Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday's Fave Five #381

Welcome to Friday's Fave Five.  Looking for the blessings from the past week and sharing, you guessed it, 5 of them.  If you are new, you can take a peek at the guidelines linked in the sidebar and then just jump right in!  This has been a long week, in spite of the Monday holiday, so having the discipline of looking for blessings resets my perspective.  So here we go:

1.  Monday off.  I always, always appreciate extra time off from work, whether it's getting off a little earlier or that precious extra full day.  When you work with babes, toddlers and preschoolers in a 10 hour day Monday - Friday that extra day to get things done or to just plain wind down is precious indeed.  Unfortunately it rained all weekend long so we didn't do any walking trails or biking but I did get lots of reading done and lots of coffee drank.  And that was just fine with me.

2.  Rain.  Though it made it an indoor kind of weekend I am very thankful for the rain.  Even fire ravaged Northern Alberta received some which was a huge blessing.  Not much but it's a whole lot better than heat and dryness for the tireless firefighters.  Everything around here is now beautifully green and smelled wonderful.  Then yesterday and today warmth and sunshine.  Lovely.

3.  Taste of the Islands.  On our dinner date, hubby took me to a favorite restaurant and they were featuring a spring menu.  So we shared a Paradise salad full of coconut, mango, pineapple, greens, lime and mint with a yummy dressing.  And for the main course I had macademia crusted mahi mahi with a coconut peanut sauce.  Oh my goodness.  If I closed my eyes I could just about imagine dining on a nice patio on a tropical island beach somewhere. That is until we went back outside into the cold rain.   LOL.  

4.  Haircut.  Funny how something so simple can just make one feel better.  And bonus:  the gal who washed my hair also gave me an incredibly relaxing scalp massage.  Felt like a new person when I left the salon.

5.  Movie night with the ladies.   A fun night out with the ladies study group.  

What were your favorites for the last week?


Ingrid said...

I can imagine that you exhausted after a week with baby, toddlers and preschoolers ! I am always angry when there is a holiday, because everything is closed, and if it rains there is not a lot to do to amuse yourself, lol !

Faith said...

we had a lot of rain last week too but we really needed it after kur very dry winter. now it is summer like temps....very hot and sunny. but i love it!! That dinner out sounds delish and yay for a new haircut! I got mine done too last weekend and it felt great. It's the simple things. i see you are reading Anne Quindlon....❤️❤️❤️ her books! enjoy the weekend.

Barbara H. said...

Wow - I didn't know your work days were that long. I wouldn't be good for anything after 10 hours. So glad you got a day off this week. And some needed rain, especially for Alberta. I have never had mahi mahi. The whole tropical dining experience sounds fun, especially for a rainy day. I know what you mean about haircuts. I've been wanting to get one for the last few weeks and the timing has not worked out. Hopefully soon!

ellen b said...

Glad you could enjoy a long weekend despite the rain. Your dinner experience sounds like fun. I love food and eating out! Hope you have a good weekend. We have our long weekend now...I'm already confused on what day of the week it is...

nikkipolani said...

That dinner menu has got my salivary glands going! And the contrast to the rainy cold outside? Good for your area and firefighters. Wait, you post about a haircut and we get no pictures??

Wendy said...

It's good to be reminded on Fridays to find good things to reflect on. A nice meal, haircut and R & R time all sound good to me.

Willow said...

I want your hair stylist! Head massage? Yes!
And the rain is truly a blessing (please send some here!).

Jerralea said...

I'm glad to hear you had such a lovely week. A day off, new haircut, and movie night with friends is a great pick-me-up!

10 hour days with toddlers! Yikes!