Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #325

Hello everyone.  It's Friday's Fave Five time.  Are you ready to look back over the week and find your five favourite blessings of the week?  With it being Easter and a week off of school around here it also means an extra child in dayhome for me, so it's been a busy one.  That only means it's especially a great discipline for me to take a moment and remember some good  things from the week.  Join on in with us and take note of some of the good things in your week.  Guidelines can be found in the sidebar if you are new.

1.  Easter holiday.  I love Easter and everything it remembers and represents.  I love the church service and I love the family time.  This year the day seemed so much more relaxed than in the past.  I actually got my act together and was able to get myself and all of dinner organized so that I did make it to church.  And it was a great service!  Afterword we came home to a turkey just about cooked in the oven making the house smell great.  I'd done the yams the night before, potatoes got peeled and boiling in no time and the asparagus takes only five minutes so it all felt pretty easy.  I made the gravy while hubby carved the turkey.  I had less people than usual over too because of various work commitments so maybe it felt more relaxed because of that too.   But in any case, it was a wonderful Easter.

A little bonus fave with the Easter meal that I must mention, three little words:  Coconut Cream Cake.  Oh. My. Word.  Dessert heaven.  It was so yummy and light tasting.  The perfect end to the meal with a good cup of coffee or tea.  You must run to Costco and get some.  Yes.  Like now!  No seriously!

2.  Oldest daughter safely home for a few days.  Again, I so appreciate that she makes the 7 hour drive and comes and spends holidays with us.  And that she arrives safely and gets back safely is something I am very grateful for.  The time is never long enough but I'm very happy for every minute that we do get.

3.  Faux Calgary day.  We had planned to do a day trip on Monday but the weather was a bit iffy so we decided we would do what we normally do in Calgary except here.  And so was born the "faux Calgary day".  We went out to breakfast, hit up the mall, came home and made popcorn and watched a couple of movies.  It was a really nice day.  

4.  Four days off.  The four days in a row off was exactly what I needed!  Though filled with all things Easter it really was a relaxing time from work.  I wish we could have a four day off weekend once a month!

5.  Free long distance anytime calling anywhere in Canada!  Something I have really appreciated this week as it allowed me to talk to my friend who has moved a province away almost as if she was still here.  

Well I'm actually really ready for another weekend even though it was a short work week this week.  Lots on my plate and mind has drained my energy so I'm really looking forward to the weekend.  I've got more spring cleaning that is calling my name and a book or three are awaiting me.  I might even try a new recipe out of my burgeoning  recipe files.  

What were your favourite blessings this weekend?


Faith said...

Oh your oldest girl looks so much like you! so pretty!! Your Easter dinner sounds yummy. Mine was different this year as we had my elderly dad visit late in the day (he had prior commitments and my sister couldn't get him here until 4 pm) but it was an easy day which I'm grateful for. I love your "calgary day"sounds fun!! Enjoy the weekend, coffee, books, etc.

nikkipolani said...

Ah, you were well prepared for Easter dinner -- doesn't it feel good to have a relaxed one?! Much better to focus on the celebration :-) And celebrate you did -- that cake looks amazing!

I did not know it was such a long drive for your eldest. What a blessing to have her join you and return in safety.

To your four-day-weekend-once-per-month? I'll vote for that!

Chris said...

Oh my word! Your daughter is GORGEOUS!!!

ellen b said...

Lovely photo of you and your daughter! Glad you had a good Easter. That cake looks fabulous!

Ingrid said...

How nice to have your daughter with you ! My son with family is here too ! We pay a small amount to be able to call everywhere in Europe as long as we want. Very practical and cheap !

Paula said...

That coconut cake looks delicious! That's my hubby's favorite kind of cake. How nice that your daughter was able to make it home for Easter. She looks like a lovely young lady. Good luck with your spring cleaning; I've gotten the kitchen and laundry room finished, but I'm dreading tackling the winter clothes in my closet. :)

Barbara H. said...

We had ham for Easter and I decided to roast it Sat. night - it was so nice Sunday just to warm the slices in a pan with the juices from the glaze while we were preparing everything else. I love everything about Easter, too.

So glad your daughter was able to come and got there and back safely!

I like the idea of a four-day weekend once a month!

You faux Calgary day sounds like fun.

Deb J. in Utah said...

That cake looks so yummy! So glad your daughter could come and visit you. She looks a lot like you! So glad you had a nice long weekend.

Snowbird said...

What a sweetheart your daughter is! I'm glad she is kept safe on her journeys. Your Easter sounds wonderful, good you had the four days to relax. As for that coconut Cream Cake.......mmmmmmm xxx