Thursday, April 02, 2015

Friday's Fave Five #324

Hi everyone.  I'm getting this up on Thursday evening so that if you want you can link on early due to Good Friday.  It's been quite a stressful week for me around here with lots happening in my work and my personal life but all the more reason for me to just slow down and focus my mind on blessings from the Lord.  Not that the stressful things were necessarily bad but they can tend to take the stage and not want to get off so I'm choosing to purposefully take a pause and let thankfulness take the spotlight.

So in no particular order:

1.  Easter Crafting with the dayhome kidlets.  Making this Easter craft started to inspire me with the kids and we rolled out about 4 crafts over the last week.  It was lots of fun and they were so proud of their work and so excited to take it home.

2.  Soup delivery.  And delicious soup it was.   Carrot/curry/coconut.  Soooo good.  It was a real blessing to have this dropped off as a gift.

3.  Uplifting music.  When it's a rough day good uplifting music is like gold.  My favourite is Christian contemporary or worship music.  I find it's a real mood lifter for me.

4.  Pussy Willows.  Hubby found a bush of pussy willows on one of his morning walks and he brought home a handful of branches for me to put in our vase.  What a blessing knowing he thinks of me. And what a nice thing a jar of pussy willows can be!

5.  A special gift from a very special friend.  My dear friend who moved away gave me this lovely canvas as a goodbye gift.  I love hot air balloons and I love the old fashioned feel of this print.  And the colors are totally perfect for my basement tv room.  I have yet to hang it but it's going to look
wonderful above the fireplace mantle and every time I look at it I'm reminded of the very special gift of friendship I was blessed with through her.  

This being Easter weekend I'd like to wish all of you and your families a Happy Easter and hope you are afforded a moment to just pause and think of all that this weekend celebrates!  

Now what are you thankful for from this past week of yours?


Ingrid said...

This year I have done nothing for Easter, not even my usual Easter decoration. My son celebrates Easter with the inlaws in Amsterdam, and this bad weather just paralyzes me !
Happy Easter to you !

Faith said...

What a wonderful list of blessings you've written! I'm sorry to hear the week has been stressful and that your dear friend moved away but what a treasure your memories will be and that gift is gorgeous!! Pressing in to find things to be thankful for and listening to good Christian music are uplifters for me, too! I'm praying you have a wonderful, restful Easter weekend...HE LIVES SO WE CAN TOO!!! Halleluia what a Savior!

Paula said...

What a sweet gift from your friend! It will be a nice reminder of your friendship across the miles. I hope you have a blessed Easter.

Barbara H. said...

I'm sorry this has been a stressful week - hope the various issues can be resolved. Christian music is uplifting for me, too.

I honestly cannot imagine carrot and curry and coconut together. I'll take your word for it that it is good. :-) It's always a blessing when someone brings a meal by and we get an unexpected night off in the kitchen.

Pussy willows are so cute and charming. Neat of your husband to think to bring some to you.

What a nice canvas and sweet reminder of your friend.

Ann said...

Carrot/Curry/Coconut? What an interesting combination of flavors. I might have to get used to that. :-)

That canvas is a wonderful reminder of your friend also.

Karen said...

Such a nice gift from your friend! My grandma used to grow pussy willows in her yard. I used to think they were so cute. That was very sweet of your husband to bring you some! Happy Easter!

nikkipolani said...

You must miss your friend very much, but her gift to you shows how she knows and loves you.

He is risen indeed! Whatever your stresses and troubles, I hope you sense the triumph of the resurrection, Susanne.

Willow said...

Wonderful blessings this week, Susanne! Love that canvas from your friend.

Soup delivery--mmmm, you're lucky!

And pussy willows! They're one of the sweetest signs of spring!

Snowbird said...

A lovely fff....the soup sounds lovely! Ahhhh....I hope you and your friend manage to keep up....wishing you all a wonderful