turned out we really enjoy it.  Then hubby and I went for a lovely yet challenging coulee trail walk.  Listening to the birds singing, watching storks feeding on the river off in the distance and just enjoying each other's company was totally refreshing.  Ready for the new week!

5.  Words of encouragement.  

I've always loved a good quote, especially ones that in a sentence can lift your spirits and give encouragement.  I like this one because it reminds me God is not finished with me yet in spite of mistakes or set backs.  I am not the same as I was!

What were your favourite blessings of the last week?


Willow said...

I love Sundays like that--true days of rest. And the walk sounds great.
Love that quote! We need to remember that perspective for ourselves and for others.
Happy Birthday to your dad!

Ingrid said...

And your Dad is still dancing ! How nice ! Seems you had a nice week !

Faith said...

awesome list!! yay for a real Sabbath...sometimes my Sabbath is a Sunday but more often than not, it has been Saturdays that are my day of rest! but boy...was God ever right when he said we were to take one!!

your dad looks great!

i also put encouraging words for one of my faves!!!!

happy weekend Susanne..i hope you get another restful one!

Monica said...

I love it when we can keep the Sabbath the way it was meant to be. Make for a great week! :)
Lovely way to celebrate your Dad! So sweet!
Breaks are very necessary. Glad you got one. Yes, tots are very difficult. So busy all the time!
Hope you have a restful weekend!

Barbara H. said...

So great that both your parents are living and close enough to spend time with. And having a sister nearby to trade off meal responsibilities for those occasions!

I've been reminded with our little grandson just how much work little ones can be, much as you love them. I'm exhausted when they leave from a visit here, even while looking forward to the next one. :-)

The worship night and restful Sunday sound just lovely.

Karen said...

Your Sunday sounds like what the Lord intended for the sabbath. Rest, relaxation and time in great outdoors.

Lovely picture of your dad and Kim. Such a precious moment.

ellen b said...

That is a good quote.
The picture of your dad and daughter is so sweet.
Yippee for an easier week with your kids.
Sounds like a great week overall.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Jerralea said...

I love encouraging words, too. Thanks for sharing the Warren quote.

Your Sunday sounded lovely!

Great photo of your dad and your daughter!

nikkipolani said...

That's a terrific quote, Susanne. It applies to work as well (as a mountain or two landed on me -- all before 6am).

You and your sister have a good system worked out for family celebrations ;-) Always good to divide and conquer! Your Sunday afternoon activities sound relaxing and invigorating at the same time.