Friday, July 03, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #336

Welcome to the first Friday's Fave Five of July.  I don't know where you are but here it is hot, hot, hot .   Very much summer.  With holidays and all the little extras that brings it's good to get intentional and do a regular time of being grateful.  Please join us as we look for our favourite five blessings from the last week.

1.  Inspiration.  People who pursue their dreams in spite of obstacles thrown at them in life.  What an inspiration this 14 year old is.   He could have made a million excuses to quit but he kept chasing his dream.  Made me cry.

2.  Ladies Study Group wrap up dinner.  For our last night we all headed to a fave restaurant here in town.  It was a wonderful time wrapping up a great year with these ladies.  I've never been part of such a great group of women from all sorts of walks of life.  They challenged and encouraged me as the leader of the group.  And it was so nice to wrap up the year doing something fun.  The food was excellent and the company wonderful.

3.  Ice Cold glass of peppermint tea.  It has been so hot lately and finding something other than water has been a bit of a challenge since I've cut sugar to a minimum in my diet.  Hate phony sweetners and I'm not a big fan of the stevia either.  But steeped peppermint tea that has been chilled and filled with ice?  I can drink that with no sugar whatsoever!  It's refreshing, it's zero calories, the smell is wonderful and relaxing, it aids digestion and it's ice cold so it cools me off.  What's not to love?

4.  A very relaxing day off doing favourite things.  Just in case you didn't read yesterday's post, these included biking, starbucks, grilling burgers and reading.  Lots of reading!  The perfect day off in the middle of a work week!

5.  A new favourite scent from Bath and Body Works....French Lavender and Honey.   Don't know why but I just really like it at the moment.

What have been good things in your life this past week?


Willow said...

Happy Canada Day to you! Hurray for bikes and coffee and burgers and a wonderful country to live in.
I think iced mint tea is yummy-and it doesn't need sugar :)

nikkipolani said...

Ha! We have lots in common this week. Of course, it's been hot here, too, but I also cooled off with a tall glass of peppermint iced tea! I can tell you have been so blessed by your group of women. Glad to see they made the fives again ;-)

Ingrid said...

It's just amazing how this young guy dances even with his handicap ! Women gets together are always nice ! Then we can all complain about men,lol !

Faith said...

Happy belated Canada Day to you!! yay for the reading and bike time...isnt it great?! Im actually being told by Dave to make the blog reading quick as he wants me to go wake up the teen and get on the road for southern MA so our vacation can begin!😄
I love drinking hot peppermint tea during the winter minths but for some reason i do NOT like it iced! i have discovered green tea with raspberry so that is my new unsweetened iced tra. I have cut way back on refined sugar as well and could do more but i refuse to do all thise fake sugars with the chemicals!!! ugh!!! stevia is ok but i prefer that brown raw sugar. that is what i use in restaurants. I am hooing this cape cod trip doesnt ruin my new way of eating! lol

enjoy whatever the weekend brings to you........see you in a couple of weeks.

Barbara H. said...

I saw that audition on AGT - amazing. Your ladies' study group and year-end celebration sounds wonderful.

Karen said...

I've never tried mint iced tea, but it sounds so refreshing. I need to cut back on sugar:/ so maybe I'll give it a go. I like the lavender lotion by Crabtree & Evelyn, but it is hard to find. We have a Bath & Bodyworks really close by here, and I do like their product. Another great tip, thank you:)

Enjoy your weekend, Susanne! (and thank you for the sweet note about Abby:)

Ann said...

I will look for that scent the next time I'm in B&BW. I like to get the "big sale with coupons" bargains. At Christmas I loaded up for the year with $2 bottles of soap!!

Dianna said...

I enjoyed reading about your blessings from this week, Susanne. I like the peppermint tea cold, too! Another one I found this summer is by Tazo and it is called Iced Passion...oh is great without sweetener. We use stevia here at our house for sweetener, but the Iced Passion is like the iced needs no sweetener.